Chapter 21

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Katsuki's POV

The next day I was up early, like really damn early like what the fuck is up with my schedule 😳✋

Anyways, I knocked on Kiri's door and soon it was opened.

Except, I didn't receive a hello. Instead I got trampled by a hyper red pineapple head ass looking boy.

But what can I say, I didn't mind.


He was looking up back at me and I wasn't going to lie, he looked really adorable. Then it hit me.

Wait we aren't even dating yet-

"Hi! Let's go to class!" I nodded trying not to be affected by his sunshine behavior. He radiated like crazy.

We walked to class together, but once we got in. We got weird stares. Especially from Kaminari's weird ass.

Kirishima looked really uncomfortable. So I grabbed his hand.

Whiiich got a lot of audible gasps.

"Are they gay?"

Kirishima started squeezing my hand. What was so different?

Midoriya's broccoli ass and Uraraka then entered hand in hand. Everyone seemed to react so different.

"Oh look they're cute!"

What is this bullshit?

We made are way to our seats and Kirishima sighs.
"Y'know I'm sorry for dragging you into all my bullshit."

I started at him for a second, why are you so stupid?

"Don't say that nonsense, even though I normally wouldn't care. J just can't help it. Cause it's you."

"What about me?" He hesitated.

"I don't even know, even though I probably don't show it. You make me feel very queasy at times. I never felt so good to be someone you trust... And like I want to protect you no matter what. I know this shit sounds so sappy and cringe but it's just the truth."

I grabbed Kirishima by his hands and look at him.

"And I want to be with you till the ends of the Earth."

Eijirou's POV

Am I hearing right?

"Stop playing with me Kat," I giggled.

He looked at me and his Ruby eyes were staring holes at me.
"I'm being serious."

I felt the wave of embarrassment and joy overflow me. And who knew that for once...

I had a real smile.

"I'd be glad Kat~!" I giggle as I kiss him.

A small peck though, cause these fuckers in the class are most likely going to be reacting different.

"FINALLY!" someone screamed.

I look over to Mina who was fanning herself.

"You guys hurt me, I'm so glad you're getting better though Eiji!"

I smile softly, I wouldn't be exactly cured, but I sure felt more comfortable now. Especially with some people..

"Damn I must be lucky."


As I closed my locker the face of the person I didn't want to see was there.
"What is it now Kaminari?"

"Are you and Angry boy dating?"

"I don't know how that's any of your business?"

"Cause if you are that means you're gay!" He said as he grabbed my arm. I felt inner panic.

"Don't touch him!" Yelled Kat as he walked over pulling him off. He grabbed me by my shoulder pulling me close, "And yes we're dating. So shut up and leave us alone you. This is a non het zone."

Mina who was ruffly behind giggled, "Ah yes~ also Kaminari if you're gonna be a homophobe I might as well reject you~"

And who knew Sero was also on our side.

Kaminari looked at me and huffed as he walked away.

I pushed myself into Kat's shoulder and pouted. "I'm already tired from all this crap!"

"Let's go for some bubble tea for the new couple~" Mina cheered.
Kat rolled his eyes and looked at me.

"Let's just go so she can shut up.



Im not going to lie, but I forgot this existed!! ㅠㅠ
I've been working on a lot of stuff, I've started dancing and like I've been working on learning music.. I do write still but different stuff. It's been tiring and I'm honestly so sorry 🙏

And sad new, the last chapter is the next one :((( and I'm so glad for all the support and attention this got!! Sadly I wont be posting any new fanfics,, as some of yall might know I erased Starlight, cause I actually forgot how I was going to make it work.

Either ways, thank you and sorry!!! ㅠㅠ <3

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