Chapter 14

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Rebecca's Point-of-View

I don't know what was going through Hunter's mind, but he seemed fairly impressed with the way I looked. His mouth was still agape from when he walked in. But I'm not really good at reading minds. Especially a boy's mind.

He walked up to me shyly. "Hey, I decided we could take the subway. Are you ready?"

"Yes," I responded. I was a little stunned by his ease with me. It seemed like he had talked to a lot of girls before me.

We walked out the front door of his base and started towards the subway. Luckily, there was nobody around.

From the second I walked out the door, I knew we were being followed.

"So, how many dates have you been on?" He asked me.

I looked him dead in the eye. "None," I responded.

"How many boyfriends have you had?" He asked me.

Once again, I looked him in the eye and said," None."

"You don't seem like the kinda girl who hasn't had a boyfriend before," Hunter told me.

"And you don't seem like the kind to insult a girl," I replied.

"Well then," he said.

It was silent until we were about 10 feet from the subway station.

"Hold on a minute," I said. I pulled out my makeup mirror from my purse.

"Why do girls always have to fix their makeup?" Hunter complained.

I hit him in the stomach. He didn't know what I was really doing. If Raiyn hadn't insisted we bring the clothes with cameras in them, I don't know what I'd be doing. A button on my jacket was a camera with sound and a button on my purse was a camera too. My makeup mirror also had a camera, so I could record what I saw. I had a lipstick laser and the heels on my boots could be broken off and thrown like arrows.

I saw him just barely in the side of my mirror.

"Hunter, grab my hand and pretend to kiss me," I said.

He folded my hand in his and pulled me very close. In my opinion, it was awkward.

"Put your left hand on my face," I said. He did as he was told.

"Okay, there is someone-" I started.

And then he kissed me. I didn't think you were supposed to kiss someone on your first date. Not like I would know.

When he pulled away, I almost slapped him.

"Okay then, what was that?" I demanded.

"That was me kissing you. Like you wanted me to," he said.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay you idiot. There is someone following us. Act normal, get on the subway."

I practically pulled him all the way to the subway. We each pulled out our cards and walked through the gate towards the subway. I stopped again to check if the man was behind us or not.

He was.

"Come on," I told Hunter and I pulled him towards a random subway The subway was leaving in thirty seconds. We sprinted towards it and got on just in time. We were alone in the subway car.

"We're alive!" He almost shouted.

"We made it!" I said.

We hugged for a few brief seconds.

"Hey, why have you been-" he stopped.

The doors to our subway car were being pried open with a crowbar. And the one handling it, was our shady stalker.

Then the subway started moving.

The man held on and continued to pry the doors open.

"What stop do we get off?" I asked Hunter frantically.

He looked at the map on the side of the subway car.

"We got on the wrong one!" He said.

I swore.

Just then, the doors were busted open.

The man hustled himself inside, closed the doors, and sat down in a seat. He stared at us both. We stared at him. Finally, he made a move.

He pulled his gun out of his holster and started rapid fire shooting at us. I shoved Hunter to the ground and shot large fireballs at the man.

That didn't seem to stop him.

I then made a small volcano that shot lava out, and I controlled it so that it blew towards the man.

Once again, he was unfazed.

I stopped for one moment before taking a deep breath in.

That was all Hunter needed.

He barreled towards the man and with his super strength he knocked the man unconscious.

"What do we do with the body?" I asked Hunter.

"Under that seat. We are nearing our stop, so hurry!" He said.

I lifted up the man and shoved him under the nearest seat to us. As soon as I had done that, the doors opened and Hunter and I sprinted out. We weren't watching where we were going until we stopped in a dark alleyway.

"I didn't know you could do that," he said.

"I can do much more," I said.

"I was going to ask earlier, but why have you been holding onto my hand this entire time?" He asked.

I looked down. My hand was still intertwined with his.

"I don't know...I think...I think I'm falling in love with you...okay?!?!" I screamed.

Hunter seemed pretty satisfied with that answer.

Just then we dumpster behind us shook.

We both turned around abruptly and stared at the dumpster.

He moved closer to me. "What was that?" He asked me.

"I dunno," I said.

"Are you two kiddies lost?" Someone from behind us said. We spun around and looked at the man behind us.

"Nope, we were just looking for a good restaurant. Do you have any good recommendations?" Hunter nervously asked.

I should have slapped Hunter.

Instead, I blasted the man with a large fireball.

He fell over dead in a split second.

"So, you killer, you gonna get us next?" We spun around again to find six men waiting for us with baseball bats.

"Or us?" Another one said.

We spun around again to find about twelve men waiting for us.

"Run," I whispered.

We slowly backed out of the small circle and starting sprinting towards my base.

"Get them!" I heard.

I stopped and looked behind me to see a mob of angry men chasing us. I kept running as fast as I could, but it's not very easy to run in heels. I bent down to rip the heels off of my shoes and throw them, but I found that they were stuck.

The men were gaining on us.

"Becca, RUN!" Hunter shouted.

I kept running, although I knew I was slowing down.

The roads in the area we were in were really cracked and messed up, almost like an earthquake come and gone. I kept running, but I knew I couldn't go on like this for much longer.

"Keep going, Becca," I whispered to myself. Hunter was still running ahead of me, showing no signs at all of stopping.

Then I tripped.

There was a large crack in the road that I didn't see and I tripped.

Right in the middle of a mob chase.

I tried to get back up again, but my right ankle could barely withstand the weight. I tried to run, but my entire right leg was engulfed in pain.

"RUN!" I screamed at Hunter.

And he did.

But he looked back and saw me getting dragged to the dumpster, barely conscious.

But I'll never forget the look on his face.

He was horrified.

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