Chapter 8

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Bakugou's POV-

Red headed boy sitting next to Ochaco, I would take a glance at him, and he would be smiling. He was literally a fucking sun. Is it normal for someone to be that bright? Dude it was getting annoying.
"What's up with you? You haven't said anything yet," the red head said. I just looked at him and responded, "Tch, just mind your own damn business."
"Your not the talkative type huh."
"And your not the truthful type."
"Same goes to you," he smiles and continues, "well whatever i just hope we can get along."

Get along my ass, he's just another annoying kid. Deku on the other hand was smiling along with him and laughing. Pretty pathetic how the red head is laughing and faking how happy he looks.
Though, he does remind me of someone...

I think for a bit, then I look at his scar, the kid with black hair- the kid who was in my way. As I remembered when I made him get out the way, but also at that time, I stopped and looked back to see if he wasn't like severely injured. He smacked someone's hand away...
Jesus... Just like he did to Denki-

What is wrong with him, he seems more of a lier than me.
I remember about my dad and I felt my heart ache. He going to die...
I quickly slam my hands and get up, Ochaco gives me a worried look and so does Deku. The red haired boy just gives me a blank stare. I start to walk away and try to find a bathroom. Why.

Why was he going to leave me, my sister, and my mother. It's going to make my  whole life so much harder, no fucking support. Even if he was an annoying man he is my dad. I sigh and look up. Like I said before.

What do you do when your depressed?

Many options...

Except, I'm not depressed, well it's something I tell myself everyday so I can avoid doing stupid shit. As I remember more about when I was growing up I walked into an empty room and layed my head down.
Growing up, people would tell me I'm the best, and that I'd be someone great in life, like better than people. Praise after praise, "Your the best", "Your so cool!", "I wish I was like you!", "Your amazing Kacchan!"

At the point, I guess I did believe I am the best.

And that everytime I saw someone go higher than me, I would solve it by beating them. I had to prove that I am the best, and that I will stay the best.
But I'm not, I'm nobody.
I'm just an idiotic kid whose been bullying people their whole life. I'm the kid who told Deku to kill himself. I'm the kid who hits Uraraka cause I'm jealous. I'm the kid who hasn't been the best to my parents. I'm the kid whose suffering so i can prove people I'm the best.

But I'm not...

I'm not.

"Hey dude are you okay?" I snap out of my thinkings and respond, "Go away." I say as I look up and glance at who spoke.
"Damn, my feelings."
"Just leave me the fuck alone."
"Okay okay! I was just looking out for ya."
I stayed silent. "I don't even know you well, your just a scared little boy."

No response.

"You won't even go against the fact."
"I mean, why would I go against something that's true?"
I looked up and saw the red head. He looked pretty dead and well just dead.
"I've seen you before." Red head said. "I've seen you too dumbfuck."
"Oh?" Your a damn scared boy whose afraid of people, well more like anyone who touches you.
"Well I know you from the hospital, you were yelling-"
"Red isn't your natural hair color right?"
"Yes it's is-"
"Whatever dumbass."
I walked right past him and I felt him shudder. What the fuck?

"Why do you hit Uraraka?" I stayed quiet. Cause she's a fucking cheater.
"It's none of your damn business you fuckrag"
"Okay." Is all he responded and I looked back at him. He was looking at me and I just tch'ed. "Why do you call me names?"
"Cause I fucking can."
Silence again. This time I didn't turn back, I continued my way and saw Todoroki. "Move it Pokeball."
Walking by I couldn't help but just feel anger. Uraraka you sick fuck. Why the hell am I still with you, fucking cheater. And deku, you fucking hoe.
I could feel my anger in my veins. And I squeezed my fist. As I felt my nails dig into my skin. And I stopped.
What's the point of getting upset or mad cause if them.

"Katsuki!" I looked back and saw Uraraka smiling running towards me. At this point I can't ever call her "Ochaco" bet she doesn't even like me anymore. She's probably playing with my feelings. But I don't feel- I don't feel anything towards her anymore to be fucking honest.
We argue too, we did have fun in the beginning but now, it doesn't feel the same. It's pretty boring. It's like a game of Seesaw. We enjoyed it at first, but now we don't even know anymore. What we should do, what to feel, how to react. It's the same thing going over and over and I can't with this shit anymore.

"What do you want pink cheeks." She freezes. "Pink cheeks?" I glance away. "Yeah pink cheeks you got a problem?" She shakes her head no. "Mk, what do you want anyways?"
"Oh.. I just wanted to make sure you're okay right now. You left the cafeteria and well Kirishima said he'd check on you, but you two never came back so I got worried."
"Don't worry." She blushes slightly and she opens her mouth nothing comes out at first then she does it again, "Why do you hit me." She whispers. I stay quiet and tch.
"Don't ask stupid questions."
"It's not stupid Katsuki, it's serious."
"You should know."
"But I don't, just tell me.
And I snap, "Tch, "I Don't know" my ass, you fucking know why. Your a fucking cheater! Are you that stupid!?" And I walked away.

Like I said, I'm getting tired of it. It's either she has to go or me. And I know whose going first.


First of all, I'm so fucking sorry I'm not posting! I have so much shit going on and I'm honestly trying to post.
Second of all, if any ARMY see the reference 👀👀
I was listening to Seesaw by Suga from BTS while writing this. It actually fits tbh.

And thank you so much for reading my chapter and book. I hope to write more and for y'all to enjoy it!



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