Chapter 3

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Raiyn's Point-of-View

We all sat down around the coffee table. Lyra-Rose began.

"This is the third murder in a row that the person was stabbed. We have to find the people behind this."

"They will pay!" Alex said.

"The entire city is looking to us," Lyra-Rose began again," we need to solve this."

"But how?" I asked.

"Divide and conquer I guess," Becca said.

"Yes! Some of us take half of the city and the others take the other half of the city," Stella said.

"Can we deal with this tomorrow?" I asked.

"Tomorrow then?" Elise asked.

"Yeah. Tomorrow we meet up and try to work this out," Amber said.

"We didn't even need coffee this time!" I laughed.

"Can I go now? Stranger Things is coming on and I want to go see the season finale," Amber asked.

"Yes. Meeting adjourned," Alex said. We all dispersed and went our separate ways.

I went back to my room.

My bedroom was fairly large. My royal blue walls were always welcoming. I had enough room for a walk in closet, which was very, very empty. I always put in my combat clothes, my favorite outfit, and a dress for the galas the government hosts. I never really liked shopping. I had enough room for a contemporary white desk and my white chair. To the right of the desk I had one white fluffy chair and two surrounding fluffy, white bean-bag chairs. My bed was queen sized with blue ombré sheets. There were no windows in my room, so I hung up my gadgets all around them. On my desk were my phone, iPad, mini iPad, and Apple Computer. I loved technology.

As I went to go sit down on my bed, I saw a note there.

"My room. After meeting. -Ax," it said.

"What could Alexandra possibly want with me?" I wondered.

As I left my room, I could hear Amber blasting the television volume and Lyra-Rose yelling that she needed peace and quiet to finish trying to grow flowers in her hydroponics table.

I truly loved these girls. They were my sisters, after all. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't find them all those years ago. I can tell you I would have had a lot more bruises on my body.

"Alex," I whispered, knocking on her door," it's Raiyn."

She opened the door a crack, grabbed my arm, and yanked me inside.

Once inside her room, I took a seat on her bed. She was very eclectic. Her walls were each a different color; pink, light blue, white, and purple. The white wall was entirely filled with books. Her desk and chair were pushed up against the white wall, so she could easily access her books. When I wanted a book, I would usually take them from the other girls. It's not like they noticed or anything. On her desk were her instruments, makeup, mirror, and what looked like the remainder of a macaroon. She was really talented with the instruments. Her music stand had papers falling off of it. The song that I could see displayed was "Mamma Mia!". Behind it was what looked like a song that she was writing. She was really good at writing songs too. Alex could play basically any instrument you gave her. Did I mention she was also amazing at singing?

Alex had a huge closet. She was very organized, and she LOVED shopping. Becca too. They would go out usually once a week for new clothes. And with the unlimited credit card the government gave us, they had so much fun. Her queen sized bed was pushed up against her small, circular, stained glass window. Man, did Alexandra love her patterns.

And that was it.

It was a lot, like a LOT. But it was home. Alex's room always reminded me of home. And I think she noticed me staring because she asked, "You like?"

"Of course!" I responded.

"Raiyn, is something wrong? You seem a little off lately," Alex asked me.

"No I'm fine. It's just...," I paused, "so many murders. The government is counting on us to solve this case."

Alexandra sat down on the bed and put her arm around me.

"I'm sure we will. I know it. But that's why I called you here," she said.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

She pulled a few things out of her pocket.

"I found these at the scene of the crime. I need you to look at them and organize these the way you have the rest of the items I've given you," She said.

Alexandra pulled out two things from her pocket. One was a fabric scrap and the other was a golden nose ring.

"Huh," I said.

"Yeah. Not exactly the most helpful things in the world," she said.

I grabbed the items from her hand.

"I'll do my best to analyze them," I said.

"Thank you. Just remember, the public is counting on us to fix this mess," Alex said.

I left the room, pretending that she hadn't just left a huge burden on my shoulders. As I walked back into my room, I walked into the closet.

Inside, I threw the empty moving boxes out of my way and made my way to The Button.

The Button hides a secret wall, and it has enough room for my evidence.

"Agua," I said as I pushed it. I had learned Spanish in school, and was quite good at it. Frankly, I'm surprised that the other girls haven't started to question where I am all the time. I'm usually trying to make sense of everything I've collected.

So here's what happens. Alexandra pays me to take the things she collects. She doesn't question what I do with it. So, I take it in here, and looked for every fingerprint, every smudge, or every skin flake. I put them in baggies and pin them to the wall. I pin everything from security camera photos to a fingernail. And so far, everything she has collected points right at our suspects.

The Red Eye Brothers.

The Red Eye Brothers are a team of seven men who make trouble for us Elites. And before you ask, yes, they each have one red eye. They have their own super powers, if you will, too, which makes it even harder for us to catch them in the act.

So far, all of the evidence points towards them. And I am determined to catch them, even if it means staying up all night. With the projector humming and my iPad in hand, I always feel in control.

As long as I catch them, it will be alright.

Who cares if you miss some sleep? I've always been a night owl anyway.  

Raiyn's Bedroom:

Raiyn's Bedroom:

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Alex's Bedroom:

Desk is white and contemporary

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Desk is white and contemporary

Desk is white and contemporary

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