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              Belle rejected Gaston yet again this time while he had flowers for her so he runs over to Eve's home hoping he wouldn't get rejected as well. He walked up to Eve's door she had seen him get rejected by Belle out of her window she found it quite amusing but now he's at her door she went to straightening her outfit and heard him knock on the door she went and opened it to seeing him there she said "Gaston, this is a surprise?" he said "Is it really?" she said "Yeah" he said "For you" he handed her the flowers he said "For your dinner table, shall I join you this evening?" hoping not to be rejected Eve thought about it she said "This evening, what do I have planned absolutely nothing so sure you can join me say 7 o'clock?" he said "Seven it is" he bowed and walked off he was in a happier mood as she held the flowers she said "Silly man" she walked back inside shutting the door placing the flowers in a vase she started singing:

"A million thoughts in my head

Should I let my heart keep listenin'?

Cause up till now I've walked the line

Nothing lost but something missing

I can't, decide, what's wrong, what's right

Which way should I go?

If only I knew what my heart was telling me

Don't know what I'm feeling

Is this just a dream? Uh oh

Yeah, if only I could read the signs in front of me

I could find the way to who I'm meant to be uh oh

If only... If only, If only"

Gaston boasted to LeFou how he's joining Eve for dinner tonight after he was blown off by Belle LeFou said "What are you planning for this evening?" he said "Oh I will have her eating out of my hand and perhaps kiss her" he said "Right?" he said "What you got a better idea?" he said "Get to know her, find out her dreams and desires?" he said "Really? Why would I want that?" he said "Gives you the understanding of who she is and if that works then it may blossom into a kiss". Eve had everything set except what she was going to wear and it had to be something special she heard a knock on the door she went to it opening it to seeing Gaston he was handsome

 Eve had everything set except what she was going to wear and it had to be something special she heard a knock on the door she went to it opening it to seeing Gaston he was handsome

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as he looked at her he couldn't stop looking at her that dress she had on was breath-taking

she said "You're early but come on in" he walked inside and noticed the home was bigger inside than outside as she shut the door locking it she led him to the dining room to the meal

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she said "You're early but come on in" he walked inside and noticed the home was bigger inside than outside as she shut the door locking it she led him to the dining room to the meal. After finishing it he said "That was something" she said "Well, my cooking has improved for the last 12 years" he said "What it wasn't as good?" she said "LeFou taught me how to cook better" he said "You care about LeFou?" she said "I mean he saved me and he didn't have to?" he said "Do you see yourself with him romantically?" she said "Don't take this the wrong way Gaston, why do you care?" he said "LeFou is my friend?" she said "LeFou is a great guy but I don't see romance for us I see him as a brother a older brother" he feeling the weight of his shoulders knowing that she and LeFou aren't together she could tell he seemed relieved she said "Would you join me by the fireplace?" he said "Sure" she got up and led him to the lounge sofa by the fireplace he seemed nervous around her and everything else something he hasn't been around any women usually they would fall for him and he move on but Eve she was different and special maybe the real deal. She was watching the fire he was sitting close to her she smiled knowing he was trying to decide what to do next she said "Gaston" she turned to face him and saw him staring at her he said "Yes?" she said "I must ask why did you give me flowers? Everyone knows you're pursuing Belle so why me?" he was caught off-guard by her question as he tried to form a response she saw sweat on his brow she was making him squirm then she turned to the fire she said "I wondered it myself you know, why me? Belle has beauty beyond compare and is oblivious to what's here she yearns for more out there when I've been out there, there isn't anything worth seeing I rather be in a village like this surrounded by the people who would help you out no matter what". She had tears falling from her face real tears he leaned over and turned her chin to him he saw her brown eyes glistening he said "Why you? You see the world differently I thought you were a challenge but you're so much more than that so you're nothing like Belle you are you Eve a category worthy of you" she couldn't believe what he was saying it seemed different genuine even something from within her told her to kiss the brute so she leaned in to him he was watching her she kissed his lips then broke away Gaston realized she made the first move and he couldn't let her feel embarrassed he reciprocated back as they were kissing on the lounge sofa as she pulled from him he said "Usually I'm the first to make the move?" she said "Well, sorry to burst your bubble Gaston I don't wait around" he said "No you don't" she said "Hey" she punched him in his arm he saw her smirk he leaned in and kissed her till they were interrupted by a knock on the door Gaston said "You expecting someone?" she said "No" he got up as if he was going to protect her she went to opening the door to LeFou he said "Eve, how's everything?" she said "Good, why are you here?" he said "Just to see.." Gaston was standing against the stairs LeFou said "I'll talk to you later then" she said "Okay, bye" he walked off she shut the door when she felt Gaston's arms around her waist he was kissing her neck she turned around to seeing him there she said "What are you doing?" he said "I thought.." she said "I think LeFou was looking for you?" he said "Probably was, but I think I was in mood for dessert?" he went to kiss her when she stopped him with her finger she said "Dessert will have to wait till another day Gaston, run along now" she opened the door and she shoved him out shutting the door in his face she felt heat to her cheeks while he was surprised she threw him out of her home

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