There is a team of superheros, The Elites, who have elemental powers, protecting New York City. When the team meets The Red Eye Brothers, things change rapidly. Friends go missing, friends get injured, and some may build new reltionships.
"What should we do now?" I asked. It was currently ten o'clock in the morning. We had stayed up all night long.
"PILLOW FIGHT!" Stella screamed. She grabbed the nearest pillow to her and smacked a sleeping Alexandra. She was always the first to fall asleep. Alex woke with a start, but once she realized what was happening, she grabbed the nearest pillow to her and starting smacking Stella. By then, everyone else had joined in.
"Ahhhh!" Lyra-Rose screamed. I watched as she got smacked and landed on her bed.
"Guys, wait! We should plan for tonight when we invade the base!" I suggested.
"Good idea, Elise! Now Amber, we need that map so we can plan our entrance," Raiyn said.
Amber pulled out the map she had roughly sketched.
"So this is their entrance. We need to get in, find evidence to give to the police, and get out before they notice us," I said as she studied the map.
"Let's change into our combat clothes now and we can work out our movements for the rest of the day," Lyra-Rose suggested.
"Do we get to sleep too?" Becca asked.
"Yeah. And eat. We need some time for that too," Alexandra giggled.
And with that, we dispersed. I walked back to my room to get my clothes. Once I got in the room, I shut the door and went for my closet. My combat clothes were scattered on the floor from our lost battle yesterday. I threw them on and cleaned up the rest of my closet. I placed all of my books alphabetically and hung up my clothes.
I had a really rustic style. As I walked out of my closet, I looked around my room. It was a pale green, except for the focal wall, that was brown. I had a white loft bed, with stairs leading up to it. The titles of books were written on the stairs so I only allowed the girls to go up as far as they'd read and that wasn't very far. I liked to read adult books, due to their length and level of comprehension. When Becca comes into my room for sleepovers, she just climbs the side of the bed. She had never read much as a kid, and it wasn't like she made too much time for it now. Instead, she filled her time with photographs and her sewing machine. She made some truly amazing pieces though. I wear my ball gowns every time the government has a gala, and I don't do dresses. Anyway, underneath my bed was my bookshelf. The overflow is in the closet. There aren't any windows in my room, except for the ceiling. The ceiling was made entirely from windows. I had wood flooring with a cushy white rug. In the corner opposite my bed, I had my reading nook. That consisted of a weathered, white table and a white chair. Currently on the table was my notebook of poems, stories, dreams, plans, and ideas. I love writing. I even had one of my favorite quotes written on the wall above my reading nook. "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest times, if one remembers to turn on the lights." Also in my room were a full body mirror and my wall of guns and knives. One can never have too many of those.
I'm just a simple girl who wants simple things in life.
I walked over to my loft and climbed the stairs. Once I was sitting in my bed, I dug my hand under the covers and pulled out my picture frame. It was of me and my boyfriend. We had been going strong for about 6 months.
Of course the girls didn't know. And of course I didn't tell him I was a superhero who had the power to control the element of Earth. That would be weird.
I just lied and said I was a normal girl who went to school. Completely normal. We met at this cafe on the corner every Friday night. Personally, I'm surprised the girls haven't caught onto me yet.
Inside the picture frame was a selfie I took of us. I wrote our names on the picture just so I wouldn't forget.
Like I ever could.
His name was Micah. And to me, he was perfect. He was exactly like me. In every single way.
I was so lost in thought that I almost didn't hear Rebecca's call.
"Elise! Time to go plot!" She yelled.
"Coming!" I yelled back. And with that, I tucked the picture frame under my pillow and left. It took us the entire day to come up with a plan. And after we did, we rehearsed it so it would be perfect.
I had no idea how wrong I would be.
"Don't let the grate slam shut too loudly! We could be discovered!" Amber whisper-yelled.
"Gently now," Alex patiently whispered.
Raiyn carefully slid it shut. We were currently in the sewers, and very close to The Red Eye Brother's base. We could hear the obnoxiously loud music and voices.
"These idiots should be more careful that they don't get discovered," I whispered.
"Be quiet, Elise," Stella said.
"We cannot let a stray gunshot give us away," Becca whispered. I almost laughed.
Lyra-Rose found the end of the tunnel first. She started working on getting into the men's base. Finally, we could escape all the sewage and-
"What's that sound?" Stella asked. A low gurgling sound erupted from above us. We all looked up just in time to see..
Raw sewage came down on our heads. The pure, putrid smell of it was strong enough to stop a truck.
"Let me see, Lyra-Rose," Raiyn said. She didn't really seem to care that human waste had just been poured on her.
Becca, on the other hand, was not so pleased. I watched as she paced around the narrow tunnel, mumbling to herself. She was claustrophobic too, so that played a part in her panic.
"Got it," Raiyn said.
I watched as the device Raiyn had placed on the door unlocked it. We all walked through cautiously into the bright hallway. It looked like the entrance was hidden behind a large painting.
"Remember the plan, girls," Amber said.
And with that, we went our separate ways. I tiptoed towards the living room to look for evidence. I walked down a quiet, secluded hallway until I reached the living room. And it was huge. Talk about a bro-cave.
I snooped around for evidence for a while. A coke can here, a half eaten sandwich there. I had just started looking at an interesting book when I heard footsteps.
"Hide!" I whispered to myself.
I ran behind the leather chair and prayed that whoever it was wouldn't see me.
I heard heavy footsteps and low grumbling.
"Sounds sleepy," I thought.
The man sat down on the couch. I checked my watch. We were supposed to leave in 5 minutes! There was no way I could escape this now! I couldn't use my walkie-talkie because it would make too much noise. I couldn't call anyone. There was nothing I could do!
I began to contemplate my chances of survival when I heard a object being thrown. The man got up from the couch and walked out of the room. I used this time to run towards the exit. But as I did, the man walked back in. I dashed as quickly as I could back behind the armchair, still hoping I was invisible to him.
I pulled out my phone and sent a brief text to Stella. She would be able to get me out of this situation.
All I could do now was wait.
The television blared on as loud as ever. How could time be going so slowly?
I thought I was going to be stuck here forever until I saw Stella's face around the corner. I can't even begin to tell you how overjoyed I was to see her.
Stella put a finger to her lips and held her hand out. I watched as all of the light drained from the room I was in. After counting to ten, I ran, in the darkness, towards the exit. When I finally made it out, Stella grabbed my hand and yanked me towards the exit. The others were waiting outside it.
"Let's go!" Lyra-Rose whispered.
That's when we heard footsteps around the corner.
Amber held her hand out and turned us all into the figures shadow. Saved, once again.
After the figure we were attached to was in the kitchen, we made our desperate escape. We were so close to the painting when we heard footsteps again.
This time, we did not hesitate.
Stella fired her blinding ball of white light, Raiyn fired her jet stream of water, Lyra-Rose grew the vines out of the ground, I shot dirt from my hands, Alex sent a huge gust of wind, Amber shot a stream of smoke, and Rebecca shot lava out of her hands. We made such a ruckus that I'm sure we had awoken the dead. But instead of a person rounding the corner it was...
A dog.
Amber swore under her breath.
The Red Eye Brothers came from all different directions. We backed ourselves into a circle, ready to fire at any moment.
I can't imagine how they must have felt, seeing 7 girls in their house.
I can only assume they weren't overly happy.
Elise's Bedroom:
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