Chapter Eight: Love-Struck Jealousy

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Y/N watched from the crowd as Tai took his spot with Qrow being his best man. The only look Y/N had received from Tai were sharp daggers.

Summer and Penelope had both noticed the tense aura that radiated from Y/N but it calmed down once the music began playing. Y/N followed Summer's eyes as they saw Raven is a stunning white wedding dress.

Summer: "Never thought I'd see her in white" She whispered to him but he had got lost in thought and only managed to hum in response.

The ceremony was beautiful to everyone but Y/N and Penelope who had decided to find things to fake gag about as a time passer - anything ranging from people's words to the song choices.

When it came to rings however, Y/N payed attention towards only Raven as she held reluctance in her eyes while she stuttered her words.

Raven: "I— I.. I Do.." The ring had been placed and the kissed looked just as awkward as him placing the ring on her finger had.

Penelope looked at Y/N to see his fists clenched, she quickly took his left hand and held it in her own "Calm down, we can take a walk outside after"

Y/N didn't look at her but he did nod and gripped her hand firmly. The two joined in the celebrations as the guests began cheering as the ceremony finished.

The party afterwards was outside under multiple canopy's. Y/N, Penelope and Summer were all talking. Penelope gagged but covered it up saying it was a cough.

Summer: "Do you want me to get you some water? It might be the whole surrounded by new people"

Penelope: "Yes please, that would really help - thank you" Summer left in a hurry.

"Thank you for what you did back in there, I dunno what came over me" She giggled while holding her belly.

Penelope: "It was pretty hot not going to lie but if it's Raven you want, leave it up to me.. I have an idea" Y/N raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms at her.

"You care to explain? 'Cause i'm not trusting this vibe you're giving off right now"

Penelope: "Hey, trust me okay! This plan will knock your socks off though BUT you'll have to wait as-well" Y/N just shook his head while smiling.

"I am honestly absolutely terrified"

Penelope: "Errr.. Looks like you'll be finding out early than you expected" Y/N looked where she was looking to see Summer with Raven and Tai.

Tai: "Y/N it's been a long-time buddy, how you been?" Y/N looked at Penelope but all she did was shake her head.

"Yeahhh.. Right. Been good, glad you're doing good"

Raven: "Its good to see you again Y/N.." She held a smile at him but it quickly faded when Tai glanced at her.

Tai: "Whose this anyway? Your plus one?" He asked motioning towards Penelope.

Penelope: "You say that like you don't know the people at your wedding. Penelope Fall - Y/N's ex-girlfriend" Tai laughed.

Tai: "You brought your ex-girlfriend to a wedding?" Raven's face dropped even more.

Summer: "Actually, they're still pretty good friends and Penelope is actually really nice"

The two girls shared a smile while Penelope began to apply more pressure to her belly. She gagged once more as Summer gave her the glass of water she was supposed to give Penelope earlier.

Y/N began rubbing her back while Tai and Raven stared on in confusion. Penelope eventually perched forward and began throwing up all over the floor.

"Hey, Hey you alright?" Penelope was given a tissue which she used to wipe her mouth.

Penelope: "Yeah, i'm okay - I was hoping that wouldn't happen"

Summer: "Why? Do you need a doctor because i'll come with you and Y/N"

Tai: "I'll get help in cleaning this up" He walked off and Raven stared at Penelope.

Penelope: "I didn't want to do this here but Y/N and Summer.." She purposely left out Raven "I recently did a test and i've been having morning sickness.."

Summer and Y/N looked at each other, before Y/N took Penelope into his arms "Are you actually?.."

Penelope: "Pregnant? Yes.."

A high pitched screech was heard as Summer began cheering. Raven's eyes widened as her fists clenched and anger clouded her mind. Penelope noticed this and smiled at her.

Summer: "I'ma make SO MANY cookies!!" Y/N looked at her.

"You do that anyway?" Summer smiled and and pulled a silly pose.

Summer: "Yes but this time it will be for a good cause!"

Penelope continued her stare down with Raven before she looked back at Y/N then at Summer.

Penelope: "You're happy about this? I thought you'd be angry"

"What? It's a surprise yeah but i'm more than happy, i'm great!" He picked her up and spun her around "I'm gunna be a father.. Fuck! Summer! I'm gonna be a dad"

Once he put Penelope down, Raven had already disappeared just as Tai came back with a few helpers to clean up the mess.

Summer: "This is such a happy day" She said oblivious to Raven earlier. She hugged Y/N and Penelope "I wish you the best of luck and if Y/N ever slips up, we'll beat him up together"

Penelope: "Hell yeah, we will!" The two girls fist bumped.

The remainder of the day was filled with joyous laughter and happiness. The only person that hated the day and couldn't wait to just drink her problems away was Raven.

Raven: "What do you want Qrow?" She said as she threw her wedding dress into a fire while standing within the Emerald Forest.

Qrow: "It's Oz, he contacted me while at the wedding. You and Y/N are needed in Vacuo"

Raven scoffed while trying to hold back tears as she held a little amulet of a rose. She clicked it open as a picture of a younger version of herself and Y/N floated out.

She quickly saved the picture from the flames and carefully put it back into the amulet. She turned around and picked up her holster while slumping it over her shoulder.

Qrow: "What's wrong with you?"

Raven: "Fuck off"


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