Beauty Divine

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           Eve was pouring tea for herself and LeFou he said "Gaston kept talking about the fair maiden he saved from her erratic horse" she said "I charmed that horse to act as if it was stung by a bee" he said "Eve, that was one encounter it didn't do enough to sway him from pursuing Belle" she said "Well, that's where you come in LeFou you're going to invite me to the tavern tonight?" he said "I am?" looking at her confused she said "Why of course I'll be there with you and causing Gaston to get jealous which I hear he's quite the kind to be" he said "Why am I to be the one getting the attention Eve?" she said "You're my friend and you're the one that requested a way for Gaston to move on? Unless you can do better?" he thinking he said "You're right, Eve would you join me at the tavern tonight?" she said "Well LeFou I would love to" she giggled. Eve geared up to dressing lovely she was doing this for LeFou and Belle's sake but she also loved a challenge and Gaston was the type of challenge she would go after he is one of her types even from before being punished as a genie she had several guys like Gaston on hand to do anything she pleases because she was a goddess of beauty a real Helen of Troy an Aphrodite and that made her personality to be cold and shallow towards others feelings and why she doesn't know what love is or what it feels like. She twirled about in her dress in front of the mirror she said "Let's get the show on the road, after all I'm the main course of fun" she smirked she went to the tavern doors she went to opening it as all eyes fell onto her she saw Gaston in his chair at the fireplace he was surrounded by Eliza, Eloise and Eliana the three village lasses she thought they were shallow more than herself she turned to see LeFou waving his hand to her she smiled she went up to him hugging him feeling Gaston's eyes rest on them she whispered to LeFou "Is he staring?" he said "Yep" she said "Good" she broke from him she sat down beside him while Gaston tried to eavesdrop on their conversation paying no attention to three silly girls Eliza said "Gaston where's your head this evening?" Eloise said "Yeah Gaston?" Eliana said "No need sisters, Gaston is fixated on Eve in the company of LeFou" the two turned to seeing Eve laughing to LeFou's jokes he said "Excuse me girls". He got up and went to the table LeFou pointed to him coming over Eve said "LeFou I can't believe you did all that, that puts Gaston into the dust" he said "Someone say my name?" LeFou said "Gaston this is my friend Eve" she turned to see him

 He got up and went to the table LeFou pointed to him coming over Eve said "LeFou I can't believe you did all that, that puts Gaston into the dust" he said "Someone say my name?" LeFou said "Gaston this is my friend Eve" she turned to see him

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he said "It's good to see you again Eve" as he took her hand and kissed it she said "Likewise"

he said "So what is LeFou saying now?" she said "That LeFou is a better hunter than you?" he said "Really now?" LeFou said "Eve" she said "He asked the question I just told him the answer or was that suppose to be a secret?" Gaston said "I wouldn'...

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he said "So what is LeFou saying now?" she said "That LeFou is a better hunter than you?" he said "Really now?" LeFou said "Eve" she said "He asked the question I just told him the answer or was that suppose to be a secret?" Gaston said "I wouldn't say he's better than me?" she said "Well, he's being modest" LeFou could feel Gaston becoming angry with him he said "Eve, would you care to dance with me?" she looked at Gaston she said "I love to" she went with him to dance. LeFou twirled her about shocking everyone there as they watched them and took notice to Gaston eyeing Eve as well LeFou said "What's the plan now?" she said "I think you're doing well on your own LeFou, you're making him jealous why you think he's watching us dance?" he said "Not just him the others as well" she said "Then give them a reason to" he dipped her and pulled her up locking eyes with her she blushed everyone clapped while Gaston was trying to keep from showing he was jealous. The two walked back to the table she said "LeFou you are a great dancer" he said "So are you Eve" she turned to Gaston she said "You dance Gaston?" he said "When I'm in the mood for it" she said "Well are you?" she was baiting him he said "If LeFou permits me to do so?" LeFou said "Eve go on" she said "I think LeFou won't mind" she took Gaston's hand and they began to dance. He twirled her around he said "So you failed to tell me you knew LeFou?" she said "Did I now, how unforgivable of me I was too busy with the notion that my horse was spooked" he said "I must ask are you on a date with LeFou?" she said "If I am then what does this mean?" he smirked he said "That LeFou has no idea that you're way out of his league" she said "You sure about that Gaston? Or are you seeing that I'm out of your league?" he said "Touche" he dipped her and pulled her up as she felt her heart racing as their eyes met she said "Thank you for the dance Gaston" she broke from him and sat beside LeFou again while Gaston was seeing her be a challenge to his affections. It getting late and some of the villagers had left leaving LeFou, Eve, Gaston, Tom, Dick and Stanley in there the three at the counter watching the other three at the table she listening to Gaston's stories he loved to brag about them when he finished she turned to LeFou she said "I must go but I did have a great time tonight" he said "I'm glad you did" she had to make it look great for Gaston to be irked she got up and kissed LeFou on the cheek she smirked and walked off LeFou was blushing rubbing his cheek making Gaston jealous as the three at the counter watched on she had officially planted the seed of jealousy in Gaston and provided she's way out of his league. Gaston said "So LeFou, you never mentioned a girl before and yet here she is more beautiful than Belle" he said "You mean Eve she's something" he said "Yeah which makes me wonder, will she go for me?" he said "What about your pursuit of Belle?" he said "Who says I can't pursue both of them after all she did say that I was out of her league and that right there is a challenge that I'm aimed to win" LeFou said "Gaston, I don't think..." he said "Shush, who knows I may just cut my losses with Belle and go after Eve instead".

" he said "Shush, who knows I may just cut my losses with Belle and go after Eve instead"

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