Chapter Three: Rose Garden

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A few sniffles were heard as Summer tried to compose herself. Y/N didn't know what to say, he didn't even know why he had called - he was scared.

Summer: "How— How have you.. B-Been?" Y/N sighed.

"I'm sorry Summer, I really am.. I don't know what came over me"

Summer: "You left Y/N, you left me, Qrow, Tai.. You left Raven - you were selfish" Summer's voice held more anger now, a very sudden change Y/N was expecting.

"I had to figure things out Sum.. I tried to stay but seeing Raven and Tai everyday, it was killing me" Summer began crying again.

Summer: "It killed me too! I didn't even have my brother there, Qrow tried his best but he's not you.."

"Sum.. I'm coming home.. Back to you— At least for a little while. I need a break from all these missions"

Summer: "Really?.. I can't wait to see you again!! I'll get everyone round and we can have a family reunion" Y/N snapped by accident.

"NO!!.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap but no. Only you and I will know - for a little while, I need to be prepared to see those two again.. Qrow's on a mission, I already know that from.. Err a few villages said someone of his description passed through"

Summer: "Yeah, he's been gone for a while. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" Y/N chuckled as he felt his heart started to warmth at hearing his sister's voice.

"I'll be getting a bullhead today. See you soon Sum.. I love you"

Summer: "As I love you little bro" Y/N scoffed which Summer laughed at. He hung and slammed his scroll into the table.

"What the fuck have I done" He mentally cried as he held back his own tears and held tightly onto his own hair.

He didn't pack anything before heading to the bullhead pickup point, in truth he didn't plan on staying long. He wanted to but he couldn't find it in him to face Raven again.

The ride was tedious and boring - he had texted Summer letting her know he would be arriving shortly and he could feel her happiness just from the multiple texts she had sent back.

As he took his first steps back in Vale, he immediately heard a recognisable voice shout to him. He turned to his left to see his sister using her semblance heading straight towards him.

She jumped onto him and that brought them both to the ground as she burrowed herself into his chest and began crying while lightly punching his chest.

Summer: "I'm so glad you're here!" Y/N stood back up with Summer still clung to him.

"Am I the younger sibling or are you?" She looked back at him with a frown and let go of him before her face turned back into a smile.

Summer: "I called you at least once everyday for seven years.. I'm aloud to be this happy, thank you very much. You have a lot of making up to do as well" Y/N hugged her.

"That's understandable.. I'm back now Sum, let's go; show me how being a huntress has treated you" Summer nodded and started walking while making sure Y/N was by her side.

They made small talk about irrelevant stuff as they walked. More to do with what's been happening around Vale. Summer was barely containing her happiness.

Summer opened the door to her small but cosy home. She pulled a pose in the living room looking as if she was showing off, Y/N arched an eyebrow at her antics.

Summer: "So Y/N Rose, welcome to my humble abode" Y/N broke out into laughter.

"You finally! found out how to use that word in the correct context"

Summer: "Okay listen Mr - you're extremely lucky, that i'm just happy to have you back BUT if you wanna insult me like that, then you will be sleeping on the floor, like I will actually take the sofa away"

"Okay, okay - i'm sorry. I'll cook dinner to make it up to you" He had his arms raised in a surrender pose while Summer had a pleased look on her face.

Summer: "Since when did you start cooking? Couldn't rely on you making toast let alone a meal" Y/N feigned a broken heart, placing his hands on his heart.

"How hurtful, how could you?" Summer grinned evilly.

Summer: "I'm mischievous.." He simply looked at her blankly and shook his head.

"Okay Sum - stealing my sayings, I see how it is" She just shrugged and shooed him to the kitchen.

As Summer returned to the living room, she looked at her scroll to see a text from Raven.

Raven: "Tai asked me about starting a family today.. I'm not sure - I still think about Y/N from time to time. I actually tried to call him yesterday.. I need help Sum"

Summer looked toward the kitchen to hear music then back towards her scroll "Rave, we've talked about this. You had your chance with him, I want him back too but we just have to move on until he decides to return home"

Raven: "I always imagined Y/N and I starting a family though.. It's been so long and I still think about that day"

Summer sighed as she looked at her scroll "It wasn't your fault, we were younger back then - you were scared, you had waited for that moment for so long and you panicked"

She didn't get a reply even after fifteen minutes - her eyes didn't leave her scroll until Y/N came back into the room with a big bowl of macaroni cheese with bacon bits.

"This shit right here" He kissed the tip of his fingers "Better than sex" He put the bowl onto the table that was in front of the sofa and placed two plates at either side.

Summer punched his shoulder playfully and placed her scroll onto the arm rest before grabbing the plate that had her food on it, then she remembered something very important.

Summer: "What's for dessert?" Y/N had another smile on his face.

"Well I had to think long and hard but I did decide on.." Summer had hopeful eyes "Cookies"

Summer: "Yes!!" She punched the sky.

The two siblings watched TV as they ate. Having a catch-up on Y/N's adventures and some of the crazy missions he had partook in which blew Summer's mind until she realised he was over-exaggerating.


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