Chapter Nine: Pregnancy Plans Supplied By Penelope

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Y/N and Penelope were back at her apartment. She was spread out on the sofa, in her oversized Call of Duty 4 t-shirt that managed to cover her underwear.

Y/N walked into the room with plates that had takeaway pizza. He slid a plate towards her while taking a seat on another single sofa.

"Did you really have to announce it at Raven's wedding though" She turned her head but kept her eyes on the TV as she took a big bite out of a pizza slice.

Penelope: "Did you know that jealousy is the one emotion that will cause a person to admit their deepest feelings? I practically just made Raven realise she loves you, I did you a favour"

Y/N looked at her and raised an eyebrow "And you're just completely okay with that?" She simply shrugged.

Penelope: "I trust you enough that you'll be there for our child, so yep, completely okay with that"

Y/N was confused to say the least and Penelope noticed this and just winked at him as she finished her second slice.

"Was not expecting this, especially in such a short amount of time" He heard her laugh.

Penelope: "I know right! I used to practically drool over your photos back during your tournament days, do you know how many times I got called Yandere, due to my crush on you? Now i'm sitting here, pregnant with your baby and i'm not even in-love with you. This to me is all a big 'FUCK YOU' to Tracie saying I'd never meet you"

Y/N practically broke out into laughter, causing him to fall off the sofa in hysterics. Penelope just stared at him as he continued his laughing-fit.

Penelope: "What the actual fuck kind of laugh is that? You sound like a dying beowolf" Y/N tried to compose himself as he wiped a tear from his ear before his scroll dinged.

He chuckled lowly to himself as he picked it up to see messages from Qrow.

Qrow: "You're needed. There's a mission in Vacuo tomorrow morning at 7am. You'll be with Raven on this one, don't be late"

"Alright. See you then" He placed his scroll back on the table as Penelope finished her pizza.

Penelope: "16inch pizza my ass, i'm having a slice of yours" She reached over and took two slices before sitting back and devouring them "What was that about?"

"Got a mission tomorrow morning, it's with Raven - have to go to Vacuo" She smirked at him.

Penelope: "Alright be smart here. Depending on how long the bullhead ride is, you could have TWO pregnant women in your life" Y/N's eyes widened.

"She's married!"

Penelope: "If you're still not gonna pursue her then what the fuck was the point of my pregnancy reveal at the wedding? If you were dating Raven, i'd at least ask for a threesome" She stated calmly as she stretched due to fatigue.

"I take you'll be heading to bed then?" She nodded with a smile.

Penelope: "Yeah, do you wanna cuddle your pregnant one night stand before your mission?" Y/N nodded and began following her as she walked to the bedroom "Also if you die on any mission, I will find your body and bring you back to life, then get you to tell me your credit card information - then kill you again"

Y/N just stared at her as she turned around to look at him. She smiled innocently and kissed his cheek, before flopping onto the bed and patting the empty space next to her - already preparing herself to be the little spoon.

He woke up naturally and looked out the window to see a tiny bit of sun creeping through the clouds. He stretched before making his away into the kitchen and looked at the clock.

"6:20.. Fucksake" He muttered to himself as he went into the front room to collect his gear and clothing.

He had managed to leave at 6:30 and headed straight Beacon. Luckily there was a bullhead already there, waiting to leave - making his life easier.

As he now waited in the elevator he checked his scroll to read '7:20' he chuckled to himself realising Qrow is not going to be happy with him. When the doors opened he was right - Qrow stared at him.

Qrow: "Thought I said don't be late?" Y/N shrugged his shoulders.

"I woke up twenty minutes late, calm down feathers" Qrow scoffed at the nickname Y/N regularly called him but still first bumped him.

Raven gave him a look but didn't smile, she instead gave him a sort of evil look before abruptly turning back to Ozpin.

Ozpin: "Its good you could join either way Y/N. This mission is a regular one but there appears to be more dangerous grimm all in one location"

"What's the cause? The larger ones tend to be more spread out and in certain cases - rare"

Raven: "It's a settlement deep within the forest. Anything is possible, it doesn't matter - we will complete this mission like any other" It wasn't clear if she was talking to Ozpin or Y/N.

Ozpin; "I have arranged your transport there and back. They will be on standby until your mission is complete" Y/N nodded.

"Consider it done. When do we leave?" Raven stood up and walked to the elevator before turning around.

Raven: "Now. We go now" Y/N sighed and walked to the revelatory joining Raven.

As the pair descended Qrow sat down in front of Ozpin as they went over different grimm sightings.

Ozpin: "Are you sure, those two will not cause any pointless fighting?" Qrow shook his head.

Qrow: "Its Raven i'm more worried about. She's done this to herself but now that Y/N's back she's even more uncertain and with Y/N having a child, she's jealous more than anything"

Ozpin: "They are supposed to be professional huntsmen.. And grown adults"

Qrow: "The power of love for ya Oz. Aslong as they don't kill each other, we have got nothing to worry about. Anyway where am I headed?"

Ozpin: "Mt. Glenn - it's abandoned but we cannot rule out any hiding spaces" Qrow nodded and stood at the window before turning into his bird form.


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