Chapter Twenty-One: The Final Chapter of The Beginning

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Looking around, Y/N stood in the middle of a heated battle. Students of Beacon fought both his tribe and Grimm. The same scorpion faunus from before alongside Hazel, a dark-toned girl with green hair and a guy with grey hair and metallic legs.

Penelope: "WATCH OUT!" Y/N ducked as a red haired girl wearing spartan like armour was thrown over him.

Y/N scanned the area and found Ozpin standing there observing the battle with his cane in hand. He readied his weapon and rushed his so-called friend.

The fight was brute force vs calculation. Y/N would attack and would always be blocked but when Ozpin managed to land an attack, Y/N just wouldn't go down. It was a stalemate between the two very similar fighters.

Y/N and Ozpin were in a sword-lock as sparks flew off their weapon. A sudden arrow pierced through Ozpin's left leg staggering him, Y/N used this to cut off his right hand, then slashing his back before shooting his right leg.

Y/N took a step back from Ozpin who was now kneeling at his mercy. Cinder slowly took view at Y/N's side, she carefully readied her bow and shot behind Ozpin, hitting a blonde haired boy - causing panic from the girl that had been thrown earlier.

Cinder then looked at Y/N.

Cinder: "You were right father. Such arrogance" Y/N's world stood still as he looked around him.

Yang had punched straight through the green-haired girl's torso. Raven was struggling against Qrow. Ruby and Summer were rushing towards him. Penelope was single-handedly winning against Hazel and the scorpion faunus.

And just like that, everything changed. He found himself in Ozpin's position, Raven had been pierced through the heart, Penelope and Cinder were killed by Beacon students and Yang died protecting Y/N.

Y/N looked at Ozpin in the eyes as side of his face turned into a vision of Salem.

Ozpin/Salem: "You really think you can win?"

As he stared back at Ozpin, he watched as spirits of his fallen family appeared.

Family: "We do"

Y/N then grinned back at the Salem and Ozpin infused persona before shooting himself in the head.

Y/N woke up in his bed, sweating and panting heavily. He wiped his forehead and face before standing up and walking outside. He found Raven, Penelope, Yang and Cinder all outside running around and enjoying themselves.

Activating his semblance, he finally had someone he wanted to speak to.

"Am I doing the right thing?" He shouted into the abyss.

???: "What do you think?"

"They- They all abandoned me, I had to do what I needed to"

A girl appeared from millions of white molecules, she wore face paint and had many injuries sprawled across her body.

Gretchen: "This isn't just about revenge however? I see your thoughts, the dreams, the hopes - I admire them"

"What if I lose any of them? I wouldn't be able to cope"

Gretchen: "My brother was long corrupted before my death.. I lost him far before he lost me and it killed me, the question isn't 'what if' the question is 'how will I stop it'"

"How do I know?"

Gretchen: "Like what you did with me, the guilt and pain ate you alive but it brought me new life, your semblance preserved me, to save yourself - you saved me"

"It wasn't fair, what I had done to you. You should be allowed to rest"

Gretchen: "I do rest.. More than I should do, if i'm honest but I've seen what you're willing to do, the dreams I bring to you are to show you what could happen, as a warning. Now go Y/N, you have daughters to say 'see you later' to and you can't be late for that"

The pair smiled at each other at Gretchen touched his cheek.

"I'm at peace Gretchen"

Gretchen: "I know you are.." She said with a smile as his semblance began consuming the molecules that made her body.

"Thank you.. For everything"

His semblance deactivated as he returned to Remnant, his family hadn't moved but had only just noticed him standing there. They all walked towards him, smiling happily.

Cinder: "This is it papa, we're finally doing this"

Yang: "Yeah, we got this"

Father and daughters hugged with passionate emotion as Raven and Penelope joined them. They pulled away as Yang and Cinder prepares to leave with Raven and Penelope to the bullhead pick-up point.

As they entered their vehicle Cinder turned around and shouted back to her father.

Cinder: "His arrogance will blind him! Don't worry about us papa!"

Y/N flashed back to his dream before instantly returning to normal.

"Don't let it blind you either!"

Cinder looked back at him and clenched her fist with a strong smile.

Cinder: "I promise"

After that, the four girls left Y/N in the camp as he stood there watching on proudly. The end of the beginning had finally came and now it was the start of the end, peace will be achieved.


RWBY: Stand By Me, Always [1] (Raven x M!Reader x OC)Where stories live. Discover now