Chapter Seventeen: The Beginning Of Something New

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One year and four months later..

A quick slash decapitated a beowolf. Vernal put a foot to Y/N's back and pounced off lunging towards an Ursa, she bear hugged it with her blades embedded into it before firing rapidly bringing the beast down.

Y/N flipped and impaled another beowolf from behind before sprinting up its back and backflipping, he kicked another beowolf in the face - following up by pulling the trigger, cutting the beowolf on the floor in half.

The blade swung in its momentum, embedding into the shoulder blade of an Ursa, he twisted the blade sideways as he observed three beowolfs coming from his right side. He smiled as he pulled the trigger again, decapitating the Ursa and the momentum of the bullet fired caused a shockwave to ripple from the swing.

This shockwave made contact with the three beowolfs and cut all three in half. He heard Vernal finishing up behind and he turned to look at her. She shot the final grimm in the head and laughed to herself as she looked at Y/N.

Vernal: "Do you do that move everytime you fight grimm? Honestly you're such a showoff" Y/N chuckled as he holstered his weapon.

"Showoff? Nahhhh, I like to do things in style, can't be boring all ya life" Vernal raised an eyebrow.

Vernal: "So that explains why you and Raven had sex in a tree. I honestly thought you were owls or some shit" Y/N deadpanned and smacked his face.

"That was a one time thing man" Y/N laughed as he began walking back to their camp.

Vernal: "Hows Yang been anyway? Haven't had time to see her in a while"

"I know you haven't, she's doing great - Raven doesn't like how I'm the one who is able to keep her from crying" Vernal chuckled but she saw his face drop.

Vernal: "Are you still hung up on her hair colour?"

"No it's not that. I know Raven was born blonde, I saw her Beacon file and she also told me before Yang was born"

Vernal: "Oh yeah, I remember that argument between you two —"

"Let's just drop this shall we? I'm just stuck in my own mind and just want to cuddle with my daughter"

In Y/N's mind he was still very much conflicted with the missing part of his heart that held Penelope tightly. He had tried to call her multiple times, even spammed her with texts but he eventually found out that somebody else had been receiving them.

The pair enjoyed their walk back to camp and it was both their favourite part of the mission they went on, the two had grown close to one another over the time that Y/N and Raven had taken charge and it was a strong bond.

The journey wasn't particularly long but once they got back they noticed everyone was extremely tensed and had faced like they were waiting for something. Raven stormed out and immediately headed to Y/N and put her hands on either side of his face.

Raven: "I have something you REALLY need to hear. And remember I will always love you" She kisses him before taking his hand and leading him to the makeshift prison.

She dragged him into another room that was completely boarded up and as they entered the room the White Fang lieutenant whimpered a little more as Raven punched his face and forced the faunus to look at Y/N.

Raven: "Tell him EXACTLY what you told me. If you don't, this man has other ways of finding out what you know!" He gulped but his eyes widened even more when he saw Y/N staring back at him.

"What did you do to make my wife so extremely upset?.."

Lieutenant: "Err— Err" He received a hard punch from Raven that wanted to waste no time.

Raven: "Out with it! This deserves to come from you and you will NOT waste anymore time!" The faunus whimpered even more and Y/N was really surprised by Raven's ferocity, she didn't display anything close to this even during pregnancy.

Lieutenant: "Yo— You're lover Penelope's daughter.." Y/N took a step closer but Raven stopped him "So— Sorr-y your daughter.. Cinder — my team.. and I were hired to kidnap Cinder.." Y/N broke free from Raven's grasp.

"Why?! WHY?!!"

Lieutenant: "There— was two men, one faunus and another really big guy.. They forced us to agree! The White Fang.. They don't even know.. It happens today!!! I was sent here to observe but the grimm attacked me and.. Andd.. Please don't kill me!! I was forc—"

Y/N grabbed him and activated his semblance, punching and flipping him over, he re-equipped his weapon and put a foot onto the lieutenants chest.

"Your sacrifice has been noted but will be forgotten.." He shot three bullets into their head and after a few more minutes his semblance made quick work of the body.

???: "She lives in Mistral, 187 Titanium Drive in Lavander Town" An evil-maniacal laugh was heard.

???: "The queen will be most happy with us. You White Fang will assist or you shall feel the queen's wrath" Another laugh was heard as Y/N opened his eyes and deactivated his semblance.

He immediately stormed off but was quickly caught by Raven. She faced him and kissed him.

Raven: "Being them here, safe. That is not a request - it's an order" She then forced him to turn around and kicked him to give him more momentum as he began sprinting. As Y/N ran into the forest he heard Raven shout again.

Raven: "I don't mind sharing!.. Now save them!"

Y/N knew their current campsite was set up within Mistral but he never where Lavander town was until the Lieutenants memories - as Y/N was following the path that the faunus had taken to get to their campsite to begin with. He sped through everything as pursuing grimm couldn't even keep up with him.

"IM COMING PENELOPE!!!" He called out as loud as he could.


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