Chapter Ten: The Kiss That Started It All

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Y/N and Raven were riding in their bullhead in complete silence, she refused to look at him while he day dreamed about the many reasons why he should get a pet dog.

"They are loyal while cats mainly eat and sleep BUT what if i'm in the mood to eat and sleep and my dog is wide awake.. Ahh but I could teach the dog to kill grimm but i'm pretty sure grimm are already scared of cats.."

Raven: "Y/N!.." He didn't respond and only kept staring at the wall "Y/N, we are here!" She punched his shoulder, knocking him back into the present world.

He shook his head and stared at her in annoyance, they had a little stare-down before she simply walked away as the bullhead lowered its ramp.

He did a little jog after her as they surveyed the land. It was a destroyed small village, little embers of flames still emitted from the wood while everything was stained in black.

Y/N readied his weapon as he slowly pulled his hood over his head. The two made eye contact before they looked at the bullhead as it took off again.

Raven: "Oz didn't say our drop off point was in the village. Eyes sharp, they are most likely still around the area"

"I'll check the ruins for any survivors, my guess would be they are still hiding in what remains of this place" She nodded at him before taking her own path leading her away from him.

Y/N sighed to himself as he walked to the first structure and began lifting a bit of wood that was blocking a doorway. He walked inside and found nothing, not even furniture.

It creeped him out a little and so he slowly backed up "This is going to be a looong day" he thought as continued to search the different - barely stable structures.

5 buildings later and he heard a very loud growl engulf the left over town. The lack of grimm had always put him on edge but this was on an entirely different level.

He heard a loud smash of bricks and wood and he instantly sprung into action. He saw the explosions that must have been coming from Raven and decided to smash through a wall to get there quicker.

Crashing through the wall, he saw Raven circled by multiple Ursa with Taijitus and deathstalkers on either side of her. Two Ursa lunged from Raven's blindspot.

Y/N shot one and decapitated the other. The other grimm lunged for Raven but Y/N managed to get to her first. She screamed just as he managed to make skin contact and activate his semblance.

The two rolled over each other before coming to a stop with Y/N on top of her. The two gazed at each other before Y/N sighed "Thank god.. Thought I wouldn't get to you"

Raven continued to stare at him as he tried to get back onto his feet but before he could, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him back down.

Their lips met and Raven instigated a kiss that he went along with. It turned into a fully heated make-out, as the two eventually had to pull away due to the lack of oxygen.

Raven: "I.. I'm sorry.. It's just.." Y/N stood back up hastily and caught his breath.

"Don't worry about it.. I won't tell Tai if that's what you're worried about" Raven sighed.

Raven: "Its not that.. I have waited to do that for so long.." She stood up and hugged him "I don't ever want to stop doing it" He didn't know what to say or do.

"We can finish our mission first.. Then figure something out.. But your wedding -"

Raven: "Your child.. I love you Y/N, I can't keep it in anymore - I can't keep being strong for myself when you're the reason I am.."

Y/N shook his head "It's too late Raven.. I love you but I won't keep this going with Tai in the picture" He held his weapon to his side "Focus now, let's do this - together"

Returning back to Remannt, the grimm had spread out a little bit due to the sudden disappearance of their pray. Y/N smirked and spun his sword around in his hand as it took form of his revolver.

"No splitting up this time" He commanded as she began following him.

The two began cutting down the grimm on their own terms. Using their years of teamwork that had already been brought up and never forgotten - the pair were physically unstoppable.

Raven would use speed and precision to strike the grimm down while Y/N used brute strength and cunning tactics. They complimented each other as they stood back to back, flipping over each other when needed.

The Ursa were the first to go. Raven would cut them down while Y/N would take their limbs. The three Taijitus were next and once again the pair prevailed.

Y/N would shoot and distract while using his semblance to confuse the snake like creatures while Raven would use stealth and speed in their moments of confusion.

To say the pair of Death-stalkers put up a good fight would be a lie. Y/N took one to his semblance while Raven battled the other on Remnant.

In the void Y/N didn't actually attack the Deathstalker. He danced, dodged and blocked against it, he only admired as his semblance began to eat the creature alive. Feeling his own energy being replenished, he wore a cruel smile as the creature became to weak to support its own weight.

He walked up to the now laying down grimm, gently placing the sword on top of its head "I know.. It's painful - This place can do a lot worse to you though" he put pressure onto his weapon which plunged the blade deep into its head.

As the grimm died, he felt weight being put onto him as his semblance began attacking him. Deactivating it, he returned to Remnant to find Raven sitting on a rock.

Raven: "Lets go home.."


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