There is a team of superheros, The Elites, who have elemental powers, protecting New York City. When the team meets The Red Eye Brothers, things change rapidly. Friends go missing, friends get injured, and some may build new reltionships.
My alarm clock woke me up early the next morning. I HATE getting up. Even if it's to eat breakfast. I could sleep the day away easily.
The aroma of pancakes wafted into my room. Alex is usually the one who makes breakfast. After a few accidents and then almost burning down the house, I was forbidden from the kitchen. I thought what I made was good, but apparently not.
I sat up in bed, tempted by the pancakes. I slammed my hand down on that God-awful alarm clock that just had to wake me up in the mornings. Yawning, I looked around my room.
I had the largest room in the Elites apartment. And naturally, it was the messiest. I never was one for cleaning up. Only when Stella forces it on me, do I clean.
I had enough room for a king sized bed, with red and black polka dot sheets. My black couch was flanked by two red chairs and two bean bags, both black. My modern, black coffee table was covered in fabric scraps and my sewing and embroidery machine. I had a fluffy gray carpet with black hardwood underneath. I also had enough room for a tiny chandelier. Facing the windows, I had a black desk with a black chair. On it was my sketch notebook, filled with clothes designs. I definitely loved modern design and I tried to make that show through in my outfits. I never got the chance to read too many books, but if I did they were on fashion. And mostly pictures. I never learned to read. My walk in closet with the black door was filled to the brim with clothes and dresses. When Alex and I go shopping, I usually pick out prom dresses that people would DIE for. I never got to wear them though. And it looks like I never will. I've never been to high school. My mom had to take me out of school, she said it was too much money. Basically anything that fits us we buy. You'd be surprised the weird looks we get from people.
Needless to say I never learned that much. Which is partly why I don't read many books.
My room was painted a dark maroon, with one wall an ombre from grey to black. Above my head were my white fairy lights and hung up on the wall were photographs I took. Oh, and a light-up M sign. I had a huge chandelier too. Beside my closet door was the door to my so-called "Rage Room". It was actually where I practiced, but when I was mad I would always go in there and try to burn myself to ashes.
It never works.
"Okay, that's it. I need food," I said to myself. And with that, I hauled myself out of bed and walked into the kitchen. To my surprise, everyone was already in the kitchen, dressed in their combat clothes.
"Becca, eat breakfast quickly. There has been a sighting of the Red Eye Brothers," Raiyn explained to me.
"Why didn't anyone wake me up?" I demanded.
"We felt like you needed your 'beauty' sleep," Raiyn remarked.
"But that's no reason to leave me behind," I snapped,"I think you all would-"
"That's enough girls. We need to get going or we'll leave you both behind," Amber shouted.
"Fine," Raiyn and I both said in unison.
I made the decision to skip breakfast and just go change into my combat clothes. Food was useless anyway and it's not like I ever ate a lot of something. When I ran out of my room, two minutes later, they were waiting for me.
"Go to exit Q!" Lyra-Rose said. And with that, we took off towards the Red Eye Brothers. We kept sprinting until we saw them.
"I see them!" Stella cried.
"Lyra-Rose, you come with me. Raiyn and Stella you go left. Alex and Elise you go right. And Becca, looks like you're on your own," Amber said.
"C'mon girls, let's go!" Alex yelled.
As the girls ran in their separate directions, I just stood there.
Sometimes, they really didn't understand me. I always felt so alone.
Finally, I ran forward, when all of a sudden, I was tripped. I stood up and turned around. I saw nobody.
Then I felt it. Like a punch to the stomach. Actually, it was a punch to the stomach. And it was painful. And then I felt another. And another. I was panting so hard I could barely suck in enough air.
You know, everyone else built up their tolerance levels. You know, they could swallow a whole vial of poison and they'd be fine. Or they could take 10 uppercuts to the jaw and come out with just a few scratches. Well, me being lazy, I never did that. So here I am, getting beaten by air.
I could hear the girls shouting in the distance to each other. They were helping to catch the bad guys, and I was not.
I'm useless. Just like my old best friend from when I was in school used to tell me.
"Ow!" I screamed. I snapped out of my thoughts. The force, whatever it was, had me pinned up against the brick wall and was punching me everywhere. I was probably going to die and everyone would forget I even existed.
That's when it came to me.
The Red Eye Brothers had superpowers of their own. None of us knew what they were, but one of them must have the power of invisibility.
And I have the power of fire.
"I could burn this fella to ashes," I thought.
I wretched my hand from his grip and blasted fire right at where I thought his head would be.
I missed by only a few inches. I continued to blast the invisible figure with fire until I could see the burn marks on his skin. After that, I started hand to hand combat. One roadhouse kick here, an uppercut to the jaw there, the simple stuff. I kept fighting until I heard the scream for help.
It was Amber.
When I paused to turn around, I saw her being dragged off by the Red Eye's leader.
However, that pause cost me.
I was promptly thrown onto the ground and pinned there. I could feel the weight on top of me, cutting off my air flow. He was invisible though, so I could feel his presence, but not see him. I could feel my mind slipping into unconsciousness when a sharp whistle blew through the air. With that, my attacker left me there and I slipped into a dark state of mind, where the last thing I saw was Amber being carried off by the boys.
And there was nothing. Nothing I could do.
Rebecca's Bedroom:
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