Old Friends

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          Eve still asleep in bed when Gaston got up he was still worried about what will happen in 9 months for her and their child he had to protect them at all costs. Eve still asleep but was watched by Eric through a magic mirror he wanted her in his arms so bad that Maeve magicked him to her he had crept into the room and bent down to her kissing her she awakened and he vanished she screamed Gaston heard and came a running she was out of the bed in her nightgown huddle in a corner he came and squatted to her he said "What is it?" she said "He was here?" he said "Who?" she said "Eric" he took her in his arms she cried into his chest as Eric looked on in the mirror Maeve said "Was that kiss worth it?" he said "For me it was, soon she will be mine" she said "Yes, but now she'll be on guard and won't be touched" he said "8 more months to go". Eve had gotten dressed still feeling scared to what had happened earlier Gaston said "You think you should stay here? They got to you here?" she said "This is my home, where am I to live?" he said "I may have a place, it's what I told you about?" she said "That cabin where you.." he said "I found a home for us and our children to grow up in" she said "Where is it?" he said "Come with me". He led her somewhere almost in the woods but not far from the village he said "What do you think?" she saw it the look of it made her think of a cottage and she had tears

in her eyes he said "It will need some work down around in the yard and inside but what do you think?" she said "It's perfect Gaston, just perfect" he turned around to her wiped the tears from her face he said "I will protect you both, you have my...

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in her eyes he said "It will need some work down around in the yard and inside but what do you think?" she said "It's perfect Gaston, just perfect" he turned around to her wiped the tears from her face he said "I will protect you both, you have my word" she said "I know, it's just.." he cupped her face in his hand he said "Whatever dark magic there is out there you have the most powerful inside you in your heart and our child is the result of it so they should fear you" she kissed him he went and picked her up bridal style and took her inside to somewhat decent room it was messy and dirty but can be salvaged he took her up the stairs and saw several rooms but he took her to a huge room which looked untouched as if never lived in before everything looked brand-new he placed her on the bed she said "You're right" he said "Right about what?" she said "They should fear me, because light will always beat darkness and good will always win" he smirked he said "So Madame Gaston what is your request?" she leaned up and whispered in his ear and laid back down on the bed he said "I can arrange that" he leaned down and they kissed. 

              LeFou in the tavern saw Lena and Will come down he said "How did you both sleep?" Lena said "Well, I learned one thing my husband snores" Will said "So does she" she hit him in the arm he said "Ow, what was that for?" LeFou said "So your plans for today?" Lena said "Speaking to Eve and Gaston about what my dear brother is planning" LeFou said "I expect the two to be here around noon for lunch so you can wait for them then" Will said "Perhaps by then my arm wouldn't hurt" Lena said "You're lucky it wasn't your head" Will said "You see who's in charge here LeFou?" he said "Yes, happy wife happy life" Lena laughed she said "Quite right". Eve laid next to Gaston in their new home's bed he said "Well, was my wife satisfied?" she said "Was my husband?" he said "Of course" he leaned in and kissed her then kissed the belly she said "Our child wishes you wouldn't do that" he looked up at her he said "Our child, is our legacy and he will understand that" she said "He? You think it's a boy?" he said "Why not?" she said "You're unbelievable" she got up and got her clothes back on he went to dressing fast he took her hand he said "Eve, I didn't mean.." she smirked she turned around to him she chuckled he said "You little sneak" she said "Watching you squirm was funny, it felt like before" he said "Which part?" she said "Oh where I was leading you astray from pursuing Belle?" he said "Belle she really wasn't fair as you are, she wasn't you you're the genuine deal Eve" she said "You didn't want to kill the beast did you?" he said "At the time I was going to do anything to protect you if I had known he was the prince I wouldn't had shot him" she said "Let's go join LeFou for lunch heaven forbid he's worried about us and remember I'm eating for two" he said "I know allow me" he picked her up and carried her down the stairs and out the door and on the way to tavern she said "I insist on walking Gaston?" he said "I'm going to carry you till I can't no more". Reached the tavern doors where they were spotted by LeFou he said "Gaston, Eve you're here" Eve said "Gaston, put me down you're making me feel sick" he put her down LeFou said "So how's the newlyweds this fine day?" Gaston said "Great" Eve said "Yeah great" LeFou said "Well I have a surprise for you two, look over there?" they both saw Lena and Will sitting there Eve said "Lena, Will" the two saw Gaston and Eve Lena got up and went to hug Eve Will shook Gaston's hand Eve and Gaston sat down with the two Lena said "My dear brother has lost his mind, he put Will and I in the dungeons because we helped you escape" Eve said "I'm so sorry" Will said "Don't be, we would do anything for you" Eve said "Lena, have you heard of the witch they call Maeve?" she said "Yes, she's very dark in magic and evil" she said "She's corrupted Eric and she seeks me" Lena said "She's the dark cloud that is hovering over Eric, no wonder he's blinded by power and greed" Eve said "That's not at all, she's after me and my magic and my child" Will said "Child?" Lena said "Of course, a child of pure innocence can be used in lots of magic spells including time travel" she said "You think she would do that to my baby?" she said "There's no telling what that witch will do and that means you and the child will have to be protected at all times" she said "Lena, I fought Maeve when I was leaving Calais she tried to steal my magic but she couldn't because something within me stopped her" Lena said "The child did that, because it's a product of true love the most powerful magic of all" she said "It seems she and I have a history dating back to my parents" Lena said "She must've been planning this all this time" Gaston was talking to LeFou about everything and that he's going to be a dad LeFou said "I'm happy for you Gaston, fatherhood looks good on you" he said "We are thrilled to be parents but I can't protect her against dark magic that wants to harm them both" he said "You and Eve have bested the odds and this will be bested as well, you and her will get the happy ending you both have fought so hard for and good will win" Gaston turned and looked at Eve talking to Lena and Will.

 Reached the tavern doors where they were spotted by LeFou he said "Gaston, Eve you're here" Eve said "Gaston, put me down you're making me feel sick" he put her down LeFou said "So how's the newlyweds this fine day?" Gaston said "Great" Eve said ...

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