Don't Belong Here Anymore

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             Eve packed all her stuff into her lamp with genie magic she left a letter addressed for Gaston detailing her past and why she became a genie she included her confession of love and forgiveness she went and got her horse she mounted him she said "Come Dust we aren't wanted here anymore". She trotted right in front of the tavern she looked to the window of Gaston's room she had tears falling down her face she went to kicking her horse and he let out a snicker sound LeFou came out of the tavern he said "Eve" she galloped off in a hard run he said "EVE!" she rode off into the woods she kept riding she keep seeing flashes of her past come across her mind she fell off the horse onto the ground her horse circled around to her Eve reliving her past as it was clear as day she greeted by the adviser he said "Princess a old beggar woman has asked for shelter from the bitter cold" she said "Really?" he said "Princess please" she said "Fine, bring her in" the old beggar woman walked inside she was cloaked she said "Thank you your highness" Eve said "You're lucky my adviser suggested it or else you wouldn't be here" she said "A rose as a token" she handed it to her she said chuckled she said "Pity, if I would think it be sincere" she dropped it and stepped on it she walked off the old beggar woman transformed into a Mystic she said "Pity is on you princess" she turned to see the old beggar woman facade vanished to seeing a glowing figure before her she didn't seem fazed she said "What are you going to do to me? Blind me? You best leave witch" she turned and walked off the Mystic said "Your heart is cold as ice as if no love can fill it, hurt by those you thought were there for you and you turned into someone else a person incapable of love" she scoffed at the Mystic she said "You think I'm afraid of you? You can't harm me I'm a princess" she said "You're use to people waiting on you now you will wait on them you will do others bidding till you find the diamond in the rough not manners or grace but pure heart" she said "Really? Who or what is a diamond in the rough? What do you mean I will wait on others?" she said "You're cursed for your disrespect of others and their feelings to servitude as a genie of the lamp" she magicked a lamp and swooshed magic around Eve she changed into a genie form and the lamp called her to it she said "No, I don't want this" she was sucked into it the adviser bare witness to this exchange the Mystic said "Make the alliance with the Prince Armand and state the princess won't interfere and rule the kingdom your way" she vanished. Eve came to being on the ground as she cried over and over she said "I hate you Mystic, I hate you" while in the tavern Gaston came out of his room he had thought long and hard about what Eve did to him but he couldn't ignore what his heart was feeling he came to see LeFou drinking he didn't want to talk to him at all he went to Eve's home he knocked on the door no answer he opened it searched every room but she was nowhere he saw a letter on a bare bookshelf it had his name on it he opened it to start reading:

"Dear Gaston,

By the time you're reading this I've already left Villeneuve. This place among other places has been truly my home the very best 12 years of it. I know you're still mad at me you have ever right to be I lied to you and I used you for petty and selfish reasons for that I'm sorry. But I'm not sorry for loving you, I've never experienced love firsthand I've always had lust or love-struck but you were the genuine deal Gaston the diamond in the rough my romeo to your juliet. 

My life before I was a genie was living in luxury in a desert oasis I was a self-centered princess who had been betrayed by all the men in my life. I was the female version of you the guys fawned over me and did whatever I wanted I enjoyed the attention from it a little too much. I had suitors lined up trying to convince me to choose them but I didn't because I was incapable of love till I met a certain prince who came along wanting to make an alliance and as we spoke and enjoyed each other's company I fell for him hard just like you did me but I got jealous seeing him with other women that I sabotaged him but it turned out he was arranging a surprise for me, a proposal of marriage but the damage was done and I was the one at fault but I made it look like it was him he warned me that there will be a time where our roles are reversed and I wouldn't even know it until last couple of days I knew what he meant and so I ask forgiveness for everything I did to you because I can never make it up to you back then.

I hope you would think of me the way I think of you because that's the thing when somebody truly loves you, they can never move on and I will never do but you have to Gaston because until I'm freed from my curse I'm bound to be a genie for all time and that's longer than anything I've seen empires rise and fall. I've outlived everyone I know for the last 2,000 years so look after LeFou for me and take care.

Love Always,

Princess Eve 

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