I love you (Part 2)

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July 6, 2015

It's been almost a year now since I met Jennie. Ever since our talk last year, I decided to approach her more often. Yes we're friends, but now we became more like best friends, since we always hang out and spend time with each other. A lot of people are mistaken by thinking that we're a couple, even though we're not, but to be honest, I like her. You read it right, I really really like her and it started last year when she lectured me about decisions and stuffs.

I never confess my feelings for Jennie, I know I'm a coward, but I don't wanna rush things. I want to make her feel what I feel for her before confessing, and I promise myself that I will confess at the right place and at the right time.


Speaking of the angel, there she is running towards me since her class just ended.

"Hey Jen!" I greeted her and she gave me a smile in return. God I will never get tired of that smile.

"Let's go? You still need to treat me ice cream remember?" She said while crossing her arms and pout. I want to kiss her lips, but like what I've said earlier, It's not the right time yet.

"Of course I remember, so don't worry cause I won't ditch you." I said and ruffled her hair.

After a 15 minute walk, we arrived at the ice cream shop and I bought two chocolate ice cream for the both of us. She's been wanting to eat ice cream since morning, and who am I to refuse right?

"This is the best ice cream I've ever tasted and it's totally delicious." She said while savoring her ice cream. Not to mention that we're on our way home now, since she already got what she craved for.

"But it's more delicious since it's free." She added and wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"I can't say no to you, so you should be thankful." She slightly punched me on my right arm and laughed.

"Whatever Lili! But yeah, thanks for the treat." She chuckled and continue eating her ice cream.

We walk on the street while the moonlight is guiding us. The silence engulfed us and we enjoyed each other's company. Not a little longer we arrived at her house and she decided to break the silence.

"Thanks for the treat Lili, and I had fun hanging out with you." She said and hugged me. I was a little startled by her sudden action but I also hugged her back, feeling her warmth.

"See you tomorrow? You'll fetch me again right?" That's right, ever since we became friends and close to each other, I always fetch her every morning and take her home after class.

"Of course I'll fetch you. Didn't I told you before that we'll be going to school together everyday?"

"Yeah I know. I have to go inside now. Goodnight Lili!" I thought she will only walk away from me and enter her house, but I became shock when I felt her lips collided with my cheeks.

I know it's just a kiss on the cheeks but I can feel myself blushing really hard this time. I also saw a tint of pink color on her cheeks, and I didn't get a chance to bid my goodbye cause she already run off.

I'm still standing on the same spot where she left me, and still repeating the same scenario that just happened a while ago. I can feel myself smiling from ear to ear as I walked away and took out my phone and texted her.

To Jennie:

Goodnight Nini.


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