Chapter Eleven: Team STRQ And The Rolemodel

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Ozpin: "And you're sure there was no survivors?" Y/N sighed as he leant back on his chair.

"Oz, we nearly got caught out by the amount of them that was there - I checked multiple times, even before the bullhead extraction. There was no one left" Ozpin pinched his nose before rubbing his forehead.

Ozpin: "We can't keep losing people that are meant to be under our protection. She is becoming more aggressive with her attacks"

Raven: "Then we'll keep defeating whatever she sends. Y/N and I handled ourselves today, if two of us can handle that many grimm, so can others" Qrow laughed.

Qrow: "Yes but not everyone has the level of training that you two have. You both fight as if you were dancing, you compliment each other, you build off each other's strengths. You're a team of two not four"

"This isn't about Raven and I, it's about preparing the future generations, how long until she realises how weak we truly are. Ozpin I trust your judgement when it comes to near all things but not everyone is cut for the real world"

Ozpin sighed while Qrow scoffed while Raven looked at him admiringly.

Ozpin: "You're right.. Team STRQ alongside yourself have been the only team in years to show the true potential of huntsmen and huntresses. I'm keeping a close eye on another, a Gretchen Rainart - she shows true determination and heart"

Qrow: "One student out of hundreds isn't good Oz" Ozpin looked at him and shook his head.

Ozpin: "She is an example for other students, when people see and hear about the heart she has, they will try and follow"

Raven: "So a poster girl"

Ozpin: "Something like that but I see her as more of a role model, even to the likes of myself" Y/N stood up.

"If you want Oz, i'll keep an eye on her - make sure she stays safe, there's being good and then there's being put on a pedastool"

Ozpin: "No Y/N, she must grow on her own. We are finished here, Qrow stay with me - you two are free to go"

Raven and Y/N left without another word. The mission and their kiss both played on their minds resulting in a silent and almost awkward elevator ride. The two quickly walked out of the academy.

As the two walked Y/N failed to notice the quite big guy who was storming past them or Penelope at his side who had noticed him and Raven. Much to Penelope's own surprise, she scowled to herself as she watched Raven walk closer to Y/N as he remained oblivious.

Hazel: "Lope, you coming or what?" He looked to where she was looking to see an unfamiliar person in his eyes.

Penelope: "Yes I am, sorry Haze - just got lost in thought" She quickly composed herself and joined his side again.

Hazel: "Who was that, you were staring at?" She sighed as she knew he had noticed.

Penelope: "You know when I said I got pregnant from a one night stand?" He nodded "Yeah.. Well I fell in-love with him"

Hazel: "Is that such a bad thing?.." He asked as the two ignored Glynda and headed straight to the elevator.

Penelope: "It is when you don't mean for it to happen - then help him with the women that he loves" Hazel didn't know what to say as he pressed the button.

Hazel: "I'll always love you, at least you got me ay?" Penelope laughed completely oblivious to the real meaning behind his words.

Penelope: "Yeah, now I've just got to get him to love me" He did his best to hide his pain and nodded before the door opened.

Hazel: "Ozpin how many times do I have to say this?! She's not ready!.."

Y/N and Raven were sitting on the bullhead back to Vale, this time engaging in smalltalk.

Raven: "Thank you for saving me back there, If you hadn't.." Y/N stopped her with his finger pressed to his lips.

"Don't be. We're friends, we look out for each other"

Raven: ".. Yeah - friends.." Y/N picked up on her tone and sighed.

"I'm not pretending our kiss didn't happen Rave. I've waited years for that to happen but.. I'm not going to go against my morals and start sleeping with a married women"

Raven: "I explained this to you Y/N, I don't want this marriage, I want you.. Leave with me - we can runaway together! Qrow said it, we are a team of two not four, I know a place we can go and.."

"No!.. Sorry but no. I won't leave Penelope, My heart calls for you but she holds my child - I must protect her and our child, always"

Raven: "I can't bring myself to hurt Tai, Y/N! Please understand"

"Then we are at an impasse.. This.." He gestured to them both "This hold on the past we have.. Has to end" Raven sniffled as she held back tears.

Raven: "It did.. It just did, this is over.."

They stared at each other's eyes as they realised the lies they had spoken to each other, neither one of them wanting to let go.

Raven moved forward and so did Y/N. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he put his arms around her waist and picked her up. Y/N held her up with her back against the wall as they began to make-out.

They kissed the entire journey back to Vale before stopping once the bullhead landed. They  exited the transport and looked around.

Raven: "One night.. Spend one night with me" Y/N looked at her and answered while still in ecstasy due to the bullhead ride.

"One night" She grabbed his hand and practically dragged him throughout the streets of Vale as they headed to a hotel.

They both failed to notice an odd looking man wearing a thick brown coat staring at them with a grizzly smile as he disappeared into the crowd.


RWBY: Stand By Me, Always [1] (Raven x M!Reader x OC)Where stories live. Discover now