Chapter Twelve: A New Hidden Love

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The next morning, the stench of regret poured from Y/N. The naked Raven Branden that slept cuddling onto his arm was a thought he'd always dreamed of but now that it was finally a reality, he could only feel bad for Tai.

In his thoughts, he underwent a revelation and finally concluded one thing, he had to focus on Penelope and their child. He couldn't afford to confuse things with messing around with a women who was married.

They had sex, it was good and enjoyable in the moment but now he only felt uncomfortable. He quickly dressed himself as quiet as he could before using a piece of toilet paper to leave a note for when woke up.

Last night was great, I have to go for a mission. I'll see you later.

Y/N x

As he felt the morning sun, a feeling of stupidity washed over him but he hastily scrubbed it off. He called Summer, hoping she was awake, luckily she was.

"Hey Sum, how you feeling?" She chuckled to herself.

Summer: "I'm doing great thank you. I'm surprised you're awake, not normally a morning person" Y/N scoffed.

"Yeah, well todays different - I'll be home later this afternoon, see you later, love you"

Summer: "I love you too, have a good one" He hung up and smiled before walking away from the hotel.

He walked for a while until he came up to his destination. Once again taking a leap of faith or in this case, if they're awake or not, he knocked on Penelope's apartment door.

Much to his surprise she opened it rather quickly and greeted him with a smile.

Penelope: "Always nice to see you" He smiled back and nodded.

"As it is always lovely to see you" They walked to the living room and sat down on the sofa, she cuddled up to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

Penelope: "First scan is coming up, I always feel more relaxed when you're around, so will you be coming?" She had a glimmer of hopefulness in her eyes.

"Of course I will. I made you a promise that i'll be here always and I can assure you I will live up to it" Penelope smiled bigger before looking at him in the eyes.

Penelope: "Good cause I don't wanna have to hurt you - ever heard the stories of momma bear is scarier than dada bear?" Y/N just smirked.

"If I betrayed you, I'd give you my own weapon so that you could strike me down" He kissed her forehead "I'm not going anywhere"

He watched as her cheeks became red, he didn't even know the girl who was always so confident could blush. She went back into her position of using him as a head rest.

Penelope herself couldn't contain the love she had for the man as she dug herself deeper into him trying to get as close as she possibly could. She was broody, scared and in-love but more importantly she was now insecure.

She began remembering a memory from her youth, when she used to watch the man sitting next to her fight.

Grace: "Come on Team STRQ!!! I got money riding on you!" Her best friend called out at the TV.

Penelope: "If Y/N's not fighting, I'm not interested" The announcer began to shout.

Announcer: "Welcome back to the Vytal Tournament! If you're just joining us then we are finally at the singles round! A member of Team STRQ and Team DNMT will now enter the arena"

Announcer 2: "Yes this is quite thrilling indeed! With Taiyang Xiao-Long not competing for them and instead being replaced with Y/N Rose, it is truly a remarkable display of flexibility! With Y/N and Raven of Team STRQ during the doubles round, it is a question of what fighter they will choose due to how amazing they performed earlier"

Grace: "Aweeee man!! Please be Raven, she's so badass!" Penelope only laughed at her.

Penelope: "You're joking right?! Y/N carried them last round!!! Talk about putting a team on your back.. hehe I wouldn't mind him putting me up a wall" Grace gagged and began pointing at her with smirk.

Grace: "Tracie was right about you" Penelope laughed as the announcer began speaking again.

Announcer: "Welcome to the arena! Y/N Rose of Team STRQ!!!" Penelope began cheering as she jumped.

Penelope: "Come on Y/N!! You can do this!!" Now she was hyper focused and ready.

As she came out of her reminiscence, she heard a light snoring next to her. She looked to find Y/N resting on his arm, sleeping which to her looked adorable.

Penelope: "Not a morning person ay?" She muttered to herself as he put an arm around her and a hand on her belly, gently pulling her closer.

It was at this moment she was in a state of bliss. Even while sleeping, he was keeping to his promise and at this very time, she had never been more in-love with anything other than this.

She smiled to herself and sprawled herself out so that Y/N could still be comfy, before burrowing her head into his neck and falling asleep herself.

Raven woke up after having the best sleep she had ever had in a very long time. To find she was alone in the bed however ruined her good mood a little.

She inspected the bed to find a loose bit of toilet roll. She sighed to herself and read the note - she smiled at the night and rolled her eyes.

Raven: "He could never say no to a mission" She thought to herself.

She took her time in the shower as to her she could still feel Y/N's warm touch, sad to remember it was just the hot water.

After exiting the shower, she found 3 missed calls from Tai on her scroll and she slowly but reluctantly called him back.


RWBY: Stand By Me, Always [1] (Raven x M!Reader x OC)Where stories live. Discover now