Chapter Twenty: Standby Your Side, Always

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Y/N dodged a quick punch by ducking under Yang's arm, as he also managed to block Cinder's slash behind him. Activating his semblance quickly, he reappeared behind Cinder and shoved her into Yang.

"You two are making amazing progress" The girls didn't respond as they quickly composed themselves and stood side-by-side ready to attack again.

The two nodded at each other before Yang lunged once more towards Y/N, which he easily side-stepped but Cinder predicted his movements and used her mother's gift of a glass anklet to summon shards and fire them towards him.

Y/N barely dodged the attack but failed to remember Yang now behind him who punched the ground, shattering it below him and sending him into the air. Cinder now prepared her glass bow and shot arrows at him. Two connected and sent him across the ground.

He recovered quickly but wasn't quick enough as both girls now stood above him, he couldn't hold back his smile as he was finally beaten by the duo.

Cinder: "Got you" She smirked and held out her hand to help him up which he accepted.

"Looks like you two are finally ready" He ruffled both of the girls' hair and they quickly hugged him.

Yang: "Beacon won't know what hit it" Yang and Cinder high-fived each-other.

As they celebrated Penelope walked into the training area with a smile on her face and with a birthday cake.

Penelope: "Come on Yang! We still have your 17th birthday party to look forward to, don't get all tired now" Yang laughed and quickly hugged Penelope.

Cinder: "Do you think we are really ready papa? One victory out of the amount of times we've fought.." Y/N silenced her by bringing her into an embrace.

"You and Yang have fought tirelessly to improve, honestly - I believed you were ready a while ago but this defeat, has shown me that together, nothing can stop you both" Cinder held hope in her eyes.

Cinder: "We won't let you- anyone, down, you can count on us" Y/N laughed as the two began walking over to Penelope and Yang.

The four of them left while Yang and Cinder went their own way to get ready for the celebrations. Y/N and Penelope held hands as they walked to the tent that Raven was currently in, finalising papers for the two girls.

As the two entered, Raven noticed and stood up from her chair, she hugged Penelope and the two shared a quick kiss before she and Y/N did the same.

Raven: "All the application forms are done. I'm so proud of both of them" Everyone smiled at each other.

Penelope: "They really do go above and beyond to try and make us happy. We all have done a really good job in my books"

"I'm more surprised if i'm honest, the moment we told them the truth behind the world, they've fully committed to our cause, now, I truly believe we can win"

Raven: "Yes, love. As silly as it sounds, we'll have spies in Beacon but your sister's child may still cause a problem" Y/N held his forehead.

"I know but I won't do anything to hurt her or her child. Yang and Cinder will just have to try and blend in as-well as they can - they know about Ruby so i'm sure they'll be cautious"

Penelope: "Of course they'll be cautious, these are our daughters you're talking about, they had the best parents on Remnant" She cheered and Raven alongside Y/N just agreed as the trio hugged each other.

Raven: "Now, lets not be boring parents? We have a party that I do not intent to be late to" Penelope punched the sky with a huge smile on her face.

Penelope: "Partyyyy!!"

Y/N and Raven just looked at each other.

"Oh god.."

Raven: "Oh god.."

Yang's 17th birthday party was spent with plenty of cheers and a lot of antics. Cinder already being 18 allowed her to buy some alcohol from a close-by village which did not end well for the two sisters as the enduring hangovers were not fun.

Y/N, Raven and Penelope spent the night experimenting as a drunk Penelope is a very open-minded Penelope. Y/N could barely keep up with the two women that held his heart but he didn't mind, it was fun to spend his life with two different but also similar girls.

The two girls continued training heavily leading up to the days from where they would leave for Beacon. Learning all the important stuff from their parents. The girls knew what they were signing up for and would be willing to do it proudly.

Their parents' fight was just as much their fight also and the two made a promise to each other and to their family.

Yang: "We stand as many but fight as one" Cinder smiled at her sister before hugging her deeply.

Cinder: "We can't be stopped as we all share the same goal"

Yang: "I love my sister"

Cinder: "I love my sister"

Time flew for the crew. In what felt like no time at all, it had finally reached one week before the new Beacon year and the girls were determined to set out and do their part to help this fight that plagued the planet.


RWBY: Stand By Me, Always [1] (Raven x M!Reader x OC)Where stories live. Discover now