Too Late (Prank Pt. 2)

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Prank Pt. 2


Jennie's POV

It's been 2 years already since I last saw Lisa. I never heard any news about her from our friends since the day we broke up, since the day she left. I know to myself that it was my fault because I cheated on her and I thought after our break up, things will turn out great for me and Kai, but it was the exact opposite. As our relationship continues, we started to have misunderstandings like almost everyday. He became the possessive type of a person where he doesn't even want me to go out with my friends and it even came to the point that he's already hurting me, not just emotionally, but physically, that's why I made up my mind and broke up with him. It's a good thing though, that he didn't chase after me.

There are some days that I thought of Lisa. She will never do such thing like that and she will never hurt me. I admit I kinda miss her and I can't deny that I have feelings for her, still have. In fact, it grew deeper as time goes by and I have come up to a conclusion to find her. It made it easier for me to look for her as I heard that she already own a Photography Studio downtown. I didn't think twice to go to that place, but it seems like everytime I go there, the receptionist always told me that she's on a business trip or she had a meeting with clients and stuff. I am actually proud of her, I still remember the days where she always talk about her passion and wanted to start Photography as her business. I can say that, it's nice to see Lisa being successful.

As I was walking and deep in my thoughts, I didn't realized that I already bumped into someone, causing the paper bag she's holding fall onto the floor. I quickly help the person pick her things up and apologize.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"It's fine. No worries."

That voice.

It's familiar, way too familiar that I had to look up to see if it was really her, and I wasn't wrong. I was met by the same brown eyes that I've been looking for these past 2 years. The same eyes that I fell inlove to, the same eyes that looked at me like I was the only person on this planet. I was staring at her for god knows how long, until she snapped me back into reality by standing up and lending me her hand to help me get up.

"Lisa" I said her name, almost like a whisper but loud enough for her to hear me.

"Jennie, it's been a while." She smiled at me, a genuine one, like I didn't just hurt her years ago.

"H-How are you Lisa?" I stuttered, still lost in her gaze.

"I'm fine. Been doing great actually." She smiled wider, like she's reminiscing all the good things that happened to her.

"How about you? How are you Jennie? How are you and Kai?" I almost choked on my own saliva upon hearing her questions, I don't know if she's jealous or she's just simply asking me a simple question. God, get yourself together Jennie!!

"I'm fine too, and about me and Kai. We already broke up a year ago." I said, showing her my gummy smile.

"Oh sorry about that. You know, you'll find someone better than him for sure, maybe you two aren't destined to be together."

"But what if I don't want to find someone better? Cause I've been longing for someone since from the start?" I asked her while looking at her. All I want is you Lisa, I've been longing for you.

"Hmm, step up your game then. Why don't you try and make a move on this person you are talking about. Who knows? Maybe he or she likes you back." I step closer to her, earning a small distance between us.

"But what if it was you? It was you that I've been longing for?"

"Uhh Jennie about that I-

I didn't let her finish what she's about to say as I pulled her into a tight hug and buried my face on her chest. I miss her. I miss her so much.

"I'm sorry Lisa. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry I cheated on you and make you believe that I'm not the one for you. I'm really really sorry. Please, let's start over again. I'll make it up to you. I still love you Lisa, I love you so much." I told her while crying. I don't care if people are already looking at us right now as they walked past us, what I only care about is Lisa. I hope she would give me a chance, I hope she still loves me till now.

She patted my back while trying to calm me down, as she did so, she pulled away from our hug and look at me. She gave me a smile, not genuine as before, rather a weak one.

"Listen Jennie, I appreciate your confession and I accept your apology. It doesn't matter to me about what had happened in the past, what only matters is our happiness. Yours and mine."

"Please Lisa, I want you back." I said, almost begging as she let out a long sigh and hold me by my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Jennie. But we can't go back to the way we used to be."

"But w-why? It's still me right? Tell me Lisa, it's still me ever since from the beginning?" I asked almost crying again, I can't take this. I can't lose her again.

"I hate to disappoint you Jen, but I already moved on. If it's still you, I would've given you a chance and you won't be crying right now. I hate seeing you cry Jen, I hate seeing you hurt because of me. But it's different now, we already crossed different paths, if it's still you I would've say I love you back immediately." She said trying to make me understand our situation.

"What are you trying to i-imply?"

Yet again, she smiled weakly at me and the next thing she said broke my heart into pieces.

" I have a fiancé, Jen. I already love someone else."

I wanted to cry even more. I wanted to scream at her. I wanted to ask her why and I wanted to ask why she hadn't waited for me. I was left speechless. She was about to say another word when someone from behind calls her name.


Not a little longer, a girl approached us and hugged her. It must be her. I was just staring at them exchanging kisses, I miss you's and I love you's to each other, which would have been us by now if I hadn't done such a stupid thing to her in the past. I was carried away by my thoughts when Lisa called my name to get my attention.

"Jennie, I want you to meet Joohyun. My fiancé."

Of course.

Bae Joohyun.

That one girl who was head over heels for her back in college.

"It's nice to meet you Jennie." Joohyun said while offering her hand and I gladly took it.

"Nice to meet you too, Joohyun."

"Oh before I forgot, since Lisa mentioned that you're one of her best friends. I want to give this to you, I hope you can come on our special day." She handed me a cream envelop. I already know what it is, and much to my dismay, it's their wedding invitation. I looked at them and saw how Lisa is giving me a weak smile.

"I will come for sure. I wouldn't wanna miss my best friend's wedding."

"That's great! You hear that babe? She is coming."

"Yeah. It is great. Hope to see you there Jennie."

"I'm happy for both of you. I should be going now, it's getting late and I need to go home. It's nice meeting you again Joohyun and I'm happy for you Lisa." I gave them one last smile and I immediately turn my back from them, heading to my apartment. Soon enough I arrived at my unit and that's when I break down.

It hurts.

Shit hurts and it's too late.

I'm too late.

Now I know how Lisa felt when she knew that the person she loves the most, is already inlove and happy with someone else.

"I love you Lisa. I will always love you."


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