Chapter Five: My Side Of The Story

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Raven: "So Y/N was the one sending us intel?" She said while glancing at him.

"I got this Oz.. I was the one who set you up with intel so you could do your thing. Afterwards there'd be an influx of grimm due to your emotions during your mission - i'd clear out those too" Qrow looked at Ozpin.

Qrow: "We didn't need his help" He heard Y/N and turned to face him "What are laughing about?"

"I basically built you a path to follow, then i'd destroy it after you use it - I did all the hard shit" Qrow stood up and made his way to Y/N, grabbing the collar to his hoodie.

Qrow: "YOU had the easy job, disappearing for years while WE had to pick up THOSE pieces - thinking about it yeah that's what you are! You build stuff up then destroy it all afterwards" Y/N smacked his hand off and stood up, picking up the chair and throwing it away.

"I left due to the feeling of rejection! I needed time to heal - I should've let you know first, I know that Qrow and I'm sorry.. I truly am, I was young and I had never been in love before - I didn't know what to do!" Qrow's face softened as he repeated Y/N's words in his mind.

Qrow pulled Y/N into a hug and it was pretty tight. The two boys that once considered each other family stood in front of each other, Qrow extended a hand which Y/N took.

Qrow: "I didn't know. I'm glad you're back - sorry for my outbursts"

"If it's any consolation, i've already reunited with Summer.. I'll be honest in saying that I didn't know if I wanted to see you two again just yet" Y/N retrieved his chair and Qrow alongside Y/N both sat back down.

Raven looked at the two and felt her heart strain and beat faster. Qrow forgave him so easily but she thought it's only most likely because it was her fault he left.

Ozpin: "We know that the queen has began using pawns, Qrow please explain" Qrow stood up again.

Qrow: "Yeah, she has begun recruitment into her sort of inner circle. I only got a glimpse of one but they definitely looked as thought they meant business. It's certain that there is more of them"

"This makes things more interesting then. Do we have anything else, names - appearances, possible locations?"

Raven: "I tried my best but there was nothing, I couldn't get to close to hear anything and they didn't leave for over two weeks and when they did, it was like they instantly vanished"

Ozpin: "These pawns could be living anywhere and we could even possibly see them on a daily basis but there's no way to be sure unless they slip up"

"But if they are inside her inner circle, i'm positive there would be no way to catch them in the act"

Raven: "I even checked the cabin that two people walked in that were being escorted by grimm and there was nothing inside. No furniture of anything of the sorts"

Qrow: "So basically we are just sitting ducks? We have our heads in the ground while they just walk around freely? Ozpin - we can't stay hidden if this is the case"

Ozpin: "Qrow please, we can't cause a panic. We will have to do this ourselves. Now that Y/N is here, we will have an increased chance of coming up with something"

"I'm not sure how I can help but yeah I guess, we could take more riskier missions when my semblance isn't miss-fortune" Qrow gave him a death stare.

Ozpin: "He's right Qrow. Raven and Y/N will be able to work as a two man unit while not having to worry about your semblance, you'll be put on a more reconnaissance role for the time being" Qrow sighed but simply nodded as his answer.

"I'll be off then. I gotta get back to Sum - ring me if you need anything, that goes for you too Qrow"

Qrow: "Cheers" Y/N stood up and headed to the elevator.

Raven: "Wait Y/N, i'll come with you!" Y/N rolled his eyes before smiling and turning around to her.

"Sure lets go" The two stood in the elevator and started descending.

Raven: "I'm glad you're back and I want to apologise for how we left things"

"Don't be. It's in the past and I have a lot of making up to do for the people who do care about me" Raven was hurt by his words but she was more angry about them.

Raven: "You don't even know my side of the story?! How can you say something like that" The elevator opened and Y/N walked out.

"I don't need to know. I admitted my feelings - you ran off, then later that day you kissed Tai.. I stayed until graduation so don't try and act like I left immediately" Raven shook her head.

Raven: "I didn't do it on purpose Y/N!" She walked quickly behind him "You were the first boy who managed to get past my walls! I felt like a little teenager when ever you were around, I did more than care about you - I loved you!" Y/N smiled as he stopped and turned around.

"Key word 'Loved' I never stopped, I simply had distractions! Talk about love but that didn't stop you and Tai, leaving me in the dirt" Raven snapped.

Raven: "This isn't just about you though is it?!! I panicked, I left you standing there like an idiot and I can't apologise enough but Tai was the one who kissed me, a choice I had no choice in! I couldn't just leave him because I didn't want him to feel pain like you were, I didn't want to lose two people!"

"So you lost the one you loved. I would've understood y'know?"

Raven: "You're not the one whose had to lie to his face everyday, pray that the sex will be over quickly, daydream about old adventures with you, say yes to a marriage I WANT NO PART OFF!!"

Y/N stared at Raven as his eyes widened. She looked panicked as she looked around her, Y/N noticed the tears began to fall rapidly down her face as she stared at him.

He took a step forward trying to hold her hand but she took a step back, readying her weapon, she slashed behind her making a portal.

"Raven.." And just like that she was gone, leaving an awe-stricken Y/N wandering what the fuck just happened and asking himself why he felt bad.


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