Chapter 19

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"I don't love you."

"I know.... That's pretty evident from the call"

"So I'm running away."

Jackson's eyes widened. Running away? Where? Why? When?

Youngji noticed that expression and without any warning, began explaining.

"One. I'm in love with someone else who's not you."

"Two. That's why I'm against this marriage."

"Three. My parents are stubborn fucks who won't listen to me. And that's why I'm running away"

Long story short.

Next heir of a boring business owned by parents, wants to pursue music but parents against it, Parents pretend to care about her opinions but business you see, Youngji's old enough to understand, Youngji on the run from parents.

But damn, she felt good cursing.

"I see" Jackson said grasping the situation. He felt like the world has been lifted off from his shoulders. He was extremely grateful to Youngji for that statement.

"Are... You by any chance.... Also against this marriage?"

"What? N-No... I mean Yes but-"

"Tell me the truth Jackson Wang, I ain't got all day"


Youngji felt a pang of relief. She was so gosh darn thankful to Jackson as well!

"Thank heavens! You don't know what a great favor you've done for me!"

"You've done the same for me."

"Ah... This feels great. But... What about you? You'll be left here and things would be chaotic."

"I have my ways too." Jackson smiled.

"Shit. Gotta go now. Plane's waiting."

"You're leaving the country?"

"Yeah. Fresh beginning, you see."

"Good luck!"

"Same to you! Thanks for understanding. I'm sure you'd make a great husband but  my future husband's waiting there."

Jackson blushed at the word "husband" but sure enough bid farewell to Youngji.

And oh yeah.

Youngjae was the one waiting for Youngji.

Jackson was just so happy but,

Ah damn.


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