Chapter Seven: A Trio Well-Dressed

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Two weeks had passed and the days couldn't have gone any slower for Y/N. At the moment Penelope and Y/N were inside of her apartment as they put the final touches onto their clothes.

Y/N wore a black blazer with red trimmings. A grey dinner shirt with a black tie. Penelope wore a black tight dress with black heels but she also had an insignia of a red rose printed on the dress under her breasts.

Penelope: "I'm rethinking this y'know. You might have to marry me after all - I really like the Rose insignia you have" Y/N walked behind her and began putting on her necklace of three pillars of glass.

"I'm not legally a Rose. There was never any document signings, or change of name deeds - Summer's mum found me on one of her mission after I may have tried to rob her" He finished attaching the necklace.

Penelope: "Well you're still one of the prettiest Roses i've ever seen but Summer is definitely gorgeous, I definitely would" Y/N tilted his head and Penelope laughed at him.

"That means exactly what I think it means, doesn't it?"

Penelope: "What can I say? I like my girls like I like my men.. Underneath me" She licked Y/N's left cheek before kissing it.

Y/N just froze "You can't do that after saying that about Sum" He began following Penelope towards the door before she stopped.

Penelope: "I need to use the bathroom, wait outside for me - I won't be long, promise" Y/N nodded but she had already left his side.

Penelope rushed into her bathroom and lifted the toilet seat before throwing up all into the toilet bowl. She looked to her right to the small clock on the counter as it read 9:58am.

She extended a hand behind it and grabbed a tiny tub full of pills that read 'Morning Sickness' she took one as she quickly prepared a glass of water before taking it.

She stood up straight and regained her composure. She had no intentions of marrying Y/N let alone falling in-love with him but she didn't make a rule about not having his baby.

She looked at herself in the mirror quickly before smiling. This was a dream come true for her, she had always wanted a child but she didn't like all the added side effects and the more to come further in.

Quickly composing herself, she rushed to reunite with Y/N outside as he waited with a rent car. It was a 04 Mustang and she approved of his choice.

He opened the passenger door for her before getting into the driver's seat "Now it's off to hell on Remnant" the two laughed together as they began their journey.

Penelope: "Do you even know where you're going?" She asked as Y/N took a sharp left.

"Nope. We have to pick up Sum, then from there she's going to show us where to go" Penelope nodded as she looked out the window to see a beautiful women with black hair with red tips wearing a black dress with her own Rose insignia covering her left breast and her shoulder.

Y/N honked the car which made Summer jump making the two in the car laugh. She did a small jog to the back door and hopped into the car.

"Hey Sum, you alright?"

Summer: "Yeah i'm great thank you. Whose this? You've done well Y/N" Penelope nervously laughed as she rubbed her neck.

Penelope: "I'm Penelope Fall, it's a great pleasure to finally meet you - Y/N has always talked about you"

Summer: "Really? Better have been all good things" She said while looking at Y/N, he nervously laughed back.

Penelope: "All good things. We aren't together anymore but we used to date for about 2 years - still great friends though" Y/N started driving as he gave Penelope an awkward side glance before focusing on the road.

Summer: "Well I already like you and you're absolutely stunning" She looked at Y/N and whispered loudly "She looks good with our insignia, maybe you should make it permanent"

Y/N shook his head and smiled "Of course you'd say that" They pulled up to a stop-light, with Summer directing him on what way to turn.

Penelope: "I've already mentioned my love of the Rose to him, up to him what he wants to do" Summer looked at her and had a huge smile.

Summer: "Well this might not be the only wedding, i'll be attending" She nudged Y/N very carefully just to make sure it didn't break his focus.

Y/N turned on the radio and tried to silence the girls as they talked with the occasional assistance from Summer with directions. Eventually they pulled into the church parking lot.

They all got out of the car and Y/N did a stretch before looking at Summer "Thought Raven didn't like all that church shit?"

Summer: "It was Tai's idea, something about keeping to tradition. Don't think she had much choice over much of this if i'm honest"

Penelope: "That sounds boring. I'd get married in an arena - it would offer a lot of choice for pranks on the guests" Summer laughed as Y/N shook his head.

The two girls interlocked their arms as they both walked behind Y/N. They entered the church to see many familiar faces from Beacon, mainly Taiyang's old friends.

Many were confused due to Y/N's appearance and some were checking out Penelope. They all went to their registered seats and made themselves comfortable.

"Designated seats and everything" Summer passed him a book as Penelope took a seat on the other side of him.

Summer: "Yeah, Rave made sure that you'd get your own spot next to me. That's the only thing Tai didn't have a say in"

Penelope held her own book and held it close to her stomach as she could feel it was unsettled. Not because of nerves or anything like that but she had forgotten her tablets at home.

All part of her plan.


RWBY: Stand By Me, Always [1] (Raven x M!Reader x OC)Where stories live. Discover now