Chapter One: Remember Yourself

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Y/N and Summer were sitting on the roof on top of Beacon, this had became their usual secluded spot to just really talk to each-other without anyone else around.

They both sat on the edge with their legs dangling over the edge. Summer looked at her brother as he stared at the stars seemingly lost in thought.

Summer: "I'm sorry Y/N.. I know how you feel about her, I didn't think she'd be like that.."

Y/N sighed and shook his head "I was silly, that's all Sum. A girl like her.. Tai was obviously always going to be the better pick"

Summer: "Don't say it like that, you're one of the best boys I know"

Y/N laughed and grinned evilly at her "I know about your little crush on him as-well" Summer puffed her cheeks and crossed her arms.

Summer: "I told you that out of confidence! You can't use that against me"

"Oh but I can. You may be older but i'm mischievous" Summer started laughing and punched his arm playfully.

Summer: "You're also my favourite" Y/N awed at his sisters' words as they shared a hug.

"Come on then Sum, let's not be all doom and gloom tonight. It's nearing graduation and Qrow owes me a drink" The two stood up and Summer arched an eyebrow at her brother.

Summer: "When did you start drinking?" Y/N turned around to face her and spread his arms out mockingly.

"As I said.. Mischievous" The two laughed together as they headed back into their academy.

That was the memory that Y/N relieved as he watched Summer's caller ID flash on his scroll for the 762 time this week. Ignoring it, he locked his scroll and continued on his path.

He continued walking a little further with his revolver already firmly grasped in his hand. His frustration was building up as he had been out in the forest for a few hours now.

"Oz.. Your intel was off" He thought to himself as he continued to survey the area around him.

As quickly as that thought passed, growls were heard coming from the forestation around him. Cocking back his revolver's lever, he started aiming at areas around him.

Two beowolves lunged out towards him but with two shots, Y/N quickly put them down. A beowolf snuck up behind him and he barely had enough time to react and block the swipe with his bayonet.

His arm flung back as his revolver took form of a sword. He pressed the trigger causing the recoil to force his sword forward and slash the beowolf cleanly in half. A group of Ursa approached from the tree-line but Y/N ignored them as they seemed to be waiting on something. Y/N gripped his weapon tighter as an Ursa Major rushed out.

"Finally! I've been waiting for you all fucking day, you know that?!" He shouted out as he rushed towards the Ursa Major.

He jumped onto a smaller Ursa and stabbed his sword into its head then pulling the trigger to propel himself into air and straight towards the Major.

The moment he made contact with the Major, he activated his semblance and pulled it into his dimension. Now the two stood within a plain white existence, with only them there.

The Major appeared confused as it looked around. Y/N's sword transformed back into a revolver as he reloaded. Once he was ready he began firing upon the Major, resulting in him angering the beast.

The Major charged and Y/N had one bullet left - readying his shot, he hit the Major's front-right paw, staggering it. He summoned his sword once more and cut his front-left paw clean off.

He jumped into the air and reloaded his sword using its hilt. He spun and fired two rounds giving himself more momentum, the fast paced spinning attack managed to cut the Major into three parts.

Y/N watched as its body began falling apart into three pieces "These missions just get easier and easier" he said out loud to himself while still in his dimension.

Deactivating his semblance, he returned to Remnant and found himself not too far away from where he had been when he left. The Ursa had scattered aside from one which Y/N dispatched with no trouble.

Y/N took out his scroll to find two more missed calls from Summer but ignored them and instead found Ozpin's number and pressed the call button.

Ozpin: "Greetings Y/N. I'm sure your mission was a success?" Y/N snickered.

"These missions are getting easier Oz, have you got anything actually relatively challenging?"

Ozpin: "These missions aren't meant to be challenging Y/N, you're helping the locals by clearing out influxes of Grimm"

"I know, I know.. Has Qrow sent anything back concerning Her"

Ozpin: "No, he's been out of contact for a little bit but that's to be expected. Raven has had to take time off due to her own circumstance" Y/N mentally froze at hearing Raven's name, a name he was trying to forget.

"Alright Oz, remember our deal? I don't want any of them knowing i'm partnered with you" Y/N heard Ozpin sigh to himself.

Ozpin: "I think you should check up on your sister at least.. I didn't take you on just so you could avoid everyone"

"I'm not avoiding - it's more like extended vacation you know?"

Ozpin: "It also pains me to see Summer's face drop when I tell her that I still haven't heard anything or the fact your scroll will ring but never answer" Y/N rubbed one-side of his face with his free hand.

"I'll think about it.."

Ozpin: "Sometimes we just need to accept and le—" He was interrupted.

"Save me the speech Oz. Give me a day or two and i'll decide wether to return.."

Ozpin: "Thank you Y/N, safe travels"

"Yeah, yeah - old man" Y/N ended the call and pressed a hotkey on his screen that called for a bullhead extraction.

"Next stop.. The bar" Y/N smiled to himself as he lit a flare and placed it on the ground.


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