Chapter 26

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Amber's Point-of-View

"It's been twenty five minutes! Where the heck are they?" Hunter said impatiently.

I looked at Alex and from the grim look on her face, our friends were as good as dead.

"Shouldn't we wait just a little longer?" Parker asked.

"No! We need to go now! Our friends could be in serious danger," Hunter argued.

"Guys, guys. Settle down," Rowan said," I'm sure they're on their way back now."

Another minute of silence confirmed my worst thoughts.

"I'm not waiting around anymore. Let's go, Alex," I said. Alexandra grabbed my hand and we sprinted down the left corridor.

"Wait for us!" Rowan said.

The five of us continued down the hallway at a fast pace until we reached an office door. Alexandra peeked through the window.

"She's in there!" Alex exclaimed excitedly.

"Really?" Hunter asked. He looked through the window.

We all took turns. When it was my turn, I saw Rebecca duct-taped to a chair, struggling for help.

"How do we get in?" Rowan asked.

"Well, we carefully pick the lock, there's probably an alarm inside and-"

Hunter whipped the door open with his brute force. The alarm went off. It was loud enough that a deaf man could hear it.

"Hunter! Did you not just hear my speech about how to carefully break into a room!" Parker yelled.

Hunter sprinted across the room and reached for Becca. I ran after him, with Alexandra, Parker, and Rowan behind me.

I reached forward to untie Rebecca. But my hand just went through her.

"Huh," Alex said from behind me.

Hunter waved his hand through her body.

"A hologram," Parker said.

I swore under my breath.

"Let's get out of here!" Rowan yelled. We were about halfway to the door when several guards with automatic shooting weapons charged in.

I waved my hands and all around us, thick smoke appeared.

That didn't stop the guards though. They shot blindly. Rowan used his telekinesis skills and moved the bullets away from us. However, we all had a few stuck in our arms. Alex and I had it the worst since we were standing in front. We each had at least five in our arms and three in our legs.

"STOP!!!" A woman yelled.

All of a sudden, the smoke cleared and the guards stood back. There was a woman standing in front of us.

"Please, let's stop the fighting and introduce ourselves. My name is Lily. You may remember me from the restaurant, Alexandra and Parker," the woman said.

Alex and Parker exchanged a horrified glance.

"Yes, I'm the one who set fire to your favorite restaurant," the woman said,"and ruined everyone else's dates! Want to know how?"

"Actually yes, but do you have any food? I'm really tired from all of the fighting," Hunter said.

I reached over and slapped him. "She's a gang leader, dummy!"

"Actually, that's correct. The biggest in the United States, actually," Lily said," Let me take you for a quick tour."

We followed Lily as she explained the history of the gang and how it was all handed down to her.

"So anyway, we were slowly but surely injected liquids into random people's bodies from New York City. However, some of our idiot workers," she paused here to glare at a guard," did not take the people's memory away. Thus, they remembered and told, or tried to, tell the police about us. However, whenever they tried, we tracked them down, and stabbed them to death."

We walked to another room. There were people, in cages, acting like animals.

"These are random people that we have taken. We have the best scientists. Creating animal serums, which slowly transform people into animals," Lily said.

We kept walking until we came to a particularly large cage.

"And this, my friends, is your friend, Rebecca," Lily said.

We looked in the cage. Becca had fangs, huge claws, and a particularly large jaw.

"Hey, her jaw is smaller than before!" Parker joked.

It did not lighten the mood.

Some worker walked up to her cage and stuck some food in a bowl into her cage.

Becca gobbled it down faster than I've ever seen her stomach anything.

"She eats better than she used to!" Rowan joked.

One again, it didn't help.

"And now, for our last and final stop on the tour, your room," Lily said. She walked into a huge room. With seven large tables and six chairs. A few were already filled. Strapped to the tables were Stella, Raiyn, Elise, and Lyra-Rose. Their mouths were taped shut, as well as the boys. Duct taped to the chairs were Hayden, Liam, Cameron, and Micah. Upon seeing us, they all made noise.

"Thank you again for coming on the tour. I hope you'll enjoy your new home, Elites and Red Eye Brothers. It's not like you'll ever be able to escape," Lily cackled.

Two guards came over and put their guns to our heads. They guided us over to the tables and strapped us in. They hooked up an IV to my arm. But instead of pumping blood in me, it was taking it out.

"What's happening girls, is the blood being taken out of you. You see, I have dreams of becoming a superhero myself, and with me having all of your powers, I'll be the most powerful person who ever lived! As for sending that message in the fireplace, the jacket that you gave me, Alex, had your address in it. Such a pity," Lily said.

"But what about your suffering family!" Parker asked right before his mouth was taped shut.

Right on cue, our taxi driver to the murder scene we were on a few days ago, and the man who smoked a cigarette outside walked inside. The taxi driver looked to be about 18, while the cigarette smoker was about 40.

"Have fun everyone! Oh, and remember, your 'friend' will be here too! Goodbye!" Lily cackled.

The guards left us in the room.

To die.

We were going to die without food or water, but probably, not before our bodies quit pumping blood.

And to make matters worse, a rogue monster Becca was set free in the room, to terrorize us all.

Goodbye world.

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