Chapter 11

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Woah I updated earlier than before what a shocker ;0
Sorry for the times I didn't update when I said I would. I went through a really bad breakup and it fucked me over. BUT GUESS WHAT
Who needs a man 😤😤
I know it's random for me to tell y'all my personal stuff. But I want y'all to know. That no matter what someone will always love you. No matter how much pain you're going through, you'll get over it and continue. Just believe and work hard for whatever you want. Don't let anything stupid or bad stop you

Kirishima's POV-

The next day-

Is it gay if I slap Kaminari's ass after I say no homo? Or is it before-?
What if I kiss his cheek? I'm obviously going to say no homo.
"Kirishima, Kirishima-"
Okay that's just weird, just thinking about it... Plus why would I even do that? Human contact is terrible...
"Kirishima Fucking Eijiro!"
I jumped from my seat. And turned to Mina, "Oh sorry-"
"What the hell were you muttering about?"
I blush lightly and looked away, "Nothing important." She gave me a look and smirked.
"Mina Ashido don't you dare smirk at me-"
She laughed as I pouted. Then I saw a certain blonde walk into class. His eyes seemed puffy and red.
"Is he okay..?" Whispered Mina. "I don't think so-" I whispered back. She hums.

As the hell rung we all sat down and the ash blonde made his way to the seat behind me. I tried ignoring him but I couldn't help but speak to him.
"Hey Bakubro!"
"Don't call me that."
"Awe c'mon, why so rude?"
"Fuck off."
I puffed out my cheeks and sat back down. Hmph, rude.

"What do you want shitty hair?" I hear him say in a low soft mutter. I smiled slightly as I turn to him chuckling softly, "Forget it."
"Tell me."
"Are you sure?'
"Just spit it out already."
"Are you okay?"
"Eh? What do you mean-"
"You came into class with your eyes all red and puffy, like if you were crying..."
Bakugou froze and looked away. "Why do you care," he muttered.
I stayed quiet, why did I care?
"Cause I just do."
He sighed as he softly said, "it's my father.."
Oh he opened up to me.
"Ah, how is he doing?"
Bakugou stayed quiet. My body tensed and my heart started beating fast. Oh God, oh God no.
"I'm so sorry," I whisper. Bakugou had his nose scrunched up as he tried not to show any emotion. But he was failing terribly. "Please don't look at me right now, it's not helping."
I wanted to say something but I just turned around, how did all of that happen in just two days? On Saturday everything seemed so we'll, but.. now everything switched roles..
I sighed as I slumped my head onto the table. "I'm sorry," I whispered lowly. As I heard a cough behind me, I tuned around and Bakugou had his poker face one again. It's like as if nothing happened just seconds ago.
"Uh you Gucci?" I ask.
"Don't say that ever again," he said with a dead pan stare.
"You Gucci?" I say with a small smug smile.
"I just said not to-"

"Aye fam, yo feelin Gucci?" I tease.
"Jesus Christ please stop."
"Bruh, yo feelin Gucci or nah man?"
Bakugou snapped and grabbed me fr my shirt, as I felt my body tensed and my heart beat faster, my sweat started to build up.
"Let go of me... Please," I whimper softly. He didn't let go of me as his arms ran up my face and he started to softly slap it. My heart beat faster as I felt like pushing him away and far away from me.
"Bakugou... P-please let go of me-"
Bakugou then leaned towards my ear and whispered in a low deep voice, "I know you're afraid, so don't piss me off pretty boy."

Shivers ran up my back as he let go of me, my face was flushed and I felt like puking. It's terrible, why is everyone like that? Fucking people don't care what they do.
"I'm sorry," I whimper as I close my eyes and put my head down.
I squeezed the side of my arms, leaving red marks. As I tried making myself smaller, maybe that would call me down. My breathe was fast and I tried breathing in and out. It felt painful, my head was spinning and I looked up and saw Todoroki looking concerned at me.

He walked up to me and stook his hand out. "Kirishima wanna go to the nurse?"
I look at him and try to hide the fact that I was scared at the moment. I shook my head no and hid myself. I felt him getting closer and he whispered, "Come on, I think it's better for now. You're not looking very well."
I try to speak up but all I could do was let out a small shaky laugh.

"Aye poker face hurry up and take the idiot to the nurse he's getting annoying."

I heard Bakugou say that and I closed my eyes tighter and squeezed my arms more. To the point my nails started to dig into my skin. I stood up and nodded softly. Todoroki softly smiled at me as he started leading the way. I looked at my hands and then put my fingers nails against my skin, it was smooth. But I started to dig deep into them and scratching my wrists.
It calmed me a bit. At least.

Bakugou's POV

Saturday Night (right after Kirishima hanging out)

As Grei got her annoying ass in bed I walked over to the couch area, my father was sitting there. Not speaking, not moving. It hurt seeing him getting paler and weaker. I walked up to him and tried to be respectful, "Do you need anything?"
He just shakes his head no. I just nod back and go to my room. As I enter I see the piano I got back in 6th grade.
I slowly walk over to it as I let the tip of my fingers glide over them. I sat down in a chair in front of it and sighed. I haven't played the piano in so long. I missed playing it, I felt bad for not playing as well. I dedicated myself so much to it. To that one day I decided I didn't need to practice on something I obviously didn't have talent in. Everyone always praised me for everything I did. I was "gifted" apperantly. Good grades, good looks, "best player" on the soccer team, amazing singer, amazing piano and drum player... It was annoying.
The only thing I enjoyed out all of that was the piano, but I'm a fucking idiot for abandoning it.

I slowly move my hands toward the keys and let out a deep breath.

(This is what Bakugou played mates just if y'all were wondering)

The sound made me feel happy and calm. Who knew that an angry hot headed boy would enjoy the sound and playing a piano.


Yay I updated, I hope y'all didn't get bored of this book :(

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