The Truth

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            Eve had came to a quaint village where she greeted by the people they were so kind to her and then she moved on to other places in France. She camped out in a forest of sorts it was quite serene she was leaning up against a tree while her horse stayed close by her she said "Dust I know this isn't ideal but it beats being in the lamp" he was eating she thinking about everything:

"In a perfect storybook the world is brave and good

A hero takes your hand, a sweet love will follow

But life's a different game, the sorrow and the pain

Only you can change your world tomorrow

Let your smile light up the sky

Keep your spirit soaring high

Trust in your heart and your sun shines forever and ever

Hold fast to kindness, your light shines forever and ever

I believe in you and in me

We are strong

When once upon a time in stories and in rhyme

A moment you can shine and wear your own crown

Be the one that rescues you

Through the clouds you'll see the blue

Trust in your heart and your sun shines forever and ever

Hold fast to kindness, your light shines forever and ever

I believe in you and in me

We are strong

A bird all alone on the wind can still be strong and sing


Trust in your heart and your sun shines forever and ever

Hold fast to kindness, your light shines forever and ever

I believe in you and in me

We are strong"

her voice echoed till she was greeted by an arrow shooting past her startling Dust he raised his head up she got up to corral him she said "Hey, it's okay I'm here" he neighed at her to turn around she saw the man tall, broad-shoulder her type he said "I'm sorry miss" he walked up closer to her she saw him she said "Will? Will the blacksmith?" he saw her he said "Yes I was but now I'm a knight, Eve?" she said "Yeah" he went and hugged her spinning her around he said "You still look the same how long has it been?" she said "15 years" he said "You still look the same" she said "Well you're no longer..." he said "Squinny? Short?" she smirked he said "What brings you this way Eve?" her eyes went from happy to sad as did her expression she went to keep from crying he said "Eve, are you okay?" she said "Will you remember my curse?" he said "Yeah, are you still.." she made the lamp grow he said "So you're still a genie?" she then made it shrink to her necklace again she told him everything. Will stood there taking in everything he went and wiped her tears he said "I know a place you can stay, actually I'm on my way there right now" she said "I don't want to intrude?" he said "Nonsense, we're old friends and I want you to meet my fiancee" she said "Fiancee?" he said "Yeah, let me get my horse don't move" he turned and walked off she mounted Dust she said "I guess we got our heading Dust who knows perhaps we could find our new home". 

           Gaston rereading Eve's letter something kept sticking out to him "forgive me now for what I did to you back then" he wondered what she meant by that he was out in the woods hunting a deer he stopped short from killing one it reminded him of seeing her shoot one he put his weapon back on his side when he was greeted by a cloaked figure she said "You seem troubled Gaston?" he turned to see this figure he said "How do you know who I am?" she said "I know many things Gaston and I know you miss her why else did you not take the shot on the deer?" he walked up to the figure he said "I ask again who are you?" she said "An old friend but it seems it's time for you to remember the past Prince Armand" he said "What?" she placed her hands on his temple of his skull jogging his memories he saw a rush of them to when she let go of him and vanishing he fell down on the ground. Gaston saw he was in a room he wasn't very familiar with it he heard a voice "You must be Prince Armand?" he turned to see her it was Eve he was in awe

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