Chapter Six: Wedding Crashers

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Y/N was making his way back to Summer's house - his emotions flourished throughout him as he tried to make sense of what had just happened back at Beacon.

His feet slumped against the stone-slabs making up the pavement. Eventually he neared the house and sighed to himself as he approached the front door.

Using a spare key Summer had given him before he left for Beacon, he entered the house to find Summer sitting on the sofa. He fake coughed to get her attention.

Summer: "Y/N! You're.." He walked past her and headed straight into the kitchen before returning with a drink.

"How long have Raven and Tai been engaged? Don't lie to me either Summer" She was shocked by his sudden burst of anger.

Summer: "It wasn't my place to tell you, I just wanted my brother back.." Y/N instantly feels his body calm down as he quickly moved towards his sister, enveloping her into a big hug.

"I didn't even think how hard that would be for you - seeing as you see them just about everyday.. I'm sorry Sum" She met his gaze and smiled softly.

Summer: "It's nothing.. I should've probably have warned you. You are invited y'know? You can bring a plus one, it's in two weeks - the wedding that is" He stood there confused until a smile came on his face.

"Yeah, why not ay? Personal emotions aside" He thought back to Raven's words about not wanting to be marrying Tai "I gotta be the bigger man"

Summer: "Yeah, it's hard for us - we always were to similar for siblings that weren't blood related" Y/N laughed as he approached the kitchen again before turning around and extending his arms in a mockery pose.

"What can I say? I always will have the best big sister in all of Remnant, i'll always be by your side from now on Sum - promise"

Y/N and Summer both punched the air while laughing "One is the Rose, the other is the thorn" they both said to each other before finishing with "They just don't know who's who"

They finished with a fist bump as Summer returned to the sofa and Y/N returned to the kitchen preparing a small lunch-time snack for the pair.

It was now decently late and Y/N had just finishing dressing in more casual clothing compared to his huntsmen gear. A black and red two-piece suit.

He quickly informed Summer of him leaving before scuttling out the door and walking with a quick pace towards Vale's town centre. It didn't take him long either.

He entered a restaurant and approached the main desk "Hey, my name's Y/N L/N, i'm here for a booking on table 37" The guy flipped through a notebook.

Receptionist: "Is this the table for two at 10:50pm?" Y/N nodded.

"Yeah that would be the one" Y/N checked his watch to see the time was 10:35pm.

The guy at the desk, began leading Y/N to a table that was by a window. He thanked the guy and took a seat, before fidgeting with his scroll due to boredom.

He waited not very patiently at his table as a waiter asked if he was ready to order, he declined and said he was waiting on someone - having thoughts they weren't going to show.

Y/N eventually snapped and pulled out his scroll and began watching playful kitten videos "Fucking love you adorable bastards" after the second video he was brought out of his secret pleasure by the sound of high heels.

Looking up, he saw Penelope prancing around as if she could barely walk and it was quite evident that she had also been running which made Y/N smirk.

Penelope: "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it off - I practically sprinted in heels to get here so consider yourself lucky" Y/N raised his hands as she took her seat.

"I already do. Glad you made it though" They smiled at each other as Penelope reached for a menu.

Penelope: "So how comes we're here, doing this? I hope this isn't a date - not to keen on that whole dating ideology yet" Y/N chuckled.

"No, I just need a favour from you.. Aaand its a pretty big one" Penelope looked up from her menu and raised an eyebrow "Okay.. Okay - there's this wedding coming up for an old teammate of mine and I was hoping you'd be my plus one"

Penelope: "I'm pretty sure I just made it clear about the whole dating thing" Y/N stayed silent as she could barely contain laughter "I'm fucking with you Y/N! Geez, I mean yeah sure i'll be the plus one to the girl who you like's wedding"

"Wa— How did— Nevermind.."

Penelope: "Y/N.. We had a one night stand, you don't simply ask a one night stand to then accompany you to a wedding and besides, everyone knows about you and Raven, everyone shipped the two of you during tournaments"

Y/N just looked down at his hands and began twiddling with his fingers. Penelope slowly reached out and put her hands over his before the two made eye contact.

Penelope: "I shouldn't have mentioned that.. Look I'll come with you, i'll even throw some cringe and 'true-love' in there if I have to but just don't try and get all worked up over it okay?"

"Yeah, of course - cheers Penelope, it means a lot, even if the reasonings are not the most well y'know good" Penelope laughed as she continued reading the menu before speaking again.

Penelope: "How did you get my number anyway and be very careful with your answer" Y/N tensed and scratched the back of his neck as Penelope looked up at him once more.

"Sorta got another teammate to find that out for me"

Penelope: "Was it that Qrow Branwen one? That's pretty weird not gunna lie BUT as you're the best looking out of all of them, i'll let you off and also because you'll be paying"

"Yeah, I guess that's only fair" Penelope shined him an innocent smile and wink which he laughed at just as another waiter came to their table.


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