Good vs Evil

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               Eve was being drained of her magic Maeve felt grand she said "Revenge is so bittersweet" Eve was on the ground feeling so weak she kept hearing a faint voice call to her from when she was young her mother telling her she has the power inside her and one day it will be unleashed and when that happens great things will come from it she felt the power inside her it wasn't gone not like Maeve had said she felt her child alive and his magic as well she said "You lied to me?" Maeve said "What are you talking about?" she said "I'm not dead and neither is my son" she said "Well, when I'm through you both will and your husband as well" she laughed Eve sing:

"Once I lived in darkness, out there on my own.

Left to brave the world alone.

Everything seemed hopeless. No chance to break free.

Couldn't hear the song inside of me.

Once upon a time a song inspired them - be brave.

They gave me up because my fate was as the one who'd save,

The world from your dark magic and the wicked things you do.

They placed a song inside my heart more powerful than you.

All the years of running - no not anymore.

I know what I'm living for.

I'm no longer searching.

Turns out all along, the answer was inside me - with a song."

her voice echoed and that power from within her brightened as a star Maeve said "How? I have your magic?" she said "You may have it but I have something more I have the love of my parents before you interfered, I have the love of my friends, I have the love of my husband, and I have the love of my son and that love can't be destroyed or stolen from you" she said "What are you going to do fight me?" she said "If it comes to it I will do whatever it takes to vanquish you from this realm and the next" she said "So let it be, I would enjoy a even playing field see you soon" she allowed Eve to return. Eve awakened from the bed gasping Gaston and Eric saw her Gaston said "Eve" she said "Gaston" she then saw Eric and she was confused Gaston said "He's seen the error of his ways, he's on our side" she said "She's coming for a fight Gaston, a magic fight" Eric said "Good thing we have powerful people" she said "Gaston, you have to get our son out of here protect him" he said "I won't abandon you" she said "You never have Gaston, and you won't but think of our son he's needs you" Eric said "Then let's go".

            Eve still woozy from that magic realm she didn't care because she had something worth fighting for she bid her husband goodbye as she kissed her son's head she said "Mommy loves you my sweet prince, look after your father for me" she kissed Gaston a kiss full of emotion and sadness he said "We will be together again" she said "I will come back to you or die trying" LeFou and Will left with Gaston while Eric and Lena were there with Eve and Drake who was spying on them. Eve and the group came to a clearing not far from the castle but it held a significance for Eve this is where she gained Gaston's heart Eric said "How will we know when she shows up?" Maeve appeared she said "Like now" they turned to see her she said "Eric, did you grow a conscience? It's quite dumb" he said "You lied to me, you harmed Eve?" she said "Duh, you are means to an end besides I made sure you were obedient right Drake?" the three look at Drake he rode over to her Eric said "Why?" he said "You know the power and everything" Lena said "You are a snake" he said "Well, you my sweet will be mine for one night and that's all" she said "You disgust me" Eve said "The armor, I remember you from before" Drake said "Took you long enough" she said "You escorted her to the palace where you met my father Sultan Balder" he said "I take it you were 5 years old at the time and here you are looking 18 but we know how old you really are" she said "If you knew who I was before why didn't you do something? Instead of her beckoning call?" Maeve said "You wanted a fight Eve, let's fight" she caused a circle to appear Eve went to step in it Eric and Lena dealt with Drake. Gaston holding his son with LeFou and Will he couldn't sit idling by as his wife is out there he turned and handed his son to LeFou he said "Protect him" Will said "Gaston, be careful Maeve's powers are dark and evil" he said "I'm a hunter, no one harms my family and lives" he got on his horse and rode off.

Maeve threw magic at Eve she was able to dodge it she was doing tactics of fighting and self-defense she learned growing up and what Gaston showed her Maeve said "I'm impressed dear princess but your time is at an end" she said "Never count me out...

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Maeve threw magic at Eve she was able to dodge it she was doing tactics of fighting and self-defense she learned growing up and what Gaston showed her Maeve said "I'm impressed dear princess but your time is at an end" she said "Never count me out because I'm down" she was able to blast her back she fought her. Gaston came upon Drake fighting Eric beating him to a pulp while Lena was trying to stop him Gaston shot him with his bow Drake said "You leave your child for this? How stupid" he said "I'm helping my friends that's not stupid". They took to fighting Maeve said "Look your husband is here to share the same fate as you" she saw Gaston she said "That's what true love is Maeve sacrificing one's self for the greater good" Maeve blasted back Eve had her distracted when Gaston went and ran Drake through with his sword saving Eric and Lena's lives Maeve turned to see Drake dead it hurt her as if she had cared for him in some way she was angered she blasted Eve back Gaston said "EVE!" he went running to her side entering the circle of fire Lena was healing Eric's wounds when they saw Gaston in the fight with Eve and Maeve. Gaston held Eve in his arms he said "Eve, come back to me" she didn't respond Maeve cackled she said "So much for true love" Agathe came through the woods she said "Maeve" she turned to see her she said "Who are you?" she removed her cloak and showed

her true face Maeve said "You, Queen Eden I should've known you be alive as well look I killed your daughter" she said "You will never harm my family as long as I live" she blasted her back but her power didn't faze her she said "You need to do be...

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her true face Maeve said "You, Queen Eden I should've known you be alive as well look I killed your daughter" she said "You will never harm my family as long as I live" she blasted her back but her power didn't faze her she said "You need to do better than that Queenie to defeat me". Gaston cradled Eve in his arms Eric and Lena came over to them Lena went to heal her but nothing Gaston kissed Eve's forehead he said "I love you Eve, I will never stop" he laid her down on the ground and he took his sword and turned to fight the witch Lena said "Gaston don't" he said "She took my wife, my son's mother" Eric said "Lena let him do this". Gaston went to fight Maeve he said "Witch face me if you dare" she turned to see Gaston she said "So valiant Prince Armand, I hardly didn't recognize you but here you are in another body but still a prince, how does it feel to see your princess you longed for dead by my hand?" he said "You will die for it". 

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