Be Careful What You Wish For

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              Eve was in the palace as if she never left she was with her father he hadn't aged since the last she saw him she said "Dad?" he saw her he said "Daughter?" she said "How?" he said "That woman" she said "Maeve?" he said "Yes, she cursed me corrupted my soul drove me away from you and your mother I'm so sorry for leaving you I didn't mean to" she went and hugged him she said "It's not your fault" he said "But it is, because you have a great gift I shouldn't have discouraged it" she said "Dad, the witch tried to kill me several times within the last few days, she took me away from my newborn son and my husband" he said "There's a way of stopping her? If you can trap her in something forever that will do the trick" she said "Trapping? Of course I know just the thing" he said "Eve, I'm so proud of you and the woman you've become I love you" she said "Dad, is there a way to.." he said "Forget about me Eve save your family stop her." She awakened gasping for air seeing Lena and Eric she said "What's going on?" she saw Maeve fighting Gaston broke his sword she said "I'm going to enjoy killing you and you can join your wife" Eve saw this she couldn't do anything to stop when she saw Gaston was killed by being run through by the broken sword she said "Irony you die by your own sword" Eve screamed "NO!" Gaston saw Eve when he fell down Maeve smirked and relished she turned to allow Eve to come to Gaston she held his hand and she went to trying to heal him he said "You came back to me?" she said "I told you I would, why did you take her on?" he said "I lost you to her and I wanted to avenge you" she said "It's a noble gesture" he said "I love you Eve ever since that day I met you in the palace room I knew you were the one I just had to convince you of it". She could tell he was dying tears fell from her face he said "Hey, know this we had a great run you can tell our son the stories of his father and how he died a hero" she said "I can't" he shushed her he said "Let me remember you this way my ray of sunshine a red rose in bloom" he kissed her and died in her arms she said "I love you Gaston". Eric and Lena were saddened by this Eric feeling responsible since he triggered it all Eve knew what needed to be done she had to trick Maeve she got up wiping tears from her face Lena said "Eve don't" she said "Don't Eve what?" she said "Don't give into anger that turns you down the dark path" she said "Lena, I appreciate your advice but if this was Will?" she said "Eve.." she hugged her and whispered into her ear her plan she pulled from her she said "I'm doing this don't stop me" she walked off Eric said "Lena, this is suicide" she said "Yes, but she's the only one who can do it" he said "Do what?" she said "Save us all".

               Eve walked through the woods to where Maeve had retreated to the lair of the wolves quite fitting she walked causing the ground to tremble as she walked the wind blew as she walked she said "MAEVE show yourself and face me" Maeve appeared she said "Eve, sorry about your prince he did fight valiantly so you want to face me and leave your son an orphan?" she said "I'm going to give you what you always wanted" she said "What would that be?" she said "You wanted the powers of the genie's lamp fine you can have it" she said "Sweetie, there's no lamp" she said "Really?" she magicked the lamp to her hands she said " What's this?" she said "The lamp" she said "I'll give you this in return you leave me and my family alone for all time" she said "You drive a hard bargain princess, you're far better than your father at deals" she said "Release my father from whatever trap you have him in as sign of good faith and the lamp is your's" she said "Good faith, sure he's released" she swooshed and before their eyes Sultan 

               Eve walked through the woods to where Maeve had retreated to the lair of the wolves quite fitting she walked causing the ground to tremble as she walked the wind blew as she walked she said "MAEVE show yourself and face me" Maeve ap...

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