Chapter Eighteen: Forgive To Love

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As Y/N sprinted closer to his destination, the streets were completely empty as if everyone was hiding from something. He didn't notice this fact and instead brought out a red dust crystal from inside his clothing and released the clip from his gun.

He opened a smile compartment and slipped the crystal inside before closing and summoning his blade. His blade became heated to the point he could the warmth radiate harshly against his bare hands.

Looking back up to where he was running, he could see his destination which appeared to be the only house that was lit with lights and the front door was scattered into pieces on the street. He slowed down as he got closer to the door due to the voices.

???: "Where is the little one? Someone very important would like to meet her" He could hear Penelope whimper before he heard her voice.

Penelope: "Fuck off.." He heard a punch "That's the best you can do? I've stubbed my toe harder than that punch" He heard a crazy growl, similar to the one he heard in the memories.

He wasted no more time as he entered the building and sliced a White Fang member cleanly in half. There was another beside him which Y/N quickly flipped around and impaled their abdomen before cutting through it.

"Get. Away. From. Her." Y/N stated to the scorpion faunus in front of him. The man turned around and simply laughed at him.

Penelope states at Y/N with hope in her eyes. She quickly grabbed a shard of glass that was scattered on the floor, after she stabbed the shard deep into faunus' leg then punching the behind his knee cap.

Y/N quickly attacked with a combo of punches and slashes with his weapon that carved deep gashes onto the man's stomach and upper body. The faunus tried to retaliate but realised he wants going to win, quickly scampering our the back door.

Y/N was going to follow before Penelope stopped him and quickly stood up as she engulfed him into a big hug.

Penelope: "I knew you would come" She spoke into the crevice of his neck. Y/N didn't reply as he held her close.

The soft cries of a child came from underneath the staircase and Penelope wasted no time in opening the secret door and helping a little one year old girl that looked just like her mother out.

Mini-Penelope wrapped her arms around her mother.

"You must be Cinder" Y/N smiled as he approached the two, Cinder looked at him with a smile which confused him.

Cinder: "Dadda?" She cooed before Penelope motioned to a picture frame on the counter, Y/N took the frame and inspected the image.

It was a picture of Y/N and Penelope the day of Raven's wedding which Summer forced onto them. The two smiled deeply in the picture but only had he realised the loving look in her eyes as she gazed at Y/N.

He looked back at Cinder with a soft smile "Hello little-one" Cinder left her mother's arms and walked to Y/N.

Cinder: "Dadda" She spoke with more confidence in her tone this time as she wrapped her arms around him.

Penelope: "I tend to speak about you a lot. She's smart and seemed to have pieced together the pictures I showed her and you"

"I thought you hated me.." Y/N's words held so much regret. Penelope walked over to the two and hugged them both.

Penelope: "I forgave you so long ago.." Y/N smiled and deepened the hug.

Y/N pulled away and looked at the two girls "I'm sorry for having to do this, but you're both going to have to come with me, it's not safe here" Y/N cut off some of his hoodie's cloth and gave it to Penelope "Cover her eyes"

Penelope nodded and complied, wrapping the material gently around Cinder's eyes which she giggled about. The three of them left the scene to find the streets empty, only now had Y/N realised how quiet everything truly was.

They walked away and eventually Cinder's light snoring broke the silence. Penelope laughed to herself as she moved a piece of hair out of Cinder's face,

Penelope: "Where are we going anyway? andd how did you find me?" Y/N looked at his hands before putting them into his pockets.

"You're coming to live in Raven's and mine camp, her orders - about finding you, thank Raven for that too"

Penelope: "I never would've guessed Raven out of all people would be saving my life and our child. How comes she's willing to let us stay?"

"Something about, not minding sharing me but she was extremely adamant about me saving you"

Penelope: "I'll be sure to show her my gratitude.. Wait.. Share? - oh my, i've dreamt of this moment"

Y/N raised an eyebrow at her statement but she only smiled while shrugging. She spoke about how it was just a friendly fantasy but Y/! was just happy that the two were connecting as if nothing had happened

While carrying a sleeping Cinder, the pair enjoyed the solitude as Y/N informed her they were approaching their destination. Penelope took in her surroundings as they approached, only to see smiles on everyone.

Raven exited her tent with a small blonde child in her eyes, it didn't take long for Penelope to recognise the facial features of the baby were recognisable from Y/N himself.

Raven: "I'm so glad you're safe.. I know we never really tried to get along but I know you mean a lot to Y/N" Penelope gave Cinder to Y/N which Cinder happily cuddled into her father.

Penelope: "Because of you Cinder and I are safe, you even reunited us. I never had anything against you" The two women hugged each other. Raven began whispering in her ear.

Raven: "We can share him but any sexual stuff, both of us have to be there" Penelope pulled away with a seductive grin.

Penelope: "Wouldn't have it any other way" She said out-loud which confused Y/N.

"What?".." He asked but the girls only smiled at him as Raven motioned everyone to follow her as Yang began slowly waking up.


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