Chapter Sixteen: A New Home Under Y/N's Protection

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Raven and Y/N were walking through the thick side of the forest. Both remained silent for most of the journey as he replayed his fight with Tai within his mind, until he remembered something.

"What did he mean by you're pregnant?" Raven's head stuck up as if she was completely off guard due to his question.

Raven: "Err.. Yeahh - that night we spent together, was the first time i've ever had sex without protection.. When I was with Tai I was on 3 forms of contraception that he didn't know about but with you, I felt comfortable and to me it felt natural and I would've atleast taken the pill but I hadn't returned to his house due to being summoned to Beacon"

Y/N took in her words and found himself grateful that she didn't refer to Tai's house as her home. He nodded in reply with rapid thoughts flowing through his head, more to do with how weak his pull out game was.

Raven: "We're nearly there" She mentioned as they pushed through a couple layers of bushes and branches.

They eventually came across a pointed wooden fence. Y/N knew this was her camp, her home. They both approached the main gate that had two guards standing out front. One instantly recognised her and approached her.

Jace: "Raven, you're back - I never thought you'd ever return" She only nodded as she took Y/N's hand into her own as they casually walked past.

As they walked Raven got closer to him and began whispering.

Raven: "Follow my lead.. I know what i'm about to do will be contradicting but I want to assure our child grows up in an environment that we have control over" She nods down to her sheathe and Y/N instantly understood.

Once again he found himself forgetting about his morals and principles, the very reasons he told Penelope that he had to stay with Ozpin were the very things he was turning his back on.

They entered a tent that was much bigger than the others and approached two men.

Tribe Leader: "Raven Branwen, welcome home - it's a pleasu.. —" He didn't finish as she plunged her weapon into his abdomen while covering his mouth with her hand.

Y/N felt no emotion as he slashed the other man's throat with his bayonet. He took no pride in his actions, he was empty as he watched the body slowly drop to the ground.

Raven: "See what I mean? These men's souls were so corrupt, that their aura is non existent.. We had to do this Y/N.. for us and our baby" Y/N nodded as he prodded the body with his foot.

Raven: "Can I get someone to clean up this mess?!" She called out as she exited the tent. Three people rushed in and did as they were asked of them.

Y/N followed her as there was now a crowd outside. The pair observed the crowd and Raven looked as though she was about to speak but was swiftly cut off by Y/N.

"You don't know me, I don't even know what i'm doing myself right now but things will change from here on out. I've killed bandits before, tribesman and I know how to improve our people to ensure your survival, we will stride to become more than just a tribe but an organised family, no more killing for fun - attacking helpless people.. We will do what we must to survive, not for own personal pleasure"

Raven was surprised by his sudden speech and became nervous as she began looking at the different people in the crowd. A smile grew on her face as she watched different men and women began to smile themselves then erupted into full blown cheering.

Crowd: "We will follow you both!!" Y/N smiled to himself as he crossed his arms, only to feel Raven book an arm around his and lay her head onto his shoulder.

A women that couldn't have been much younger than Y/N himself approached them.

???: "I want to thank you.. Those two made life here a living hell, I will happily serve you both until the end of time" Y/N chuckled.

"What's your name?" The women looked at him.

???: "It's Vernal.. You must be Y/N Rose?"

"It's just Y/N L/N, but yeah that's me" Raven looked at Vernal and began blushing a tiny bit.

Vernal: "Raven and I were best friends, she used to tell me stories about your adventures whenever she got the chance, it's a pleasure to finally meet you"

"I look forward to working with you in the future Vernal.." The pair shook hands.

Back at Mistral, Penelope was restless - something wasn't right and she could feel it, there was something off about Lavender now.. She went back to the bar to speak with the owner as she knew, he was Y/N's best friend but he had disappeared without a trace.

There were shadows in places that didn't make sense and with Hazel's declining mentality state, she was scared. It didn't help that the pregnancy hormones were finally kicking in and she was missing Y/N a great deal.

Hazel would keep complaining about how Y/N was never fit for her anyway, how he was weak and wouldn't be able to protect her - spouting nonsense that he played apart in Gretchen's death.

She refused to believe any of it. The stories were mostly true about Y/N, he had taken lives - only if they deserved it however but to take an innocent life? Y/N would never do such a thing as that.

As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, it wasn't long before her due date came around. As she lay on the hospital bed with Hazel at her side, she came to a conclusion just as they began preparing for birth.

She stared at the lights of her hospital room and began silently talking to herself.

Penelope: "I forgive you Y/N.."

She was told to push and so the feeling of giving birth began taking place. All while Hazel grinned to himself as he had orders of what was to become of the daughter of Penelope Fall and Y/N L/N.


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