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            During the war Gaston the captain a rank he rose to when the following captain was killed against these marauders but little did he know the leader of these marauders had a special weapon a lamp not just any lamp a genie's lamp that he kept close by not wanting it to leave his presence while the genie in question was in tent she was hearing the sounds of the men boasting about the thrills of war she hated this master for he was like all them before him the thirst for power and greed luckily he had only one wish left and she hoped he would slip and wish for something and not realize it and she be free from his abuse this was the life she was cursed for after 2,000 years. She hated the person she was before a person that didn't care about people or their wants she cared about herself and getting her way after all it worked out so far in her favor she was beautiful a real goddess on a pedestal she would cause empires to rise and fall from her beauty and she didn't care about their measely lives but now she was doomed until she could find this diamond in the rough only they had the power to free her. LeFou who was scouring the camp came to her tent she was singing:

"I feel like I've been locked in tight

For a century of lonely nights

Waiting for someone to release me

Thinking of rain blowing kisses my way

That don't mean I'm gonna hear what you say

Baby, baby"

he walked in and found her to seeing her standing there so withdrawn he said "Milady?" she 

turned to seeing a short chubby man she said "You're not one of his men are you?" he said "You mean the marauders? No I'm not" she said "I've seen you ride into battle alongside the guy in a crimson red coat with gold buttons" he said "Yes he's th...

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turned to seeing a short chubby man she said "You're not one of his men are you?" he said "You mean the marauders? No I'm not" she said "I've seen you ride into battle alongside the guy in a crimson red coat with gold buttons" he said "Yes he's the captain, what is your name? I'm LeFou" she saw him sincere she could tell he was meaning well she said "I'm Eve" he said "You a prisoner?" she said "You can say that" he said "Well come with me I can get you to safety" she said "I applaud your efforts but it be a waste see I'm the weapon that the leader uses against your captain's army" he said "I don't follow?" she said "What do you know about genies?" he said "Not much just that they grant wishes" she said "Three wishes and that army out there is one of the three wishes" he said "You mean to tell me his army was from a wish?" she saw his curiosity take form she said "His whole army is, see he found a genie's lamp one day believing it to be of worth and once he knew it had a genie in it well power and greed took form and here we are" he said "This genie, is that you?" she said "You're smart I like you LeFou" he said "Where's your lamp?" she said "At my master's side but the thing is once he uses his last wish I'm no longer bound to his whims until my lamp lands into another's hands" he said "I'll get it for you" she said "I admire your tenacity but you're in danger here if they learn you're here now you be dead so go LeFou go back to your captain" he turned and left more determined to help her she waited for the sounds of war because she knew it would be here before sunrise.

            Sunrise came and the marauders leader stood with the lamp clutched in his hands calling forth his genie Eve appeared in a cloud of bluish purple smoke she said "Yes master" he said "Feast your eyes on what lies ahead" she said "Surely master your wealth has amassed enough why would this village be worth much?" he said "You know nothing of wealth you're nothing but a genie but soon you will know what plans I have for you" she hated when he looked at her with lust in his eyes she felt disgusted he ordered his men to attack she saw the captain something about him called to her the voice echoing "Only a diamond in the rough can break your curse someone pure of heart not of manners or grace but heart" she realized she had to trick up her master someway somehow she heard him mutter under his breath he wished that the sunlight wasn't so bright and there it was a wish he made without realizing it she smiled wickedly she was no longer bound to his whims she granted the sunlight not blinding to him and everyone else for that matter. He went about fighting she was called forth by him he said "Genie, for my third wish I wished for their defeat and my victory" she said "Master, I can't grant that wish" he said "I wished it to be now Genie" she said "You wished for wealth I gave that to you, you wished for powerful army I gave that to you and you wished for the sunlight not to blind you, that's three wishes" he said "You insolent girl" he threw her lamp aside then slapped her hard across her cheek she felt the sting it hurt he said "After this battle you are mine" she felt the lamp in new hands she said "I beg to differ Raol, it seems your defeat is at hand" he turned to see LeFou holding the lamp Raol told someone to kill that short man she went to using her magic to protect him Raol said "You dare to defy me?" she said "I'm no longer bound to your lustful whims all my wishes I granted you are now null and void goodbye wealth, goodbye army and goodbye sunlight blinders". Poof every wish undone Raol was all alone she vanished into the lamp that was secured in LeFou's hands the battle was won Gaston was hailed as a town hero and he enjoyed the attention along with it and Raol was dead by his own greed and power he should've heeded his genie's words of wisdom to be happy with what he had but now he's dead and genieless. LeFou watched everyone cheering Gaston in the tavern he went out back for privacy he rubbed the lamp and Eve appeared this time she looked quite different she said 

"Master mine, my will is thine, tell me your wishes three" he said "LeFou would do fine" she said "LeFou what do you wish of me?" he said "Nothing" she said "Nothing? I don't understand?" he handed her the lamp he said "You be your own master" she...

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"Master mine, my will is thine, tell me your wishes three" he said "LeFou would do fine" she said "LeFou what do you wish of me?" he said "Nothing" she said "Nothing? I don't understand?" he handed her the lamp he said "You be your own master" she said "Really?" feeling moved she hugged him she said "You're truly a diamond in the rough" he said "I guess" she said "I've been on the road a lot traveling far off places perhaps some roots are in order" he said "There's a vacant place it may be suitable for you to live" she said "Thank you, LeFou I'll be seeing you" she took the lamp and walked off feeling pleased that she was her own master and looking forward to the future.

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