Chapter Thirteen: What Have You Done?

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A month had passed and Y/N thought it was going well. He hadn't spoken to Raven much but him and Penelope were blooming during her pregnancy. Summer was round Penelope's apartment a lot and nothing seemed it could ever go wrong.

That's what he thought..

Ozpin: "We have an emergency Y/N. One of my teams were with a huntsmen for their trip and were attacked by massive pack of grimm - I need you to go and help them, I lost contact 6 hours ago and you're the only one I could ask of this" Y/N's heartbeat accelerated as he tried to grasp the situation while still holding his scroll.

"Get a bullhead to Vale and drop me off at their last known location, i'll bring them home" He heard Ozpin sigh in relief.

Ozpin: "Thank you Y/N, the team had Gretchen Rainart within it and her brother is already angry about me letting her stay here. I don't want to prove him right"

"I trust you Oz. I'll get them, don't worry about a thing" He hung up and quickly grabbed his gear and clothing.

Inspecting his weapon, he removed the already loaded chamber before flipping it back into the weapon. He headed straight to the door as Penelope was asleep on the sofa with empty ice creams boxes around her.

He smiled and walked over to her sleeping figure and giving her a quick kiss before rushing out the door. He ignored the extremely hot sun and practically sprinted to the bullhead landing pads.

The journey seemed to take no time for him as in no time he was being dropped within deep of the Emerald Forest. Surveying his surrounding the first thing he noticed was the small traces of blood pouring down some trees.

Keeping his weapon firmly grasped within his right hand, he slowly approached the blood trail that led deeper into the foliage. As he pushed past heavy bushes and tree parts, he found his worst nightmare.

There was a boy, dead with his left foot missing and his right arm completely gone. He rushed over to the body and inspected it - the boys weapon was nowhere to be seen but most importantly there was no clues with the whereabouts of the other team members.

He closed his eyes as he raised a hand to the boy's corpse "I'm so sorry for this.. I have to find the others.." He spoke out loud as he brought the body into his semblance.

Almost immediately his semblance began 'eating' the body. Tendrils of white light attached the body and began dissolving it and as it finally finished, Y/N felt himself become more energised but also began to be able to see the boy's memories.

The team were not attacked by grimm but instead by bandits. The huntress Mrs. Sylvia was the first to be killed and the boy had tried to come back and save her - resulting in him being quickly dispatched but he didn't lose limbs which showed Y/N that it was grimm that had done the dismemberment.

As he exited his semblance he knew which way the team had ran and began his pursuit. He sprinted as fast as he could as he slowly heard the deep cries and howls of grimm which were never a good sign.

During his run, he noticed that there was more blood and two left behind weapons which only made Y/N increase his speed. He stopped as he managed to make out voices from in front of him.

???: "How have we lost them, we should just go back, huntsmen teams will already be on their way" Y/N peered from behind a tree to see three bandits, picking up more weapons.

???: "It's not like they'll survive long out here anyway, it's not like that huntress did ayy?" The trio began to laugh and Y/N gritted his teeth before taking aim with his weapon.

???: "Yeah, we got a lot of good stuff we can make good lien off of anyway" The three began to walk away and Y/N lowered his weapon.

He inspected the area they had just been and sighed to himself as he realised they were standing over another body - a female but she looked fresh and died quickly. He moved a piece of her hair out of the way before pulling her body back and resting it in a peaceful position.

He picked up his scroll and called Ozpin "Oz, it's worse than you thought.. I can confirm three are dead, their huntress, a boy called Daniel and a girl I can't name. I can't confirm about the two missing ones however" There was an unusual amount of silence before he heard Ozpin exhale a large breath.

Ozpin: "This is truly horrific. Bring their bodies back for a proper burial.."

"Err.. There's only one, I sorta had to take the boy to be able to find the others and there's no sign of the huntress' body anywhere"

Ozpin: ".. Very well - just do what you can, the bullhead will pick you up directly when called. See you soon Y/N" Y/N hung up and just as he did, a girl jumped from a higher tree branch and tried to attack Y/N.

???: "You bandit scum!"

Y/N panicked and his gun became his sword as he quickly blocked the left-handed strike and drove his weapon into the chest of the feminine voice.

His eyes widened as Gretchen Rainart covered in camouflage stared back at him as blood began pouring from her mouth. She stumbled back as Y/N removed the blade and swiftly caught her in his hands.

"I.. I - I thought.." He mumbled as tears came to his eyes.

Gretchen: "I.. I.. I.." She couldn't say anything as her body became limp and her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

Y/N closed his eyes and brought his head down to her chest. He stayed like this for a couple of minutes before sucking up air and calling for a bullhead extraction.

There was one still missing but that wasn't his problem anymore.. Getting these bodies back to Beacon was his only priority but telling what had happened to Gretchen was something he just could not do.


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