Chapter Two: A Devil in Sheep's Clothing

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The bullhead Y/N had been riding in, landed in a small town in Mistral. Y/N thanked the pilot before leaving and quickly made his exit. This place was familiar to him - it felt like home.

Stopping off at his apartment, he changed into more casual clothing; black jeans, white t-shirt with a black jumper that had a small rose engraved into the soft fabric.

Leaving just as quickly as he had came in - he wasted no time in getting to the bar as it was already getting late. People said their greetings to their familiar hero as he walked.

Entering the bar, it was extremely lively - there was a sort-of nightclub section with a DJ and then the bar section just outside of it. Y/N ignored the nightclub and headed to the bar.

"Jimmy, how have you been my guy?" The bartender looked at him before breaking into a huge smile.

Jimmy: "Y/N fucking Rose, i'm surprised you ain't dead yet, you crazy bastard" The two fist bumped and laughed.

"You know me Jim, I can do more than just 7 missions back to back"

Jimmy: "Well I can safely say you didn't miss much, few bar fights we could have put bets on but y'know how Lavender is, boring most of the time"

"Home sweet Lavender town, never changes - that's what I like about it" Jimmy walked over to the drink stands and brought out straight 40% Vodka and handed it to Y/N.

Jimmy: "It's on the house. Pretty sure that pocket flask of yours is empty" Y/N took out his flask and shook it, showing Jimmy was right.

"Have I ever told you, you're like a brother to me?" Jimmy just laughed and shook his head.

Jimmy: "A lot of nice girls have been coming in over the two weeks you've been practically gone. As it's your first night back - why not have some fun?"

"You know what.. Not a bad idea" Y/N had already laid eyes on a women with charcoal hair with amber eyes. The two made eye contact with which she showed him a quick wink.

This wasn't something he'd normally do but with Raven's name swirling in the back of his mind, what better way to forget than to replace with a different name.

Y/N poured the Vodka into his flask and passed Jimmy the empty bottle before nodding at him and walking away. Taking a quick trip outside for a cigarette.

As he stood under the stars, the door to the bar opened, revealing the same girl from earlier with a smile on her face approaching him. She walked confidently.

???: "Wouldn't suppose you have a spare cig, for me would you?" Y/N took his box and opened it towards her.

"Really any need for the whole innocent act?" He half grinned at her and she simply laughed.

???: "Fine, fine. Thank you anyway. Soo did you enjoy staring at me?" Y/N arched an eyebrow.

"I wasn't staring, simply admiring the view" She cocked her head to side and winked.

???: "That's not very gentlemen-like now is it?" Y/N laughed.

"I suppose not" The girl huffed before extending her free hand.

???: "My name is Penelope Fall, I like the rose by the way" She said as she motioned towards the rose on his jumper.

"Y/N Rose L/N, pleasure to meet ya" They shook hands.

Penelope: "Oh so you're the infamous 'Starlight Rose'? How intriguing" She winked once more.

"What kind of fucking name is that? Man, I need to find a way to get rid of that nickname" Penelope couldn't hold in her laughter as she burst into a fit.

Penelope: "You're full of surprises" She managed to see in between her laughter.

"How about another surprise for you?" Penelope didn't answer but showed she was listening "Let's skip all of this awkward flirting and small talks, with your weird habit to wink after most sentences you say, and just head back to my place?"

Penelope had a look of relief on her face which Y/N took as a good sign. They both threw their cigarettes into a nearby manhole with Penelope taking a step closer.

Penelope: "I think - even if my winks are actually super sexy, that your idea is not half bad" The two shared a deep kiss.

"Don't even think about winking" He said as she took the lead to the nearest Taxi.

Penelope: "I always thought I was pretty good at it" She explained as she kept continuously winking causing Y/N to laugh.

The night of drinking continued for the two and as things intensified, it looked as though neither of the two would be getting any type of sleep of that night.

Penelope was underneath Y/N as he kissed her neck which resulted in her digging her nails into his back as she moaned to the sweet feeling. Y/N stopped as his scroll rang.

Expecting to simply see Summer's name, the feeling of shock nearly overwhelmed him when he saw Raven's name. Penelope noticed him staring at his scroll.

Penelope: "What is it?.." Y/N shook his head and looked back at her with a grin.

"Was just thinking about how wonderful your body will look once I get that dress off" Penelope pulled Y/N closer.

Penelope: "What's taking you so long about that anyway?" She licked his neck.

Y/N woke up the next morning with Penelope gone and a note that read;

      Hey, sorry for not staying around but I did leave you breakfast in the oven :) I really enjoyed last night (If you couldn't tell) and I hope to see you again.

     Penelope Xx

Y/N ruffled his hair and stroked his face. He didn't know why but this morning he felt an extra bit more shitty than how he normally felt. There wasn't an explanation to it.

He scrunched up the paper and threw it in the bin before heading to the kitchen. Penelope had made him pancakes with syrup and left them in the oven to keep them warm.

As he ate, he fiddled with his scroll continuously as if he was fighting an inner battle far beneath the surface of his skin. He called a number.

"Hey Sum.." He heard loud tears down the other end of the line.

Summer: "I've missed you Y/N.."


RWBY: Stand By Me, Always [1] (Raven x M!Reader x OC)Where stories live. Discover now