Chapter Nineteen: The Growing Power of Our Family

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"So if an opponent, tries to strike you from the right, you'd try and block with your left arm which would allow you to use your free arm to immediately strike back"

Y/N stood in front of his daughters. Yang L/N-Branwen and Cinder L/N-Fall, Yang being 9 while Cinder being 10. Since very early into their lives the both shared a great deal on interest in combat. Yang enjoying close range combat while Cinder took more from her father with sword/ranged combat.

The two listened intently at the first lesson of hand-to-hand combat, something Penelope suggested as she felt both girls should be able to perform it, even if Yang was much stronger in that regard. Raven walked slowly past Yang and to test if she was listening, she used her right arm to try and punch Yang.

The 9 year old blocked it perfectly before punching her mother with an uppercut which sent Raven flying into the sky. Cinder and Y/N just stared at the newly formed hole in the top of their class-tent. The two looked at each other then at Yang who was laughing.

"How did you do that?.." She just looked at Y/N then pointed at the hole.

Yang: "Did I do well?" She beamed a smile.

"Yes.. You did amazingly but try not to make your mother blast off into the atmosphere again?" Daughter and father fist bumped as Y/N played with her hair, something she only let Cinder and himself do.

Y/N began teaching his lesson once more even if his assistant was quite possibly stranded on the moon. The trio started off with basic knowledge of fighting forms and stances that allowed for different techniques and suited a particular style of fighting.

Yang instantly preferred the more outgoing method which would put a lot of pressure onto an opponent but it was something she would have to fully commit to as she did struggle when it came to defence, especially against quick-feet individuals such as her father.

Cinder took on a hyper-defensive role which Y/N had to admire.

Cinder: "I want to learn that one" She said pointing to a figure covering his eyes with his fists.

"Why that one? It's a defensive form and doesn't offer any attacking benefits" Cinder shook her head.

Cinder: "Silly papa, I want to be so good with weapons that I would only need a de-sfensive form"

"Defensive form?" Cinder pouted her cheeks and glared playfully at Y/N.

Cinder: "That's what I said.." Y/N held his hands up on surrender.

"Okay, okay - we can practise that. That's admirable Cinder, I honestly really like your choice" Cinder's smile beamed as she jumped onto Y/N and engulfed him into a hug.

Cinder: "I won't let you down"

The two parted and Y/N scuffled her hair a little bit before sending her back to her seat. That's how it went for the remainder of the day, it was more-admittedly written work and learning the basics and even Y/N was bored out of his mind but it was something that needed to be done.

It was now the end of the day and the girls had already left for home which was their personal living quarters alongside their parents. Y/N walked into a separate room that inside, revealed Penelope and Raven searching through different maps.

"Oh Rave, forgot about you to be honest" Raven looked up and glared at him.

Raven: "I broke the sound barrier, I was near enough deaf for two hours" Y/N smirked as the pair hugged, pulled away from her, he and Penelope shared a hug.

"Any news anyway? There must be something on these bastards" Penelope leant back on her chair and sighed.

Penelope: "I checked everything I could to try and find any sign of Hazel anywhere. I can't escape the thought of he was there that night.." Raven gently touched her shoulder.

Raven: "We'll find him and we'll kill him" She then looked at Y/N "All of them"

Y/N took out his revolver and placed it on the table before taking Penelope's hand and placing it on top of the weapon.

"We'll get all of them. This stupid war has been going on far too long.."

Penelope: "The maiden.. Y/N, she's making zero progress - she won't be ready to help us"

"What? How is she not?.."

Raven: "We've tried everything. Penelope spent two-years trying to teach that women archery, another year - trying to help her control her powers. I've spent the rest of that time teaching her weaponry and fighting but she's right, the progress our maiden is making.. We may as-well die now"

Y/N took a deep breath before leaning on the tabletop.

"We can't kill Salem or Ozpin without a worthy maiden.. There's no peace until both of those warlords are dealt with.." The two women both put a caring hand on either of his shoulders.

Penelope: "We will figure something out.. In the meantime, I'll cook something then when the kids are sleep.." She winked at Raven which she replied with a smirk.

Y/N just looked at both of the girls with a grin while shaking his head. Raven quickly pulled them all into a three way kiss which turned passionate almost instantly. Eventually they pulled away due to the lack of oxygen but all their eyes held lust while wanting more.

The day ended with a nice family meal, the girls laughed while Penelope told them funny stories as Raven cuddled up to Yang. The adults knew their fight was extremely risky but the payout was far too great.

Their goal was simple, no more lies - deception, no more kings or queen, pawns and all that bullshit. They all wanted peace and the fighting to stop. Their children were their motivation and nothing - no one, was going to stop them from achieving it.


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