A Challenge

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         Eve was greeted by a note to meet in the woods for hunting signed by LeFou so she showed up and waited and waited she feeling stood up but then lord and behold who rode up to see her

Gaston on his black horse he said "Eve, what brings you out here this fine morning?" she said "I got a note that LeFou wanted to meet for hunting and it seems I've been stood up" he said "Well, I could show you how if you don't mind?" she said "No...

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Gaston on his black horse he said "Eve, what brings you out here this fine morning?" she said "I got a note that LeFou wanted to meet for hunting and it seems I've been stood up" he said "Well, I could show you how if you don't mind?" she said "Not at all" he got off his horse and she followed he said "Have you handled a bow before?" she said "Vaguely, it's been awhile" he said "Let me give you a crash course". He went to helping her with her stance and her aim with his arm around her waist as he smirked she feeling his arm through her outfit was quite distracting she had to focus on the plan at hand he said "Now who are you fighting for? Think of that person and shoot" she had it and did a perfect shot he said "Who was it?" she said "Me, I'm a survivor" he taken by her statement. He went to showing her his gun a blunderbuss he said "Have you fired one of these before?" she said "Never" he said "Then allow me to show you then" he put the gun in her hands helping her hold it and had her to fire there was a kick to it she fell onto the ground he said "I forgot to tell you it does kick you back on the first try" he went and helped her up she said "I think you should've led with that?" he chuckled. They were walking back to his horse he said "You say you're a survivor? From what I must ask?" she said "The marauders, they killed my family and took me as their prisoner from town to town we traveled I was just a play thing to the leader a trophy he paraded around his camp" he saw her trying to hold herself together she said "LeFou found me and saved my life he helped set me up in the village being a good friend to me" he said "I'm sorry you had to go through all that" she saw him being genuine as she kept hearing The Mystic say "Diamond in the rough pure of heart not manners or grace but pure of heart" she said "I've put it behind me but I do wake up from nightmares from the turmoil seeing mom clinging to my father's body she had nothing to give but when they came to harm her I came running that's when they saw I was quite beautiful like a goddess and they killed her for hiding me" she made tears fall from her face he took his finger and wiped the tears from her face she said "You must think I'm foolish crying like I am?" he said "No, you're not foolish you're brave" his heart now was racing she said "I better run home since I came without my horse" he said "Nonsense I'll take you back myself" she said "But you're hunting?" he said "There's nothing out there right now just rabbits and a great hunter doesn't waste his time on rabbits" she said "Okay" he helped her on his horse while he got in front of her he said "You might want to hang onto me my horse likes to run faster than most" she put her arms around holding on tight he enjoyed the feel of her arms around him and the horse took off. 

              Coming back into town LeFou was coming out of the tavern when he saw Eve and Gaston on Gaston's horse Eve was helped down by Gaston LeFou said "Eve, Gaston what's going on?" Eve said "LeFou where were you?" he said "What do you mean?" she took out the note and handed it to him she said "You left this for me on my door told me to meet you in the woods to go hunting?" he looked at Gaston who was smirking he said "I'm sorry I forgot but I take it Gaston did better?" she said "He was subpar" he said "I wouldn't say that?" she said "I better go and do my chores a clean house is a happy house" she walked off in a hurry LeFou said "I didn't send her a note let alone I can't read" he said "Well, you didn't" LeFou said "Gaston you did?" he said "It worked out I taught her how to shoot an arrow and my gun and I was listening to her sob story about being a victim of marauders attack that killed her parents so yeah this morning was quite eventful and it's just begun" he said "Gaston, Eve is my friend don't go and..." he said "Don't worry LeFou she's special and that's why I'm planning on taking things slow unless she decides to make it go faster". Eve was cleaning the house with a wave of her magic it was done she went to pouring herself some tea she knew Gaston sent the note how could she not he was beaming ear to ear she let him think she was clueless to his charm but she wasn't and her plan will be taking shape before next month rolls around after all no one could resist her beauty not even the great hunter himself is immune to her charms. 

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