A Plan of Action

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           Eve laid next to Gaston after they had conceived their child she was asleep as he was thinking about the plan of action of running away from Calais castle and Eric in general

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           Eve laid next to Gaston after they had conceived their child she was asleep as he was thinking about the plan of action of running away from Calais castle and Eric in general. Eve is no longer a genie but will that stop Eric's plans? Or will it make him want her more? He couldn't allow anything happen to her he lost her when he was Prince Armand but as Gaston he's determined to not to lose her again by any means necessary. Eve was dreaming she was 5 years old she was in the gardens by the gazebo her mother was showing her magic and doing magic lessons she was showing her how to keep the flowers blooming and instructed her to do the same she said "No matter what Eve, don't let anyone tell you you're not worthy enough because you're a diamond in the rough any guy would want that in a girl like you" she said "Mom, does dad know what we can do?" she said "No sweetie, it's our secret" she said "Why's that mom?" she said "Magic, comes in all forms good and bad" she said "But we are good right mom?" she said "Yes we are, but there are those that aren't and your father won't understand he'll..." trying to come up with an answer she hugged her she said "I won't tell mom, I promise". The dream led her to the memory of that woman Eve met her and she felt darkness the woman saw Eve and felt some type of magic in her that made her smirk wickedly she said "My aren't you quite something" she said "Who are you?" she said "I'm Lady Maeve and you must be Princess Eve" she said "Yes" she said "I'm hoping your father will help me" she said "That depends if he can" she said "We hope" Eve didn't like this woman something about her screamed danger so when she found her later with her father in a compromising position and Lady Maeve knew it and relish in it until Queen Eden showed up she ordered Eve to leave but she stayed and watched her mother had caused a rumbling of the ground that alerted The Sultan to her presence and Lady Maeve seeing her she said "I hope this display was worthy because no to an alliance with some common whore" Lady Maeve said "You must be something of great worth I see why everyone remarks about your beauty no telling that the young princess may inherit it as well" she said "Leave my daughter out of this you witch" she said "Really? Calling names I just provided The Sultan what he truly desired unlike you" she went and got in her face she said "You really want to make me angry because you won't win Lady Maeve" she said "Oh, I believe I have see your husband doesn't know that his daughter has magic like you it's quite powerful can rival my own" she said "Don't you dare threaten my daughter or me" she said "There will come a time where you won't be in the picture and that sweet bud of a daughter will be easy pickings and when that happens her magic will be mine" she said "Guards" they came she said "Escort Lady Maeve and her companions out of this kingdom at once" they bowed and left she said "You can't stop me" she left Eve had watched all this she left with the nanny. She was greeted by her mother she said "Mom" she hugged her she said "You okay Eve?" she said "What did that woman.." she said "Listen to me that woman won't harm you as long as you keep the magic in your heart she will never touch you" she said "Mom I don't.." she said "Listen to me all men will betray you it's in their nature to go for what they desire but know this as long as you are fierce and brave no man can harm you because you are a princess and my diamond in the rough" she had tears in her eyes she said "Mom, what about dad?" she said "I'll deal with him, stay here" she walked off but she didn't she followed eavesdropping on her parents in the garden Queen 

Eden said "How could you do that Balder? In front of our daughter?" he said "Eden it was nothing" she said "Really? You traumatized our daughter she's going ask questions about why her father was unfaithful to her mother?" he said "Really? How abo...

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Eden said "How could you do that Balder? In front of our daughter?" he said "Eden it was nothing" she said "Really? You traumatized our daughter she's going ask questions about why her father was unfaithful to her mother?" he said "Really? How about the truth that you have magic and she does as well? You never told me that?" she said "You never asked Balder, not once" he said "You have to go and leave this kingdom at once" she said "What did that she-devil promise you?" he said "Nothing that concerns you" she said "What of our daughter?" he said 

Eden said "How could you do that Balder? In front of our daughter?" he said "Eden it was nothing" she said "Really? You traumatized our daughter she's going ask questions about why her father was unfaithful to her mother?" he said "Really? How abo...

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"Your daughter, she is nothing to me but a reminder of what you are" Eve taken aback from that Queen Eden said "So it's come to that, I'll leave but know this I will never abandon our daughter just because you were corrupted by that witch I will always protect my daughter even if she doesn't know it". Eve woke up she felt her heart beating fast Gaston jolted awake he stroking her arm he said "Eve what is it?" she said "My mother is alive" she turned to him he said "What do you mean?" she said "I should've seen it before but I was so caught up with myself I didn't" he said "You're not making any sense Eve?" she turned to him she said "The Mystic that cursed me to be a genie and the one that reunited us, is my mother" he said "I think you need some sleep, lay your head down on me" she said "Gaston, I'm not crazy and I can prove it" he said "I love you and I don't think you're crazy? Sleep deprived but not crazy" she said "That's more reason to leave this kingdom because if I have a hunch I know who we're up against the same vile being who tore my family apart and I know what they are after, it's me my magic" he now curious he said "Genie magic?" she said "No, I was born with it I just forgot until now when we kissed and I remembered everything that was taken from me I remember all my memories" he said "So plan of action?" she said "LeFou needs to get the horses ready" he said "What about meeting Eric and not arousing suspicion?" she said "I don't care anymore I just want to leave this place as fast as I can" he said "Let's get dressed and make that happen but first" he leaned in and kissed her.

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