Chapter 28

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Lyra-Rose's Point-of-View

"I don't care what you all think, but I'm saving her!" Stella said.

"Fine! Be that way!" I yelled back.

"Guys! We keep arguing like this and we'll all get caught again!" Parker yelled.

"Try shooting your powers at her! She's an Elite, and she still has the scar to prove it!" Amber yelled.

She was right. Her scar was visible.

Stella shot a blinding white light out of one hand and lasers out of the other.

Rebecca seemed traumatized, being hit with the light.

Next was Elise. She shot stone, gems, dirt, clay, gravel, sand, and natural magnets with one hand, and with the other she caused a giant earthquake under Becca.

"Keep going!" Liam yelled.

Raiyn shot water out of one hand, and snow and ice out of the other. Amber shot a curling stream of the color black from one hand, and the other shot smog, smoke, shadows, and fog. Alexandra blew Becca away, literally, and shot a huge gust of wind at her.

I waited a minute to see the effect on Becca. She looked like she was in pure agony.

"Lyra-Rose, GO!" Cameron shouted at me.

I shot clouds, bees, bushes, flowers, and vines at her.

We all stayed like that, pushing ourselves to the max with our powers.

Becca writhed and wiggled and tried to get out of the grip of everyone, but we were too strong for her.

Then a ball of light devoured Becca.

We all stopped shooting her with our powers.

Micah was holding Elise's hand, Parker was hugging Alex, and Amber and Rowan stood side by side with worried facial expressions. Stella, Raiyn, and I stood off with one another and Hayden, Liam, and Cameron stood by one another. Hunter stood by himself.

We all held our breath as the ball of light faded.

And there lay regular Becca, not wolf Becca, curled up on the floor.

We all rushed towards her.

Hunter gently shook her. "Rebecca..............Rebecca," he whispered. "You can get up now."

We all watched as she opened her eyes, her real eyes, for what looked like the first time in forever.

"What the heck are you children doing in my..." she sat up and looked around,""

I let out the air I had been holding.

That's when I heard the alarm.

Hunter helped Becca to her feet.

"What's going on? Why am I here?" Becca demanded.

"Well explain later," I said," Guys, how are we getting out of here?!"

"Through the front doo-" Liam stopped,"Yeah that really isn't such a good idea."

"We can blast through the ceiling," Stella suggested.

"Good idea!" Hunter said.

"Wait! We have to kill them too!" I said.

"Let me handle this," Rebecca said.

We all watched as her breathing grew rapid. Her eyes went from a dark brown to a bright red.

"What the-" Hunter started.

"No time to explain!" Alexandra said.

"This happens a lot," I said.

Becca raised her hands and the entire building was set on fire. She set fire to the world, but she never let a flame touch us.

The room got intensely hot.

"Let's get outta here!" Elise said.

"Liam, fly us out of here!" Rowan said. We all held onto Liam as he powered us towards the ceiling. We shot through like a hot knife through butter.

"Fly us home Liam!" I yelled.

Man, Liam was fast when flying.

After only a few minutes, we got to our home safely. We landed on the rooftop.

"My god, WE DID IT!" Rowan yelled.

Amber screamed and hugged Rowan. He grabbed her hand and kissed her. Parker pulled Alexandra close to her and from what I could see, they were kissing. Micah and Elise were also kissing. I watched carefully as Hunter pulled Rebecca close to him and he put his hand on her face. He supported her weight and was practically holding her up because she had was still weak. She obviously had no idea how to react, since her first kiss had been so abrupt. He must have whispered something sweet to her, because then he carefully leaned down and put his lips on hers. Hunter seemed almost scared to be kissing her, the way he tenderly held onto her.

Oh, the joys of the single squad. I can't handle all of this cuteness!

Everyone celebrated for a few minutes on top of our base.

And then, we came to reality.

"Hey, how do we get down from here?" Parker asked.

The one part of our plan we actually didn't think about.

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