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                     Eve was in the gardens with the flowers she was greeted by Gaston who couldn't stop from admiring her he went walking about he said "You must be keen on what flower get's attention than the others?" she turned and saw him she said "I wouldn't know, I've only been here for several weeks but I guess so, the darkest ones are the best because even though they are dark they hold the truer beauty" he said "So they do" they were being watched by Drake he went to report back to Eric LeFou befriended Lady Lena she said "You're LeFou and that means the guy you came with is Gaston?" he said "Yes, how did you?" she said "Follow me, we have eyes and ears" she led him to her room he said "Now tell me what's going on?" she said "I'm a mage, and I know about what Gaston did to Eve and I knew he would be coming for her" he said "Okay, but what happened to Eve?" she made a magic mirror appear in her hand she said "Show me what happened to Eve?" it showed them Eric with Eve and they watched it unfold the two were dancing and he had wished for her to forget Gaston and everything about what she felt for him the mirror went back to normal LeFou said "So that's what happened" she said "My brother has been different lately I thought it was strange but now there's a dark cloud around him and he has a hold on Eve" he said "He may have wished her memories and feelings gone but they are still there right?" she said "Yes, because love like that can't be destroyed it needs to be brought to the surface" he said "Gaston has a plan he's going to recreate how he met Eve before" she said "Then we will have to get around my brother and his right-hand-man Drake" he said "Use your magic" she said "Gaston get's Eve to recreate how they met I can provide a shield for them long enough to throw them two off-guard but we only have a short window to do it in" he said "Then let's get started". Eric had some business to attend to and left his sister in charge with Drake following Gaston about this was the perfect time to get Eve to remember but she didn't pull Drake off his detail long enough for everything to be setup Lena suggested to Eve that she should take a ride into the woods to experience nature a bit instead of the gardens Eve said "Great idea" she left for the woods Gaston went to follow afterwards LeFou met Will Lena's husband who is aware of Eve's predicament and willing to throw Drake off the trail so his friend could remember.

             Eve was amazed with nature she left her horse to walk about and when she came back she found her horse missing she said "Dust, here boy where did you go?" she was now lost in the woods she was walking when she saw a horse coming with a rider she waved them down and it was Gaston he said "Lady Eve, are you okay?" she said "My horse he ran off" he said "I'm sorry about that I could help you find him" she said "He's probably back in the stable already, it's going to be a long walk back" he said "I could give you a ride" she said "I don't want to intrude on your.." she noticing he had his bow and quiver she said "You're a hunter?" he said "Yeah, I'm the best in my village and surrounding areas" she said "Someone is smug about their abilities?" he chuckled she said "Did I say something funny?" he said "It's you remind me of someone" she said "Well, it's going to be dark before we reach the castle so we should leave now?" he lent his hand for her to use to climb on behind him he said "You may need to put your arms around me my horse likes to go fast" she did and something about the touch felt familiar to Eve but she was trying to remember how while Gaston smirked he rode off. Lena used her magic while LeFou watched he said "What do you have in mind?" she said "I'm sending them to a place that has significance to them both under a cloud of fog with twists and turns and enough for love sparks" he said "We can hope". Gaston saw a fog roll in and it was spooking his horse she said "Where did this fog come from?" he said "I don't know but it's going to make it harder to see" she heard thunder and saw lightning above and rain started pouring down he smirked he came through the fog to seeing a cabin he said "There's shelter up ahead we take comfort in". Coming to it he got down and helped her down as well he tied his horse to railing and they both went to the door he opened the door she was soaking wet he said "It's a hunting lodge" she said "I'm freezing" he said "Let me get the fire going to help with that". She was still freezing he took his jacket off and wrapped it around her she said "Thank you Gaston" he said "No problem" she looking at the fire Gaston wanted her to remember him but he didn't want to force it she said "It's funny I've known LeFou for 12 years and yet I don't know you but you seem familiar to me isn't that strange?" he said "Maybe I have one of those faces" she said "Perhaps, I just feel like I know you from somewhere?" he wondered if she was remembering he said "Do you believe in past lives?" she said "Sure" he said "Perhaps we met then I a prince and you a.." she said "A princess" he said "Yeah" she said "I take it something happened and here we are now" he said "Probably a mistake was made and destiny is bringing us together" she said "At my friend's wedding?" he said "Why not?" she felt safe with him more than she does with Eric he said "That Eric, he seems to love you do you love him?" she said "So bold to ask Gaston?" he said "Call it curiosity" she said "I've never been in love before, I'm incapable of love more like cursed" he scooted next to her he said "You're not cursed Eve, you just haven't found that diamond in the rough yet" she said "What did you say?" he said "You haven't found that diamond in the rough yet?" she heard the Mystic voice echo that in her head for some reason she wanted to kiss Gaston but she was fighting the urge to as well. 

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