Chapter Four: Reunion Supplied By Ozpin

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The next morning's sun shined brightly through the living room window, very much to Y/N's dismay. Grunting to himself as he groggily rubbed his eyes.

"Fuck this" He thought as he activated his semblance to find that it was even brighter in there "Fuck that" was his conclusion as he reappeared onto the sofa.

Summer: "Did you seriously just use your semblance to escape sunlight?" Y/N jumped and fell off the sofa to see Summer standing by the kitchen entrance laughing.

"I'd rather have my body sucked dry than deal with morning sun" Summer shook her head as she walked into the kitchen and called back out to him.

Summer: "Seems like a way to go.. Professional huntsmen Y/N Rose, killed by his own semblance" Y/N followed Summer and flicked the back of her head.

"Not funny Ms. I burst into flower petals - feel sorry for whoever took you to prom" She arched an eyebrow as she began preparing plates.

Summer: "You do realise Tai was the one who took me to prom" Y/N dropped onto his knees and sighed.

"He has slept with my sister as-well.."

Summer: "Wait a minute! That was a sex joke? Oum forbid you have any children" Y/N chuckled.

"Yeah true that, they'd be the death of me"

Summer: "Yeah, you must live such a hard life; a semblance that can kill you alongside children who'd want to hurt you"

"Ahh man, nobody ever said that life was going to end up this way" Summer stopped what she was doing instantly.

Summer: "Did you just quote Friends? Have you ever heard the magnificent vocals of Summer Rose? You're about to!"

Breakfast consisted of Summer's singing, Y/N's crying and a whole lot binging different Friends episodes. Afterwards Y/N excused himself to catch up with Ozpin.

Walking through Vale again, he felt different - like everything had changed but he had stayed the same. He neglected these thoughts and headed straight to the bullhead point.

There was one heading to Beacon already there but had stopped at Vale. A familiar face noticed Y/N waiting and decided to surprise him. Walking up behind him, they covered his eyes.

???: "Guess who?"

"Jesus fuck. Penelope what are you doing?" She puffed her cheeks out in anger.

Penelope: "How did you know?" Y/N smirked back at her.

"I know how your hands feel" She punched his arm.

Penelope: "How did that feel?! Anyway how comes you're in Vale?" Y/N rubbed his arm and took a step back from her.

"Decided to visit my sister for a while, how about you - how comes you're here?" She smiled.

Penelope: "I have a friend called Hazel and his sister is going to Beacon and he doesn't like it, so he invited me out here which is why I left you that morning" Y/N was still holding his arm.

"Nice to know you have a sweet side then" Penelope gave him another look and so Y/N scratched the back of his neck before pointing to the bullhead "I gotta go"

Penelope returned to a smile and hugged him before he left. Another seemingly boring bullhead journey later and he had returned to the place it all started.

Y/N walked through the entrance of the what appeared to be an empty academy, he approached a young women with blonde hair "Excuse me, can I drop-in to see Ozpin?"

Glynda: "Yes of course, you've arrived at the right time - here just sign this Mr.."

"Rose L/N" Glynda had a surprised look on her face.

Glynda: "You were that one man team that would help Team STRQ? I was a big fan, the whole Lone Wolf persona was great"

Y/N chuckled and ran his hand through his hair "Thank you, but those guys were the true heroes"

Glynda: "Well it was a pleasure to meet you. Take the elevator, he knows you're here"

"He always does" He placed the pen back onto the table and waved to Glynda as he approached the elevator.

The elevator took him upwards as he tapped his foot in boredom. The door eventually opened and his boredom turned into shock when Qrow, Raven and Ozpin were all present in the room.

Ozpin: "He will be our third member in our quest against Salem.."

Qrow stared intently at Y/N as Raven couldn't seem to comprehend her emotions. Qrow could and lunged to towards him with his blade already ready.

Y/N caught his blade with his bayonet and began firing which forced Qrow to let go of his weapon. The moment Qrow let go, Y/N aimed his weapon at Qrow's head.

Qrow: "Show-off" Y/N smirked.

"Just better" He lowered his weapon as Qrow walked to retrieve his weapon. Ozpin and Raven just looked but Raven could feel a smile appearing on her face.

Ozpin: "It's good for you to have joined us Y/N, we were just talking about their team member" Y/N's first thought was why Raven was there.

"I thought you said Raven had her own circumstance at the moment, Summer doesn't even know Qrow is back" he paused for a little bit "You knew i'd come back"

Ozpin: "We must keep our work secret. You have helped prepare Qrow and Raven for their missions but now you'll need to fight alongside them"

Raven and Y/N looked at each-other before Qrow walked back.

Qrow: "That means no disappearing again. Just so we are clear I don't forgive you" Y/N nodded as an answer.

Raven: "It's good to see you again Y/N, I hope you can keep up with us" Y/N found himself smiling.

"I'm pretty sure, it was you two who couldn't keep up with me" Raven laughed.

Raven: "Yeah but things change and I think you'll find yourself falling behind"

"Whatever you say, as long as you don't slow me down - things will be fine" Y/N didn't intend on the venom with his words but it was obvious Raven heard it too.

To avoid the awkwardness between Raven and Y/N - Ozpin began their meeting with a few locations of importance alongside increasing White Fang activity due to new leadership.


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