Chapter Fifteen: Flyaway Again

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Y/N and Raven proceeded to leave Beacon grounds with no intention of returning. He didn't know what he was doing but he felt betrayed, lost and confused - this was all his fault, Penelope had now left and Raven seemed to be the only person who wanted him around.

Summer had even found out about what he had done from Qrow and had called him as he was on a bullhead to Vale. She shouted down the scroll, yelling about how he could take a boys soul like that. No-one seemed to grasp the idea that he needed that information.

With everything going on, he still had to live with the guilty conscience that he had killed a girl - a prodigy of a legendary huntress in the making. He wanted to run, faster than he had ever ran before, even at his age, he felt like it was the only way forward.

Raven supported his decision and even encouraged it, claiming she had wanted to leave for many years and never fully put her trust into Ozpin. Right now they were headed to her house so she could pick up a few things before leaving, mainly she wanted her necklaces.

The same necklaces that Y/N had made and given her during their time at Beacon but he never noticed she still wore them due to himself forgetting he ever gave them to her. They wasted no time in their plan and headed straight to her house.

The two began approaching her home until the door swung open revealing a very angry Taiyang. Y/N was confused as he walked up to him and proceed to uppercut him. Y/N landed on the ground and Raven instantly sprang into action but he quickly pushed her away.

Tai: "You fuck! I found those pregnancy tests Raven, you disappear for one night and magically Summer hasn't seen Y/N and then you turn out pregnant" The scowl he wore didn't threaten Y/N as he stood back up.

"What are you going on about?" Y/N clicked his jaw.

Tai: "I know you slept together. She chose me over you, who will she choose over you?!"

He swung again for Y/N but he side-stepped and shoulder barged Tai. Tai instantly recovered and threw two punches which Y/N used one hand to block both strikes and swept Tai's feet from underneath him. He then looked at Raven.

"Get the stuff you need, I'll be out here" Raven only nodded and hesitated leaving the two.

Y/N looked back at Tai with complete anger and hatred before grabbing him by his throat and flipping him over himself and straight back into the ground that left a dent into the pavement.

Tai punched Y/N's leg then quickly positioned himself to knee him in the chin. As Y/N recoiled Tai kicked his chest before punching his face. Y/N stumbled onto the ground but lunges himself back onto his feet and straight back at Tai.

Punching his nose and cheek, Tai stumbled back as Y/N continued his combo which he couldn't interrupt. Y/N then tried to finish with a kick and to his surprise Tai caught his leg in his hand.

Y/M held a grin as he activated his semblance. Spinning around on his free foot, Y/N kicked Tai off of him - resulting in Tai flipping backwards. He got to his feet and looked around.

Tai: "You think this place scares me? Are you planning to kill me and take my memories too - such a man you are Y/N" Y/N growled animalistic as more anger brewed inside him.

"You already know what happens to live people in here don't you? Your aura fails as my soul begins to attack yours, your body becomes weaker, you fault to catch your breath as your body can't protect you from what my semblance is already doing" Tai gritted his teeth and sprinted towards Y/N against.

Y/N was right as his right hook did not even move Y/N's head. Y/N retaliated by punching his stomach then kneeing his face before grabbing the collar of his shirt and throwing him a great distance away as he quickly deactivated his semblance.

As they returned to Remnant, Tai crashed into the side of his house as they found Raven already outside and was shocked by the sudden display of violence. Y/N took a step forward as he put a hand to his weapon, which Raven quickly stopped.

She held her hand on top of his and shook her head which calmed him a little. He looked around him to see a crowd and within that crowd he noticed Penelope standing next to Hazel with tears in her eyes.

He took a step forward towards her but quickly stopped himself as she walked off. He turned back to Raven who enveloped him into a deep hug.

Raven: "Please can we just go? We don't belong here" She looked back into his eyes to see that they held no emotion, no happiness or joy, just - nothing.

He nodded and the two began walking away from the house and from Tai. Neither of the two said a word all the way up until they reached a forest.

"Where are we?"

Raven: "I said I know a place.. It's more like, the place I was born - a tribe.."

"What?! How could you not.." Y/N gripped his weapon once more as he remembered the events that had recently happened within the Emerald Forest.

Raven: "Its not like that.. They need a new leader and together we can usher in happiness and trust with loyalty - we don't have to be criminals like they're known for" Y/N listened to her words but didn't have a reply.

His mind wandered back to Penelope and how he, himself - wasn't much better than a criminal anyway. With nothing to return to with Summer's new dislike towards him, he simply nodded.

"Let's go home.."


RWBY: Stand By Me, Always [1] (Raven x M!Reader x OC)Where stories live. Discover now