Chapter 9

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Amber's Point-of-View

I woke up extra early the next day. I needed to workout and clean my room and the rest of the house. I knew I would get practically no help from anyone.

I sat up and bed and looked around. My bedroom was all black, even the ceiling. Everyone else thought it was dingy and dark, but I loved it. I didn't have any windows in my room, so I tried my best to fill the walls with something. On one wall was a silver outline of a skull. On another wall, there were all of my training tools. I had so many practice dummies and boxing gloves it was unreal. I am skilled in every type of physical combat and I am proud of it. MMA, Tae Kyon Do, you name it, I've perfected it.

I'm also highly skilled in dancing, but don't tell the girls that, or they'll make me give them lessons. They're terrible dancers. Especially Becca.

My dark gray trundle bed with the black silky sheets lay against another wall. My bedside table was right next to it. Above my bed I had my favorite picture of The Elites and I framed. It was all of us, in our combat clothes, with us using our powers. It was my favorite, and therefore I kept it, even though it added color to the room. My room was very traditional, nothing too special.

And, believe it or not, I had one wall that was entirely made up of doors. One door lead outside to the main base, one door lead to my practice room, and one door lead to my closet.

My closet was also black. It was mostly dim, due to my hatred for light. So picking out an outfit wasn't always easy. My full length mirror let me take a small look into what I would be wearing for the day.

Groaning, I lifted myself out of bed and started to pick up the clothes on the floor. My room was relatively clean so it didn't take very long. Our house had a very industrial design, considering that was the only style we could agree on. Once I headed outside my room though, I knew we were in trouble. Everyone was arguing about who had to clean the toilets.

"I think Rebecca should do it! She isn't even up yet!" Stella voted.

"Yeah! And her room isn't clean either!" Lyra-Rose said.

"All those in favor say 'I'," Raiyn said.

Everyone said "I".

"Guys we don't need to be that clean. Let's do this: everyone clean up their room. Then, we each take two other rooms of the house," I suggested.

"Great idea, Amber!" Elise exclaimed.

"I'll take the kitchen and game room. Amber, you take the den and the dining room. Lyra-Rose, you take the hall and the library. Stella, you take the laundry room and bathrooms. Raiyn, you take the indoor pool and outdoor garden deck. Elise, you take the family room and the bar. We'll let Rebecca clean the bedrooms," Alex said.

"Let's get to it girls!" I said.

In practically no time at all, we had finished our cleaning.

"They're here!" Becca announced. She opened up the secret entrance to our house. As the boys walked in, they seemed amazing. Mostly by how clean we managed to keep it.

"Nice place you got here, uh, Amber," Liam said.

"Thank you. The girls and I thought that we should start you guys off with a tour of the place since you'll be here more often. Alexandra will take you," I said.

As soon as Alex left, I asked the others,"You think they'll like it?"

"Oh course," Lyra-Rose responded.

The girls and I drank coffee and waited for the boys and Alex to come back around. We needed to discuss our plan of attack. But without knowing who was behind this crime, it was pointless.

When the boys arrived back with Alexandra, they seemed a little in awe. I had to admit, the place looked immaculate.

"Alright, everyone! Time to discuss our plan of action!" I started.

Rowan began. "Well, we came up with a plan. It involves laser beams, Nerf Guns, and dynamite. So basically what happens-"

"We use the laser beams as a distraction. People think they will set off an alarm, but really they won't. You girls will just sit there and look pretty, while we do the heavy lifting," Hunter finished.

"Hunter, that's wrong. The pretty girl over there with the blonde hair works the lasers," Cameron said. Stella blushed.

Rowan tried again. "No guys, this wasn't the plan. The plan really was that-"

"We all die. Turn ourselves in. Death is our only means of escape," Hayden said.

Lyra-Rose saw what was going on and she made a move.

"How about this? Whoever has this fork," she paused as she pulled out a fork from our utensil drawer,"can talk. Everyone else must stay quiet."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Raiyn took the fork first.

"I think that we should all have a part in this plan. We all deserve to be involved. Agreed?" She asked. Everyone nodded.

Becca motioned for the fork to be passed to her.

"I think that we should not be working with the idiots, who think it's easy to fight crime everyday," she raised her voice,"while the rest of you boys lay around at your fancy house!"

And Rebecca did the unthinkable.

She threw the fork.

I watched in slow motion as the fork flew towards Micah's head. It just barely missed, but not without cutting Hunter's wrist first. He was stretching because he was so tired from the late night last night. It wasn't wise to stretch in this house, especially when someone was mad. That always gave them a target.

The fork landed in the wall behind Micah's head. He turned around with a horrified look on his face.

"And that," Becca said," is for hurting my best friend yesterday!"

Elise facepalmed.

"You gotta admit, the girl's got some good aim," Hunter mumbled under his breath.

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