I Don't Wanna Love You Anymore (Part 2)

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Jennie's POV

"I don't wanna love you anymore."

As soon as Lisa said that, she immediately hanged up on me. My mind went blank after that, I couldn't think straight and I don't know if I should call her back or just ignore what she said. 

I sat still on the bed as I stared at my phone. I wanna talk to her again, I wanna know how she's feeling and how she's doing. I wanna let her know that I'm still here for her and I can't deny that there's still a part of me that yearns for her.

"Jen, babe, are you okay?" I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Jisoo.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." She lightly chuckled as she took a sit beside me. 

"It's nothing Jis, just had a bad dream I guess." I told her, reassuring her that I'm fine and there's really nothing to worry about me.

"You know you can tell me everything right? Like whatever's bothering you right now or if you have a problem." She held my hand and gave me a warm smile, something that she does that makes me fall for her even more, but not today.

"Jisoo, I know this sounds weird but, what did you felt on the day that I came back to you? And told you that I still love you?" She looked at me ang gave me another smile that indicates that she was happy that day. I know she was happy but I wanna know what she felt, even if she knew that I had Lisa that time.

"I felt like I was the happiest and luckiest person. That even though we were past lovers and you already had Lisa, you still chose to be with me and to love me."

"But I would be lying if I say that I don't feel bad about Lisa that time." Jisoo said. I felt like there was a lump stuck in my throat. Yes I felt guilty, but I didn't expect that I would carry this guilt even if months had already passed by since my break up with Lisa.

"I know I should be happy because you chose me, but I can't help myself to think about what we did to Lisa. I know she loves you Jennie, she loves you too much that she sacrificed her own happiness, just for you to be happy with me. But my question is...." She paused for a minute, and looked at me. 

"Are you really and genuinely happy with me?" I nodded immediately and said yes to her, because I know to myself that I am happy with her. Instead, she gave me a sad smile and shook her head. I'm confuse, I don't know if she got the answer that she wants from me or if she just don't believe me at all.

"Please stop lying Jennie, and more importantly, please stop lying to yourself." 

"I-I'm not lying Jisoo." 

"Yes you are, and I can see it from your eyes Jen. I know you're happy with me, but I also know that you'll be happier with Lisa. You keep on denying to yourself that you want me when in reality your heart wants Lisa."

At this point, I couldn't help myself and cried beside her. It's true tho, I want Lisa. I only want her. 

"Sshh it's okay Jennie. You don't have to say anything at all, I understand you." I cried harder as Jisoo hugged me and calmed me down. 

"I-I'm sorry J-Jisoo. I'm s-so sorry." She cupped my face and made me look at her. I know she's hurting but she's always been so good at hiding the pain that she's feeling. 

"Jennie, will you do me a favor and be with the one you truly love?" She asked me calmly.

"But Jis-

"It's fine Jennie. I love you and that's why I'm letting you go. Your home is Lisa, and now I want you to go home, where you'll feel safe and sound with the one you truly love."

She gave me a reassuring smile and that's my cue to leave. I gave her one last hug, thanked her  and immediately went out of her unit.

I quickly got in a cab and went to Lisa's address. "I'm coming home love, please wait for me." I told myself, hoping that it's not too late for me.

As soon as I arrived at her unit, I knocked loudly till the door swayed open and there she stood, looking shocked and confused at the same time as to what I'm doing here at this hour.

"Jennie? What are you-

I didn't let her finished as I threw myself in her arms and hugged her tightly. I cried and told her that I love her over and over again.

"Jennie, why are you doing this?" I looked up at her and she's already tearing up.

"I love you Lisa. It's always been you."

"But what about Jisoo? Did she-

"She knows Lisa. We talked and she wants me to go back to you." Confusion is still visible in her face, I don't know if she's going to believe me because I betrayed her, but I have to try. I want to try harder for us and fix whatever we once had.

"Please stop fooling me again Jennie, I know you're happy with her so why bother coming back?"

"I'm not fooling you or anyone Lisa. I love you, I still love you. I know I don't have the right to ask for a second chance but I want to fix us. I'm begging you Lis, please give me another chance." I begged her and cried again. She held my face and wiped my tears, telling me to stop crying. She smiled and said, "You're not too late my Nini, and I love you too." 

She leaned closer and kissed me. Something that I missed for too long, and with that, I already know that I am finally home.


Other side of the story

Jisoo's POV

I smiled to myself when Jennie left my unit. I used to be the person that she wants but now things have changed and I know that she already wants someone else. 

A tear fell from eye, it's been a while since the last time I cried but this time, I let myself cry. Pain isn't constant, this is just a temporary feeling and it will go away soon. 

I wiped my tears away, when I heard a knock on my door. Hoping it would be Jennie, but I know that's already impossible to happen. I opened the door and there stood Chaeyoung, smiling infront of me, fresh like a daisy.

"Chae? What are you doing here?"

"Hmm something tells me you're alone right now and I had a feeling that you have some type of problem and you needed someone to talk to." 

I smiled to myself. That's my Rosie. She knows me too well, like she have a radar on, telling her if I'm in a bad situation. I felt happy tonight despite what happened between me and Jennie, and I know it's because of Chaeyoung. 

It's true tho, what they always say, if there's a beginning, there is an ending and if there's an ending there will be a new beginning. 

Jennie was just a chapter in my book, we had a good run. She's my beginning of the story, and she's also the ending of my chapter. 

I just hoped that this time, Chaeyoung will be my new chapter, new beginning, and the ending of my story.


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