Truth or Dare

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Jisoo: Everyone! Let's play truth or dare!

Jennie: That's like a kid's game these days unnie.

Jisoo: Shush! It's not and Chaengie already agreed to this.

Chaeng: No I didn--

Jisoo: Alright let's start! Lisa-ah! Stop playing with Dalgom's tail!


In the middle of the game. .

Jisoo: Jennie-ah! Truth or Dare?

Jennie: Dare

Jisoo: I dare you to kiss Lisa for 5 seconds

Jennie: *blushes*

Lisa: *blushes* Isn't that too--

Jisoo: A dare is a dare. So do it. *grins widely*

Jennie: *sighs and faces Lisa beside her*

Lisa: *feeling nervous* Are you sure you wan--

Lisa: *eyes went wide as she felt a pair of lips against her*

Jennie: *pulls away and was a blushing mess*

Jisoo: See? That wasn't so bad after all.

Chaeng: So you planned this didn't you?

Jisoo: Yup! Now that the game is over, let's go Chaeng! Let's give these two a little privacy.

*Jisoo dragged Chaeyoung with her and gave the two a privacy*

Jennie: ....

Lisa: ....

Jennie: This is awkward

Lisa: I know right *let out a nervous laugh*

Jennie: Sooooo, wanna do it again? *grins*

Lisa: *grins widely* No mind if I do.

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