Chapter 15

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Elise's Point-of-View

My dreams were filled with dark, black curtains and dark black walls. I never really had dreams. This was the first time in a long time.

I breathed in and out as I woke up. I blissfully opened my eyes. Sunlight glistened through the window. As I looked up at the ceiling, I saw...

Wait a minute.

I sat up in bed and looked around. This definitely wasn't my room. It was someone's though...

"Morning sunshine," a voice said. I whipped my head around to see Micah, holding my hand, half asleep in the chair next to the bed. He kissed my hand briefly.

A realization the events in the past twenty four hours washed over me.

And you know what I did?

I screamed.

Really. Freaking. Loud.

"My god, I'm a CHRISTIAN! What the heck was I doing last night!?!?" I screamed.

"Elise," Micah's voice whispered," calm down."

I took a deep breath. If the events I thought went on last night actually happened...

I checked under the covers.

"Phew," I sighed.

" you remember anything from last night?" Micah asked me.

"Barely," I said.

He put his hand on mine. "I respect you too much, Elise, to do that to you."

"Thank you," I said. And I sincerely meant it.

"You had some pretty serious injuries last night, but it seems you've bounced back," Micah said.

"Yeah, I have healing powers," I responded.

"I just wanted to say, thank you, for saving my life last night," he said.

"You're welcome," I smiled,"That's what I'm here for."

There was a moment of silence. Something felt off.

"Micah, where are the others?" I asked.

"I think they're still sleeping," he said.

I listened again. Too quiet.

"Something's wrong," I said.

Micah listened too.

"I'll go check the rooms. You can stay there is you want and stretch," he said. And with that, he left me alone.

I slid out of bed and inspected my outfit. It was practically torn to shreds. I was combing my hair out with my hands until Micah arrived back.

"They're gone," he said.

"Why don't we go to my base? There should be some people there," I said.

"Do you want a change of clothes?" He asked.

"Just a sweatshirt please. And a hat," I said. He walked into his closet and tossed me both. I threw them both on.

"Let's take the sewer entrance. It's the easiest way," I said.

"Let's go then," he said.

And with that, he took my hand and we started running towards my base.

I panted while trying to open the entrance to the base. It was old and rusted over, so it needed a bit of a kick to get moving.

"Stand back," I told Micah.

I blew rocks towards the rusty grate and waited for it to open. After five rocks, it popped itself open.

I grabbed Micah's hand and ran inside.

"Guys? Guys!" I shouted. There was movement from the living room. Someone popped out of what looked like a tent.

"Elise! You're back!" Stella screamed at me. We ran at each other for a hug.

"You're alive!" Lyra-Rose cheered.

When I released from all of the group hugs, I walked over and hugged Micah. He seemed surprised, but nevertheless, he hugged me back.

"Looks like someone has chosen her boyfriend over us," Raiyn whispered.

"Where were you guys?" Stella demanded.

"It's a long story," I said.

"Well, we are still waiting on Rebecca and Hunter, so please, come inside the tent and tell us," Lyra-Rose said.

They all seemed pretty interested over the fact that I was the one to save Micah.

"So anyway, we ran over here, because we figured you all would be here," I finished.

"Woah," Hayden said.

"Quite the story," Cameron said.

"Just one question: how did you cause an earthqua-" Parker stopped.

We all heard another door open.

We all froze in the tent.

"Micah? Cameron?" The voice said.

Becca and Hunter were home safe!

I ran outside the tent so excitedly that for a moment I confused the look of sadness on Hunter's face for happiness.

Everyone else followed me out of the tent.

"Where's Becca?" I asked.

Hunter shed a small tear. "She's...she's gone."

In three seconds, I had him pinned against the wall.

"Where is my best friend!?!" I demanded," and WHY IS SHE DEAD!?!"

"Dude, stop attacking me!" Hunter yelled.

"Number one, I'm not a dude! And number two, you were supposed to come home safely with my best friend. Now where is she?!?" I demanded.

"I DON'T KNOW!" he screamed back at me.

I shoved my arm up against his throat. I watched his body twitch back and forth.

Thank god Micah thought to pull me away before I actually killed the guy.

"Dang, these girls are serious when it comes to their guys," Liam said.

It did NOT lighten the mood.

"This mob of guys were chasing us, and she got captured. I don't know what they could want with her," he said.

"Guys," Stella started," it seems that this was all planned. Somebody knew what we were doing last night."

"And when Alex knocked over that flame, it sounds like the floor already had a layer of gasoline on it," Raiyn said.

"This mass murderer is smarter than we thought," Cameron said.

"And now they've got Rebecca," Hunter practically wailed.

"Elise, go heal Alexandra and Rowan. We need to start looking for evidence of where we can find the murderer's base," Parker said.

"Anyone want more coffee?" Amber asked.

Sure as heck we were gonna need it.

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