Chapter Fourteen: Downhill Spiral

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Y/N helped the other huntsmen with putting the bodies into body bags. There was no words or smiled shared between the group as they respected their fallen brothers and sisters. Y/N felt broken, lost and guilt ridden as he tried to grasp what had happened.

The other huntsmen went into the cockpit while Y/N stayed in the haul, taking out his scroll once more - he stared at Ozpin's contact number as he had to fight back more tears. It took a few seconds for Ozpin to answer.

???: "Where is my sister you piece of shit!!!" A loud voice that must've been Gretchen's brother was the first voice he heard.

"Oz.. I found her body.. Bringing them to your office for a proper ceremonial preparation" Them there was a voice that at this very second, he dreaded of hearing.

Penelope: "Y/N?.. Is that you? Whose 'her'?" Y/N couldn't bring himself to answer that question which Ozpin understood by his silence.

Ozpin: "Thank you Y/N.." Ozpin was the first to hang up this time and Y/N was thankful as his body simply failed to function.

The rest of the journey he sat in silence, simply staring at his weapon and the minuscule amount of blood that still lurked on his bayonet's blade. He took his bare fingers and cleaned it off, staining his own skin with her blood.

The huntsmen helped him as they carefully took the bodies to Ozpin's office where he had a team of nurses and doctors already there. The moment Y/N entered the office, he could feel Penelope's gaze burn into him.

Hazel began crying out loud as they brought Gretchen's body into the room. Y/N took a place next to Ozpin in front of his desk as the two stood by side of each other.

Hazel: "This is your fucking fault! She wasn't - She just wasn't ready, I told you!!" Y/N could only stare at Penelope as she stared back while looking more than angry.

Ozpin: "I believed she was, she showed true compassion and heart for what she believed and I could be sorrier" Hazel's head snapped up as he took a step closer to Ozpin.

Immediately Y/N reacted as his sword formed once more, holding it in a position in front of Ozpin as a threat to Hazel.

Penelope: "Y/N! How can you stand by that man's side?! Look at what he's done! He tears families apart, with his own over-confident attitude" Y/N chocked on his own words.

Hazel looked back at Penelope while Y/N looked at Ozpin before looking back at her "I stand for peace and order.. This is a tragedy! I had to retrieve their bodies myself Penelope, please understand.."

She walked up to him and though she was smaller, she flared up at him before raising her hand and smacking him across the face.

Penelope: "Make a choice Y/N! Right here, right now. Me or him, your promise against your beliefs.. I'm going back to Mistral, with or without you.." Hazel took a stand next to her now while still focused on Ozpin.

Y/N looked at Ozpin once before his weapon changed back into a revolver which he now holstered. He met the eyes of Penelope again "I can't.. I can't go with you.."

Tears came into her eyes but she stayed headstrong and only nodded before dragging Hazel with her to the elevator. The moment the doors closed, he collapsed onto his knees.

Ozpin: "You could've gone Y/N.. I wouldn't of held it against you.."

Y/N ignored him and held his head low "Let's give them their burial.."

Meanwhile Qrow and Raven were just about to enter Beacon, just as Hazel and Penelope were leaving both extremely angry and the Branwen twins instantly picked up on it. They ignored each other but they were still confused.

Qrow: "I dunno what that was about but have you decided on how you're going to tell Y/N? He deserves to know.." Raven shook her head.

Raven: "What if the baby is blonde Qrow? Y/N will never believe that my natural hair is blonde"

Qrow: "I can confirm that Rave! Yeah it looks dodgy as he'll never probably imagine you blonde and me blonde but it's the truth and it can literally only be his"

Raven: "Promise me?" She looked at him as she looked at her ring finger to see that there was no ring anymore. Qrow took her hands into his.

Qrow: "Just get him to leave with you. Tai won't be happy about the wedding ring left on his dining room table" Raven shuffled in place as they stood in the elevator.

Raven: "Its always been Y/N.."

Qrow: ".. I know.." The siblings shared a hug as the door opened to a very sad sight and more importantly Y/N and Ozpin arguing.

"You're mad at me?!! The only reason I could find the others was because I HAD to take that boy's memories, do you think I don't hear his screams before he died"

Ozpin: "It was inhumane! Listen to me, I forbid you using that and you still did anyway, you're one of the best huntsmen alive, you have the skills to find them on your own" Y/N gripped his weapon harshly.

"It's apart of who I am!! That dimension is my soul itself! How can you not see my intentions are pure?!! I let the mother of my child go because I CHOSE to stand by you and now you go against me because I did what I HAD to do!"

Ozpin: ".. Leave Y/N - if any luck you could catch up to her.. Taking a dead boys soul.. Makes us just as bad as the grimm"

"Fuck this!" Y/N declared as he walked away. Raven and Qrow looked at him with Qrow giving a head nod to her.

She quickly chased after him into the elevator. She held her hands on either one of his cheeks and the two stayed like that before thrusting into a kiss that the two had to fight over dominance of with Y/N winning.

"Why are you here?" He said after the two pulled away for oxygen.

Raven: "To take us away from this place.. I've always told you about you Oz, he's not the man he pretends to be" Y/N simply stared at her eyes.

"Take me away from this place" Their foreheads pressed against each other "Please.."

Raven: "I know a place.."


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