Making a Home

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               Eve and Gaston settled into their home now 5 months into the pregnancy the baby bump showing she had cleaned the house and was greeted by Gaston who brought firewood in for the fireplace he had stopped and kissed the bump then her he said "I love you" she said "I love you" Eric watching this growing angry by the minute Drake said "Sire, you should focus on the task at hand" he looked away from the mirror he said "4 months to go, that child will be mine and she as well and that Gaston will be dead" he said "You say that every time sire, you think she's going to deliver on those promises? She's a witch after all?" he said "If she betrays me I'll kill her myself" Drake walked off into his room greeted by Maeve she said "How goes it with the puny man?" he said "He's paranoid to a brim" she walked up to him she said "Well, he brought it onto himself" she kissed him he said "He did mention that if you betray him he'll kill you" she said "I plan on betraying him his usefulness will run it's course you and I will have what was taken from us" he said "Who knew history is repeating itself?" she said "Remember if that sultan did what he was told I wouldn't sought out his daughter and now grandchild but that queen ruined my plans so here we are" he said "What of the girl, Lena?" she said "She's nothing but a pipsqueak that can't do anything against me" he said "How about this, when everything is all said and done she's mine" she said "Your's? What about me?" he said "Just one night with her and the rest of my life with you" she said "Okay, one night I can spare that". Eve was greeted by Lena in the outdoors she was putting magic protections on the baby she said "Do you want to know what you're having?" she said "Sure" she put her hands on the bump and saw she smiled she said "I think Gaston will be pleased on this one" she said "Lena?" she said "Not saying" she said "Is it?" she smiled she said "Gaston called it, now he won't let me live down" she said "The baby's power is strong in you and 4 months from now when it's born darkness has no fighting chance against him" she said "That won't stop her Lena, she'll make sure I pay for my crimes against her and I fear that Gaston is in danger" she said "You both have overcome everything and here you both are still alive and still fighting nothing can break you to up at all not even my brother" she said "Your brother was great till he went off to war, Gaston told me war changes a person it riddles their brains and everything" Lena said "He's use to getting everything his way when he doesn't he.." Eve held her hands she said "Your brother is still in there, have faith he'll push to the surface and realize he's not weak because he's hurt" she said "I'm protecting you and yet you're the voice of reason" she said "Remember I was a genie for 2,000 years I've seen things and now I'm going to be a mother I will do whatever it takes to protect him and my husband".

               Eve walked into the home with a basket of flowers Gaston was cleaning his dagger he said "Enjoy your chat with Lena?" she said "Yes I did" he said "So?" she said "I found out what we're having" he put the dagger down on the table she walked to him he said "Which is?" she took his hand and put it on her bump he felt a kick he said "Our child just kicked my hand?" she said "He sure did" he looked up at her he said "He?" she had tears in her eyes he got up he said "It's a boy, we're having a boy" he picked her up spun her around and put her down he kissed her she pulled from him she said "I wish you didn't do that, now I'm dizzy and light-headed" he said "Sorry, allow me" he picked her up and carried her up the stairs to their bed helped her into her nightgown as it was tight around her because of the bump he was happy that they were having a boy but then fear crept up in his mind a boy that the witch will want she said "Gaston, what is it?" he said "Nothing, absolutely nothing I'm happy that's it I have a beautiful wife and a son on the way I have what I always wanted a family that loves me even before when I was Prince Armand I longed for such things" she said "Gaston, you have my heart and my love nothing will separate us not even the dark forces that are coming for us because our love can break all curses" he kissed her but that didn't sway his fear. Asleep Gaston dreamed it felt like a vision he saw his wife walking in the gardens of their home and she was looking at the flowers she was heavily pregnant with their son and when she smelled the rose blood fell she saw it was from her and she collapsed he woke up screaming and saw Eve still asleep his nightmare didn't wake her he had to get Lena's help on making sense of the dream if it was foreshadowing his wife and child's death.

 Asleep Gaston dreamed it felt like a vision he saw his wife walking in the gardens of their home and she was looking at the flowers she was heavily pregnant with their son and when she smelled the rose blood fell she saw it was from her and she c...

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