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            Gaston telling LeFou that he has given up his pursuit of Belle and focusing entirely on Eve LeFou said "I'm proud of you Gaston" he said "I think she's the thing I'm missing ever since after the war I thought it was Belle but now I see clearly it's Eve" LeFou said "What clearly?" he said "She hates waiting around for things to happen she takes the initiative and does it without thinking I admire that about her and when she is happy her face perks up forming a smirk and when she's sad she tries to hide it feeling vulnerable when she's irate she likes to punch in the arm" LeFou seeing Gaston speak all this about Eve he said "Gaston, do you have feelings for Eve?" he just realized everything he said about her he looked at LeFou he said "Yes I do" he said "That's a good thing" he said "But I don't know if she feels the same way? With her everything is different" LeFou said "You could take her hunting again at the hunting lodge treat her to an adventure who knows sparks may fly" he said "You're right, hunting lodge would work just fine for what I have planned" LeFou said "Okay". LeFou greeted Eve at her home he filled her in on what Gaston told him he said "Your plan worked he has given up pursuing Belle altogether" she said "That's good isn't it" he said "Except the fact he may have feelings for you" she said "What?" taken aback with what LeFou just said she had dropped a teacup it broke into pieces she was able to magick it whole again he said "Eve, he may be falling in love with you was that part of your plan?" she realized her plan worked a little too well she said "Of course why would you say otherwise" trying to think of something else to say he said "Eve, I must ask did you plan on falling for him as well?" she said "What would suggest that?" he said "Well, I've noticed the looks you both share you may not know what love is but it's there" she said "Good thing I know nothing of love then". 

                 Eve with Gaston he took her to the woods he promised her that he was taking her on an adventure LeFou had warned her that Gaston has feelings for her but she was afraid to admit she has feelings for Gaston as well. Gaston had her shoot arrows in a makeshift target he had in a tree she shot showing she had improved since the last time but this time all she could think about was Gaston was he who she was fighting for? she wasn't going to admit it not yet anyways. He spotted a deer grazing he had her go and shoot it she aimed and shot right in the liver she did it and he picked her up spinning her around he put her down and their eyes met she blushed she said "Let's go retrieve the deer then?" he said "Yeah". He took her to the hunting lodge she saw it was huge and appealing he went to put the deer on the fire to roast he said "You like it?" she said "It's appealing" he said "Let me give you a tour" he took her hand and showed her the kitchen/dining room, the living room where the fireplace is and the stairs that lead up to his room as he stated "My loft". After he had fixed the deer for her to eat they look at the fireplace she said "Why did you invite me Gaston?" he said "Why not?" she looked away he sat closer to her she said "Gaston have you ever been in love before?" he taking aback from that he said "I thought once, but now I don't think it was love I think it was obsession the lust of it all, why?" she said "I imagined what love is you know what it suppose to be but the thing is I don't know what it is or what it feels like, I believe true love isn't real till it's returned but call me a hopeless romantic" he turned her head to him as he cupped her chin in his hand he said "You're not hopless, you're brave and a survivor you are still here despite everything" she said "Gaston, there are things of my past that may haunt you may make you resent me yet you're willing to take a chance on me?" he said "Your past is your past if we live our lives looking at the past, we'll never be able to move forward to our future together" she said "Our future?" she realizing what he just said seeing as if he knew as well he said "Yeah, do you think you can be happy with me?" she heard The Mystic's words "Diamond in the rough pure of heart no manners or grace but pure of heart" lingering in her mind she said "Yes I would" he went and kissed her as they kissed by the fire she broke from him as she got up he did as well he went and carried her bridal style up the stairs to his loft as they went to undressing he pressed up against her as they ventured to his bed she was lost in Gaston's eyes she said "Don't stop" he said "You sure?" she said "Yeah I am, but are you?" she baiting him he said "Yeah I'm sure if you are" she whispered in his ear "I'm your's".

           In the hunting lode in the the loft in bed was Gaston and Eve she was laying in his arms he kissed her forehead she said "Did you plan on this Gaston? Me here with you right now?" he said "I hoped it would happen but no I didn't plan on it" she turned to look him in the eye she said "When I was shooting the arrow you want to know what I was thinking about?" he said "What?" she said "You, I was thinking of you Gaston my feelings for you" she realized she admitted to having feelings for him she raised up to look the other way he raised up he said "Your feelings for me?" she said "Forget it, it's nothing" he turned her face to him he said "Are you afraid of these feelings?" she said "I'm afraid if I give in I'll be hurt" he said "I will never hurt you Eve" she said "That's not it Gaston, I'm not afraid that you would hurt me I'm afraid I'll hurt you I just can't bare the thought of it" he wiped tears that were falling from her face he said "You can never hurt me" she laid back into his arms to the point she went to sleep. Gaston wrecked with the notion that Eve has feelings for him and she's afraid of hurting him and it scares her so he put his clothes on and left the hunting lodge to go and think while she was dreaming of the past she was in her home somewhere in the desert oasis she was surrounded by love-struck suitors who fawned at her feet but she wouldn't decide between them who was going to be with her just leading them on a game of cat and mouse her adviser a studious man who felt like he was left with a unfair deal of managing the princess he said "Princess, Prince Armand has come to speak of an alliance with your kingdom and his" she said "Surely you can do it" he said "Princess it's your duty" she said "My duty? I didn't sign up to be a ruler" he said "Well I didn't sign up to babysitting a whinny brat but life ain't fair so deal with it". She walked into the room seeing only the prince's back she said "You must be Prince Armand?" he turned around and she saw his ocean blue eyes and his chiseled chin his hair pulled up with a ribbon he was a dead ringer for Gaston he bowed and took her hand he kissed it he said "Yes I am and you're Princess Eve" she said "Yes I am" he said "I hope we can agree on that alliance?" she said "Depends prince on what alliance you speak of?". She awakened to Gaston not beside her she figured he was doing something so she went back to sleep as she tried to piece together what she dreamed and what it means.

 She awakened to Gaston not beside her she figured he was doing something so she went back to sleep as she tried to piece together what she dreamed and what it means

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